[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

That’s an awful idea.

  • play half the match to reach 100 charge on the ult
  • pop the ult, you can rez one person
  • that person gets instantly killed by the enemy team
  • get defeated
  • enemy team spams “ez”
  • get depressed
  • cut
  • cry

story of my life if this change happened.


She’s boring now because there’s no moment in a match where she can really make a big impact, or do anything special, like literally any other hero can. Resurrect is inconsistent and I would honestly rather have it replaced at this point with something to provide direct support to actually contribute to a team fight, and Valkyrie was meant to make Mercy’s abilities all stronger, but at this point, all it does is let her fly and regenerate health. (Edit/Clarification: Yes, it still has chain healing and infinite ammo, but the infinite ammo is a niche novelty and the chain healing is almost negligible most of the time, and the enemy team can just focus down targets to effectively ignore it.) Even if it meant making it shorter, she should be able to provide more healing or damage boost during Valkyrie so that she can actually save people with it. (Edit 2: Previously, they experimented with allowing her damage boost to do 1.5x damage, but it was broken due to how easy certain eliminations became. Just reminding Blizzard that if that scale of boost were exclusive to an Ultimate, it wouldn’t be so broken.) The damage boost is sometimes useful in Valkyrie, but also hardly ever feels like the winning factor. And the healing just makes no difference to each individual player being healed and can really be ignored by the enemy team if they focus down targets. Not to mention, there’s hardly any feedback on how well you do anything. Maybe they could simply add something like damage resistance to the heal/boost targets during Valkyrie or something, but something needs to be done.

TL:DR; Mercy’s gameplay is boring now because she has no way to make a big impact, because her base kit is meant to be easy and consisten, Resurrect’s limited so much and is so inconsistent that it’s better off being replaced, and Valkyrie doesn’t do enough.


I sincerely agree with most of Reverend’s post. Even if Mercy is perfectly balanced or whatever, it’s a horrible precedent. It says that they’re willing to sacrifice what players love about a specific hero in order for an easy way to balance the game, despite outcry against all of the changes. (Seriously, ALL of them.) The only way we would ever hear change about this sort of thing again is if this happened to several other heroes in the future and other players understood our problem here. …Which it might, but I would hope that it doesn’t have to.


people really don’t want to hear you speak the truth

Just one last comment about Resurrect. When is that ONE hero worth you leaving your team for ~2 seconds to revive? Not during a team fight, because they need your healing. Not after a team fight, they’ll just respawn (don’t tell me she’s only meant for 2cp first point or something, that reasoning is used to justify Symmetra and she’s getting reworked now). What, before a team fight, if someone happens to die in a safe place?

Soo… Only for bad plays, only inconsistently?

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People I know complain about D.Va’s DM being nerfed, Mei being used at all, Roadhog no longer one shot-ing the enemies, etc.

I just complain about that RipTire killing me every two seconds and how S76, Widow, or Bastion can’t hit Pharrah or DF to save their lives.

But Mercy is really boring to play. She feels so passive. Plus, Zen and Orisa’s ults do what she can do but better.


Whenever someone says “MERCY REZ”, I groan because they’re in a dangerous place for me to even attempt to go over then rez them. It’s not worth it.

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They are certain, that they alone will turn game around, divide by zero and achieve glory.

If team can hold 5v6, you don’t need to rez; if team can’t, your rez won’t change anything :woman_shrugging:

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I’d like to add that I honestly was very optimistic for Valkyrie, and may even prefer it to Resurrect if they make the right changes. I loved the initial announcement, because as Mercy, I was excited to be able to make a difference during the team fight, not just reset it, or wait for my team to die. But it just doesn’t do anything for the team at this point. The healing is negligible and the damage boost is just not worthy of being an Ultimate at its normal scale.

I would honestly LOVE Valkyrie. But it is in a horrible place.

also i think i prefer the old beams can that be an option pls jeff


And here we go again. A friend of me picked her up again once recently and he got yelled at that I could not rezz a Genji far behind enemy lines altough “his ult was ready”. Lost the teamfight, “all mercys fault” trolling followed. I thought that is the last good thing about the rework, that these “wrong decision rezzes/not rezzes”-discussions end. But even that didn´t happen…

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Well you can’t blame the changes for people being salty, everybody always has a convenient little scapegoat.

Maybe genjo shouldn’t have died with Ult in a stupid place, he may have a scapegoat, but he doesn’t have a Get Out of Jail Free card

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Yeah, I just wanted to clarify that this was an “issue” I had already with the old mercy, that her rezz is a scapegoat for a lot of people why everything did not work. And I was happy at first that at least this discussion ended in the beginning of valk, because you just said “sorry, cd!”, discussion over. Now everybody knows that you use your rezz almost never when s*** hits the fan and try to be smart-arses all over again

Oh boy, the stories I could tell with the DPS going too far for me to heal or dmg boost. “MERCY WHY U NO HEAL ME I HAV ULT”

Not when there’s chaos all over the battlefield am I using rez. I don’t even like using Valk. It does little for me and the team.

