[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

You’re quite funny. I engage with someone else, and then you reply with a re-post of something you had said earlier (which wasn’t any sort of “correction”…all you did was muse “I don’t understand why people look at pick rates and think they mean anything”). And I’m the one who was trying to have a conversation.

Uh-huh. Ok. Sure.

And do you think that at high ranks, they’re making that choice because she’s not fun, or because she’s underpowered?

Uh. Underpowered. That’s the reason for this thread.

Uhm, and I quote?

“despite you trying to state that opinions have nothing to do with pick-rate.”

How are these even remotely the same statement? Look, I’ll just answer this for you so we can stop interacting: They’re not.

That’s not entirely clear; there are a lot of opinions here that the reason Mercy needs a look at is because she’s unbalanced. And some that she might be balanced but the core problem is she’s unfun. The OP didn’t really pick a side as far as I could see.

I agree she might be unbalanced slightly. But if you’re talking about high levels of play, you also can’t ignore the fact that she’s got a respectable pick rate in OWL.

If that’s not what you meant to say, then you probably shouldn’t separate the two and put them at odds with each other as though they are mutually exclusive.

Shes on the sacrificial table

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Pick-rate does not correlate to how balanced a hero is. How many times do I need to point it out before you understand that?

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She is not fun anymore. I hope they are looking at her. I agree with everything you say @Direwolf20


Op here. Pretty sure I was clear but if you want more details:

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Professionals are paid to win games. If there was a stronger hero to pick, they would play them. There are other primary healer options, and if they were strictly dominant over Mercy, they would never play her. But clearly sometimes Mercy is the best choice, and sometimes she isn’t, and the rate that she is seems respectable. Given that not every hero has that luxury, that seems like a reasonable indicator (but not absolute proof) that she is “balanced” within an acceptable level of tolerance.

The notion that “balance” does not correlate with “pick rate” is straight up fiction.

She was nerfed because she was clearly overpowered to players of every rank as well as the devs themselves

The only time I saw her get picked in the OWL where she wasn’t pocketing a bastion or Pharah was when Fuel used her for the first point… and immediately swapped after first point because Mercy wasn’t helping in the ult fights that were the second.

You know because valk is useless against any offence ult. it’s that simple?

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She was not OP before the rework. To think otherwise is to be in denial.


Of course she’s not on the table
Blizzard threw us there “Blizz gave up” set of nerfs and now she’s going to sit in a corner for 6 monthes to a year


It’s actually funny in a sad way that they tried to make her more balanced over six months with those nerfs and then did the “You know what? Four stacked nerfs. We’re done.”


Very much this. It’s nuts.

Jeff himself stated he has no plans on reverting Mercy back to the way she was before. I don’t think they plan on doing anything else with her though, even though she’s weak, rez more easily countered by the majority of heroes and more dependent on her team than ever before.

No one is forced to play anything, you choose to play every single time you log on to OW. And no, adding deathmatch was just making maps and putting people in them, rule sets wouldnt be too difficult to change, especially just for deathmatch rules. What your talking about is changing a fundamental way heroes are treated by the game code, no longer does it just have to consider is this torb or genji, but what build of torb and genji.

This is just wrong in so many ways, shes needed attention since day one. I dont care what you mercys say, 5 man rez was broken af and NEEDED to be worked on. You guys wanna talk about mercy isnt fun anymore? well the whole game wasnt fun when you could 5 man rez, so you lose that argument immediately. They didnt butcher her. And her ult isn’t garbage, shes impossible to kill and can pump out a ton of extra damage and health.