[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

“Dear fellow Players. We are reading and understanding your feedback and suggestions. We are currently still investigating where Mercy is at, deciding if we are happy about her current iteration and making decisions in which direction we want Mercy to head in the near future of Overwatch.
Thank you for your patience.”

There Blizz, I gave you a neutral template feel free to copy-paste <3

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Btw I want to point out: They could have made VALK so that you give some sort of overheal mechanic (since you sit there anyway staring at the skybox and healing your team) but instead we needed to use that for the new hero instead of fixing the trash we have created in the past months :smiley:

They have ideas but they don’t want to “waste” them on existing heroes when they can just nerf them and bring out the “cool new stuff” to excite the community instead of saying “hey we done goof sorry we will fix it”


That’s why many people asked for E ability, so Mercy has something to do other than charge ult and use ult. Instead we got all her kit messed up.

Was it really difficult to give Mercy her version of Amp-It Up, at least?

This may be true, but Mercy has already tons of stuff she can do. (Ult and Res left out for that). Her dmgb is very strong if well timed, the consistent 60Hp/s are 100% precise and overall very powerful. The gun is made for self defense only, which is okay, and her GA can be very versatile to use.

That own impact you are talking about comes from the GA/AD compo and that Mercy is more annoying and more survivable if used well.

The only problem with that is that GA needs teammates to be used. In that case, without teammates, I agree. She needs something for her self.
But in team situations, she has that utility already with GA.

In my opinion, she doesn’t even needs a E ability. But if she really should get one which is not Res. It would have to be movement or defense/offense. Like i said, healing get’s a no and utility would be to much.

Well, with more movement GA would need to take a hit to balance that out, for sure. But it wouldn’t be redundant or impossible to do. And if she should get a new movement E it would come with a longer CD, vertical mobility and more visible for the enemy team. So it could be easier to track her down, while it is still useful.

More Healing and Utility is just to strong with her. So it would have to be one of the other 3.

That would be just copying Lúcio and would be to strong.

I wonder if they’ll bother to nerf or rework how utterly boring and unimpactful this hero feels to play?


The point of the mercy nerf was to make her not so much of a must-have. The resurrect and the speed of her valkyrie was too overpowered and made other support heroes feel less viable in the meta. I honestly thought that they should’ve toned down on the nerf and rather buff the other supports so that they can compete with mercy.


Coming from a Mercy main myself (No, I don’t play a lot of comp, I literally just play a ton of the hero primarily in QP because I enjoy how she felt to play) I’d like to highlight what I find extremely dull with her current kit. None of this has to do with balance and is simply a interpretation of how I feel she feels to play.

Rez: Extremely dull. Severely missing the whole “heroes never die” voice line. Can only ever be used defensively in most situations. Find that it’s mostly used after a fight was already won, or before a fight’s begun. Tempo-rezzing is often too dangerous for the Mercy to attempt and often a mistake compared to simply continuing to heal whoever is still alive.

Ult: Feels completely awful. Forget Rezzing just… forget that button exists entirely. It will basically always be a suicide. The reduced speed means I’m hiding constantly and as far away as possible with the ult to avoid the hitscan whose ults hard counter valk. The right click primarily just feels like a weaker Orisa ult and the chain healing feels woefully pathetic as teammates simply melt through it. About the only thing this ult feels like it does is let Mercy fly and instead of feeling defensive when doing so it feels more like a sitting duck. About the only advantage to the ult feels like the increased beam length so you can hide around a corner further away from the action.

Basically, I feel the rework completely failed in every aspect other then nerfing the ult that dps players disliked. She feels just as removed from most of the action as she did before while gaining absolutely nothing. Compared to her old ult Valk in it’s current state completely fails to give that HECK YEAH ult moment. Valk fails to feel fun and rewarding in any aspect.

What I like about current Mercy? At least her standard gameplay outside of ult has been left mostly untouched. GA continues to be the funnest part of her kit and provide the mobility that makes her my favourite hero. Her beams are consistent, though I’m not a fan of the new animations on them, and while her gun is woefully under powered for defending herself it is ridiculously silly and enjoyable landing kills with it and getting more battle Mercy time in.


Pretty much how I feel. Valk is just boring and does all your work for you and removes a key partner of mercy’s gameplay, triage. You have high single, no aoe. It’s kinda like Soldier tac visor in that you just aimbot but at least you get the gratification of killing some people.

I still argue that the best change they ever made to mercy was the initial momentum thing where you could fling yourself around much faster but was very dangerous (I got concussive off into the corner of the ocean on ilios more than a couple of time).


Well here’s the thing, they made her from “Must have” to “do i have to?” pick


I haven’t bothered in so long… I keep getting my hopes up everytime they take AGES, but all it ends up being is a subtle tweak that probably could’ve been changed/investigates/changed again based on the results in about 2 weeks =_=“

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Which is why I said that they should’ve toned on the nerf

But Valkyrie as an ability wouldn’t have been a bad choice as an E ability perhaps? Maybe take into account some complaints about Mass Resurrect ie. It being instant and she can do it behind walls. If it went Q—> Voiceline (1 second) —> Resurrect (Invulnerability) rather than Q —> Voiceline (Resurrect) (Invulnerability) it would’ve been a lot more fair and having it require LOS excluding small things like lamp posts and fire hydrants etc it would’ve been a wayyy better QOL change then an entirely unejoyable rework.

Yes, would be the best that way for Resurrect Ult. Small cast before use and then Aoe res with Los. That alone can fix almost all problems it had back then.

The thing with Valkyrie as E would only really work if it gets cut down to her movement or to the better offense, everything else is to much/strong.

I feel like if instant rez is brought back during Valkyrie she will be in a good spot. I actually love the new Mercy and I think you’re close to getting it right. Mass rez should never be in the game, but I like idea of a single rez. Ana needs more attention right now imo, and maybe Lucio after the sombra buff and introduction of Brigitte (both of which sound amazing).

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Exactly, not a counter to Mercy, it counters the person playing mercy.

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Cutting the AOE around the main beam target by half and getting rid of the uninterrupted Passive Regen would be enough to make it an ability

I’d just like to know why a mass rez should not be in the game and have a reason that can’t be turned around and applied to a mass killing ult. If you have a mass rez then things seem to come down to skill rather than relying on an ult to win. At the end of the day shouldn’t the win come because you were the better team and not because you landed on top of everyone with a tire or a deathblossum? getting rid of the mass rez seemed to just force team compositions into dives. Why would you play anything except a dive comp these days? Nothing really stands against it. I agree with you on the instant rez during ult though, and I would feel much much better about the character if they at least brought that back.

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Only argument you’ll get that isn’t just “muh FPS it don’t belong in game like dis” is a lack of counterplay to the old one which is fair enough, that’s why you need to make it a series of single target rezes in a short time frame.

hypothetically, if they just made it not instant cast it would totally be something that could be countered. That seems like a more fair change than what was released. Or, why not have the mass rez do some fractional amount of healing based on the number of people you are rezzing. 1 person would come back at 100%, 2 at 75, 3 at 50. Then you would really have to choose how you are using the ult. Heck they could have even had the mass rez start at 20% health and the longer you hold the ult the more health your team mates would get. I just think there is a lot you could do for a mass rez to make it balanced