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Twisting arguments, ignoring facts, negating others, all just for fit with your own argument based on nothing is at very least innapropiated, if not trolling. You are doing that systematically, and there is no point in discuss with you, as you only want us to blindly believe in what you say despite everything going against you. Sorry, but you are a troll, and we will NEVER believe you. Remember that word: NEVER. If you want us to discuss with you, bring real facts or statistics, not subjective thoughts and subjectivelly interpreted statements. Cya.

People, please, take no notice about that guy. At this point it is clear that he is here only for trolling us. He will never read your posts properly and he will never gaf about any thing you give to him, he must have the thruth, even if what he says is as true as “all pigs can fly”.

No, she isn’t. She requires no skill at all, she must be carried by her team all the time and she must hide all the time. Now she is a really unskilled character. There is no difference between a GM Mercy and a bronze one. Valkirie is completely useless as it lowers your chances to win (watch OWL statistics), and both Valkirie and current Resurrect are bad design, as they should be swapped and tweaked.

Indeed, all the opposite. Before the rework if you used your ult at the wrong time, chances were your team would lose because your team saving ultimate was gone. Let’s say you used your ultimate for a 4 men rez in King’s Cross point. Okay, sounds good… However the entire enemy team has their ultimates ready excepting only one, that dps who killed your team coming from behind a corner. Your team has no ults and they are splitted, so the battle is lost. Old rez had a lot of decision making, and depending on your choices, you could win or lose a game.

Current rez needing smart play??? What a joke. The only thing you need to think is “Can my team babysit me?” or “Where can I hide?”. Then, you do so, you cross your fingers for not being randomly killed, and voila, you are statistically as good as a GM Mercy. You are so skilled…

Explain us why Mercy’s statistics from OWL shows that Valkirie is the only ult in the game that lowers your winrate, if you really think that it’s so powerful. Just another point, Transcendence heals 300 hp/s giving immunity and increased movement speed to Zen while ulting. Lucio’s amp it up heals 40 hp/s and he can do other things meanwhile, and it’s a normal ability (!). Valkirie heals 60 hp/s and she can’t do anything but slowly flying.

I guess they knew, as they buffed Mass Rez twice before this disaster of a rework.

Statistics say the opposite. Valkirie is better when ignored. Also, it’s redundant and forces you to disengage all the time. It’s a bad design.

However, her entire team will die indistinctly because she isn’t doing anything relevant, the only thing that the enemy needs to deny Valkirie is just focus fire a bit. 60 hp/s are nothing, a single Winston can do that same amount of aoe damage instead of healing.

Explain us why statistically Valkirie lowers your winrate, being the only ult of the game with this issue. Valkirie is bad design and helps no one but the Mercy player to survive by hiding.

Yes, you hide, and that wasn’t the rework’s goal. If the problem with old rez was hide and rez, now we have a huge problem of hiding everytime both with our ult and our rez.

Agree with this, but sadly, “Heroes never die!” doesn’t fit at all with Valkirie, as it has no team saving potential at all. That voice line means “I will save my team” or “My team is not dead yet”. Valkirie is just “I will hide so I can’t die”.

Basically because of E and Q. Her basics are fine and strong. Both of them force you to disengage and take no real skill from you. Resurrect also destroys your mobility and punish you for using it.

TLDR: So… once again more posts threw into this Mercy trash can? Omg…


Exactly. But there are still people who think that if they just got rezzed they would have tilted the whole situation. Just wanted to clarify that this discussion did NOT end with mercy 1.0

And before the rework you could get even 11 votes (true story)… I think it talks a lot of her popularity change (nothing to do with her pickrate). So sad…


Its interesting when you think about it because it just dawns on you how difficult it is to make Resurrect Balance with the end goal “to make Mercy engaging”

Its possible there is no real solution.

The cast time would just enforce the need to hide.

Whilst True Line of Sight would enforce you must die on point or within sight.

Whilst partial Line of Sight won’t make much of a difference from 1.0, just a tiny extra requirement but it becomes like how it was before, res out of sight or dive and res.

Any Hero who is the last person standing is screwed.
What is your point?

Does Zenyatta Use the Iris and go
“This is not the droid you are looking for”
And the enemy team stop shooting him?

Or Ana - read the enemies a bedtime story causing mass sleepiness?
Does Roadhog fart and turn into sonic the hedgehog to escape?

If you are the last person standing you generally don’t survive unless you find a corner to hide.


Or the team yells at you to get on point as a Mercy or any other non support hero other than Lucio

There can be solution, if we make healing requirement for resurrect. For example, your resurrect doesn’t work, if teammate wasn’t healed/boosted for more than x seconds.