[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Also another reason she will be looked at in the future is Jeff literally said in the video if people didn’t like it they would look into it.

I don’t think it’s too much to expect Blizzard to fix the stuff it ruins. It’s not our fault that this travesty of a rework was pushed through, and it’s not our fault that Blizzard took 6 freakin months to come up with the laziest nerfs imaginable, nor is it our fault that it’s taken Blizzard over a year to come up with fixes for characters like Sombra and Mei.

Since when is expecting Blizzard to do its job–correctly, and within a reasonable amount of time–selfish? I want all the heroes to get the attention they need. And you don’t see me turning up in “buff Mei” threads to tell all the Mei players how selfish they are for wanting their hero to get some much-needed work.


Do you play Mercy???

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Currently mercy isn’t in bastion or doomfist levels of bad but her and ana are definitely not in a good place. With her and ana the higher the rank you go the pickrates get lower and lower and lower hitting 2% We will just have to be patient and wait till the other heros are fixed and off the table before seeing any fixes.

It is when you’re expecting Blizzard to keep putting their focus on mercy instead of other heroes who have received a lot less love when they’ve spent the last 6 months changing her.

I used to when she was so good she was needed (or when mass rez was a thing and we were trying to hold on defense, but I’ve never wanted to play her cause she’s NEVER been an engaging character. The other supports have always been more fun. But just cause I don’t spend 99.99% of my time playing her doesn’t mean I know nothing about her.

Who wouldn’t want mercy on the table.


Perhaps she heals better than them. Does that MEAN she is better than them? She certainly can’t beat either of them in a fight, and her kit means that at best she can negate 60hp/sec from them.

Thats consistent, but that alone doesn’t make it GOOD. I can’t think of anyone that she’s BETTER than.
They dumpstered Mercy, and thats ‘not really cool man’.


Mercy isn’t on the table. She is on the floor. They finally found the fly swatter.

Besides that, the numbers are going to be messed up.
How many people did Mercy get kills on?
How many people killed Mercy?
How many of you seriously think they treat Mercy like the other characters in reguard to those numbers, or do you think, perhaps, they’re happy to have her with a sub-standard kit, and the excuse ‘she’s a consistent healer with mobility’ as a justification for her never being on par with the rest of them?

Mercy SHOULD be easy to play.
She isn’t, she’s torture to play, I tried my hand at Lucio recently, and hes slick. Easy. Fun.
What Mercy SHOULD be. But isn’t.

I -want- to play Mercy. But they broke her legs, her ribs and her fingers. And then threw her in the trash.
“We’re happy with the way Mercy is now.”


Quick fix - Mercy needs the rez ability cool-down reset re-adding like she had at the first re-work.

With the cast time added, the slow effect and no 2nd charge etc…, it would now be balanced in Mercy’s current iteration.

Not only does she have a huge fan base who love her play style, is very familiar and easy to play, and still somewhat useful with her staff and guardian angel with some form of resurrect, If she suddenly dropped after being heavily played before her rework and even from release pre-invulnerability I would be very surprised.

Seriously I’ve had enough of the whining of Mercy mains on this forum! And to spare you some time, I’m a Mercy main myself, was at around 3900SR and decayed as I didn’t have lots of time at the end of season.

I’ve been playing Mercy since 2 years now. I’ve played her through every buff and nerf she’s been through.
Yes it sucked first when she got reworked.
Yes it sucked every time she received a nerf after her rework.
But now she is finally healthy for the game.

Mercy 1.0 while being balanced was utter cheese and BS. While I do agree they should’ve tried to fix her instead of reworking Blizz took another route and we should accept that and move on with our lives. They said they’re NOT gonna revert her, so people, pls stop asking for it, it’s not gonna happen.

Mercy 2.0 until the recent nerf was just total BS and OP beyond belief. Anyone not seeing that is delusional. Rez without a casttime on a cooldown does not work. I was originally on the boat of “pls keep the instant rez in Valk” but I see why Blizz implemented the casttime in Valkyre. They want Mercy to be proactive and not reactive. The instant rez would let Mercys stop healing certain people just to rez them again (yes I saw that behavior in 3900SR games pre nerf). This feels very bad for those players and it feels bad for the players of the enemy team since it has NO (NADA, NOTHING) counterplay to it. EVERY other ability in this game, every other Ult in this game has counterplay (CC, use your abilities like shields or movements to get away, outmaneuver). Instant rez doesn’t.

And now to my actual point. I can see why some people would say her Ultimate is not impactful. Those are the people playing her ultimate wrong. I see many Mercys in QP ult when half of the team is critical while the whole enemy team is still alive and pushing. That’s not how it goes. You will most likely have your teammates die since you can’t burst heal them up like Zen/Lucio or Moira ultimate. Ofcourse it feels weak when you pop ult when the whole team is critical and see everyone die.
Mercy’s ultimate should be used proactive when most of your team has full health to then damageboost them or preamtively heal small chip damage. Use it to relocate and get away from flankers.
Mercy’s ult is not meant anymore to counter strong DPS ults and that’s why many people feel like its weak. Yeah I know it used to but that’s not the way Blizz wants to take Mercy and we have to accept that.

