I play support and tanks.
Resurrecting is a bad mechanic for a game like this. I’ve already listed 1,000 reasons why I think that.
I play support and tanks.
Resurrecting is a bad mechanic for a game like this. I’ve already listed 1,000 reasons why I think that.
Sure. But like I said, they needed instant solution, so here we are.
It’s like eating instant heckin’ ramen. It makes your hunger go away for a bit but in the end, it will not give you anything at all asside from leaving you with less energy than before.
You know, I just had an idea:
“Hello, welcome to OverWok. What is your order?”
Salty DPS players who complain about 0 healing but want all healers nerfed to oblivion
Seriously, let’s go back to the real OG Mercy and work form there
The dream… and they already said they wouldn’t, so the only way is to figure ways to lock res behind valk to make it more punishable if she doesn’t valk properly. From there, you can buff res, and get rid of the chain healing/boosting to put more power in res.
Resurrect is bad for the game as an E ability, as an ultimate it was almost perfect. Stop wanting that to be removed because Jeff has said that point of view is just naive and clueless about OW, he was really specific there. They don’t want to remove it because it’s Mercy’s core and identity. If you remove Resurrect, you remove Mercy, that simple. Mercy has sprays, statues using Resurrect, even if you watch through internet mass rez was an Overwatch’s signature and an icon for all the supports. If you don’t like Resurrect, I’m sorry, I don’t like Soldier’s aimbot, Genji in general and Tracer in general, but do I call for them to be removed? No, because I respect their players and the game.
Maybe a bad Mechanic, but so is all the Ultimate’s that are near instant death for the entire team. It goes back to COUNTERS for all those Ultimate’s. You had, till the Rework, 3 counters to a SINGLE or Dual Ult being used against your team. We are currently down to 2, thanks to Mercy not being able to Rez part to all of her teammates. The new Hero Brigitte coming out doesn’t counter Ults either, being more a Tankish healer (off healer) than a Healer Main. Yeah, she gives better protection, Torbjorn type armor but cast like Symmetra 1.0 shields, and her Ultimate gives out armor and healing but I am not sure if they are fully effective against an Ult storm. They don’t seem so. So we are still left with 2 Ults that can negate Ultimate’s an if the enemy team has a Sombra and she uses her Ult first both are negated.
But your attitude is “Rez bad, get rid of it”, in effect. Well, with THAT logic lets get rid of all the team killing Ults. That would be balanced.
In her current state (and i perfectly understand the rez was a problematic aspect in Overtwatch, although Mercy mechanics were mostly revolving around it), i think Mercy could benefit of slighlty more dynamic/agressive feats in her toolset. Because as for now and reported rightfully, she can be pretty boring (healbot like) to play compared to some other supports.
It wouldn’t be a steal balance wise in my opinion if Mercy got a baby D.va like pistol considering how well other supports/healers can developp self-defense. Her ult could also trigger some sort of holy Caduceus form bringing more melee damage and range to the table.
Her Mallet is 20M long and can Boop Mercy away very easily. Her Shield bash is 5M same distance as where Mercy has to be to Resurrect but Mercy’s ability is channeled making it VERY easy to counter her now.
Literally any support hero is a lot more fun and engaging than Mercy.
Why does Blizzard refuse to change her back, or improve her? Did they have a reason?
Can you plz plz plz just make her at least a little bit faster in ult form its soo soo annoying… -_-
You cannot buff Resurrect without making it broken. You can stall a point for so long with Mercy’s Valkyrie which makes it very broken when the ability Resurrect was given a buff when Valkyrie was used. Think about it if you have 2 Resurrects in Valkyrie but she still needs to have the cast time in order to get them off she can Resurrect a tank TWICE and STALL which people complained about Mass Resurrect to be as a stalling mechanism but imagine Resurrect Roadhog TWICE during Valkyrie that’s 1200HP as well as healing them. Making Resurrect instant will make Resurrect feel better to use but her ultimate power is still underwhelming it’s theoretically impossible to balance Resurrect as an ability
It’s either you make it an ultimate again and put some restrictions on it like what they are trying with the ability right now and give Valkyrie as an E ability since it has a lot more numbers and stuff about it that they can tweak into an ability very easily.
Yea, I’m saying that resurrect is locked behind valkyrie, and she can only use the ability while in valk. Dunno what else valk could be if you take away the chain healing/boosting, probably just a mobility tool. You could give her a stronger beam, but I don’t have the means to run through any numbers.
I see what you’re getting at with the double-res on tanks… I’m not sure how the balancing would work out for that. Maybe some type of indicator that restricts her from ressing the same target in a single valk?
It would be a lot healthier if they just made it harder to achieve a Mass Resurrect and tweak Valkyrie that they have Live into an ability. Maybe reducing chain healing to targets around the Main Beam Target will get like half the amount Healing/Damage Boosting or maybe a 1/3rd all of which could be tested on PTR and reduce the extended beam range so she didn’t have to be so high in the air. But the speed on live for an ability would be just fine. And the unlimited ammo is fun for people that would like to do some DPSing with Mercy should have that. Then reduce the active time from 15 seconds down to 5 seconds on a 15 second cooldown.
Mercy already has incredible mobility. Adding much more to it would either be redundant or make Mercy too mobile, to the point where she’s nearly impossible to pin down.
At the same time, she is the only healer who doesn’t have an ability that causes its own impact. Lucio has Amp It Up. Ana has Biotic Grenade and Sleep Dart. Moira has her Biotic Orbs. Zenyatta has Harmony and Discord Orb. On top of this, all of these heroes are able to multitask while using these abilities, or can easily switch between different roles while they are active. Mercy has only her staff and pistol, which she must choose between.
15 pictures taken moments before disaster loool
Not trying to discredit you or anything, just hilarious that the day after you mentioned it, it happened.
Add to that list Moira has Healing/Damage orbs.
Symmetra (still a support) has a shield she can throw out.
Brigitte has a Shield and can shield bash. Also, she can armor people, either in Ult or individually.
Mercy has Rez that is so heavily restricted with a 1.75 second delay it is basically useless and people that try to use it are “Sniper Bait”.
Mercy 1.0 till 2.0 had NO extra ability, other than switching to her gun which could have more impact and Left Shift (which she still has). Nothing worst than rounding a corner and running smack dab into a Reaper…
It would be cool to have her res not be canceled by range while shes casting. She cannot really move that fast in it anyways so she won’t be able to escape or anything while casting.
You know guys I had a random thought, could it be possible that the rise of the hide and rez had to do partially with the fact Mercy had no other answer to an ult fight except rez?
Think about it, Lucio has amp it up speed boost and boop both of which can counter some ultimates, Ana has the most realiable shutdown in the game if you can land it. Zen has the potential to borderline one-shot any DPS while they ult and even if he can’t discord makes them vulnerable enough for the rest of the team.
EVEN SYMM had an answer to some ults as an E ability, in the form of Photon Barrier.
The real problem was that Mercy had nothing else other then a really good ult.