They want the strongest healers to be more offensive (see Ana, Mercy and Moira) and the weaker healers to be more defensive with their ults (Lucio, Zen and now Brigitte).
I put Moira in * because she’s a special case. While having strong healing she does have a strong healing ultimate as well. The thing with her is though, teammates have to all line up behind eachother to be healed. Also she’s so easily CC’d out of it. It’s seldom you can actually bring as much value with her ult to the team like Zen or Lucio do. Also she provides the least supportive ultility to her team (rez, sleep, nade, speed, discord etc).

Now directly to you OP. You play in GM and should actually know better. To call Mercy’s Ultimate weak and not impactful just shows that you actually have no idea how strong that ultimate is offensive wise. She’s still played in OWL more than Moira which says a lot about her. While I play at a “mere” 3800SR-3900SR range and never hit GM, I’ve been matched into a few GM games and saw her impact myself. I feel more impactful playing Mercy than Moira. I feel Mercy’s ult is still better than Moiras (maybe I’m just a bad Moira) since I somehow always get killed by that nanoe’d Genji I want to counter. Mercy’s ult is definitely better than Nano and Sound Barrier (RIP Lucio in Sombra Meta). So technically she still has the 2nd best support ultimate on live servers atm.
So if some support actually DESERVES looking at their ultimate it’s Ana (by a large margin) and Lucio (pls revert his ult loss thing or let it cast faster).
It also shows how much biased so many Mercy mains are. They are so concerned about their main hero that they literally don’t care about others (yes I know it sucks to have their favourite hearo nerfed, I am a Mercy main too and was an Ana main a year ago). There have been heroes that have ben utter trash since over a year. Torb, Symm, Mei, Reaper, Ana (A SUPPORT), Bastion and Doomfist. THESE are the heroes that should be on the table at Blizzard right now. NOT Mercy. As long as these heroes are absolute garbage, Blizz should not spend a word on Mercy. Fix the actual UP heroes first and THEN look into other heroes and see if they can improve QoL.

Fun is also subjective. You can’t just say her ultimate is unfun and speak for every Mercy main! I like her ult. I like the flight and the extended beam range. I like getting away form an annoying flanker and not die. I like chasing down a Widow or flanker who is low and though they could get away. I personally don’t like the chain heals, I would prefer a stronger single target heal instead. But that’s just a personal preference. Blizz has decided for chain healing and that’s fine, I still have fun playing her.

Blizzard said they will let the dust over her settle first. That’s not gonna take “only” a month. It’s gonna take a few. Also with the addition of Brigitte and changes to heroes they want to see how balance works out. So don’t harass the Devs the whole time with questions about where she stands. They’ve made their statement and they will announce any upcoming changes to her.

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Tort, I get your points I really do. But I’m sorry but she’s just not in a good place right now. As the “strongest healer” she should be able to outheal 1 non ulting character when using her ult.

Valk counters nothing.

If I use it at the start of a fight the enemy can Still pop any 1 offensive ult and destroy my team. Or they can just wait it out. Often in voice comms you hear “just wait out trans then go in, save your ults. “

I argue that you don’t even need to save ults against valk. But telling me to use it at the start of a fight? That’s just a bad idea. My team doesn’t need heals yet but here goes my ult? Weeee! The enemy will just wait it out then pop ults.

Mercy was close to balanced last patch. She needed a minor tune. Less valk time would have made most people happy. She got a huge massive 4 pronged nerf and nothing to compensate. Not more healing output. Not more damage boosting. Just “we totally removed the biggest part of your ult (res) and replaced with less survivability and a shorter duration”

It’s unfathomable how they let this patch go live. Valk is weak, the weakest of all ult. See my mercy math thread for details.


i dont think they will change anything about mercy to make her more fun to play.

they want mercy to stay a braindead hero.

at least we got moira and brigitte now.

Outside of valk she’s fine. It’s just this Game Center’s on a lotta ults. And when your ult doesn’t stack up it’s a huge feels bad.


well yea… therefore i prefer zen ult or beat over valk. when i play mercy i only use valk to dmg boost and push before the others pop their 1million ults and run over my team.

I totally agree with you except for the last part. she was not balanced at all. But all the other things are true:

Valk counters nothing and is just “better than no ult”. It doesn´t provide that many “strategic moments” and counters nothing. Valk is not “engaging” in any way. You don´t need to make decisions except if you heal or boost, just that you don´t have to bother to hit the right one…

Symmetra has a low pick rate. Clearly that means she needs significant buffs, right? RIGHT?
Please think of a coherent response before posting next time.

Her ult has almost nothing to do with her getting picked “at the pro level”. She’s being used to pocket dps in order to make those dps viable, like McCree.

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I’d rather not spend the next six months discussing and changing the same hero and instead making the overall roster more diverse.

Mercy is fine. She’s viable and fun, and if you don’t think she’s fun then tough, because this is how she’s going to be from now on. There will be no reverts.