Well, you need to just keep iterating on Valkyrie until she’s “fun”, right? (which is a completely subjective concept, but ok)
So, no revert needed.
They wanted to get rid of hide and res and make Mercy more engaging. A decision I foolishly thought was really going to make Mercy great. And get rid of the stain that was hide and res off her reputation.
They didn’t achieve anything they said they wanted the rework to be. If they were straight forward with everyone and said they wanted to remove Resurrect as an ult. I’d agree but, they didn’t.
Bad players couldn’t play around mass res and were pretty much the only people to claim the whole unhealthy for the game argument. That’s like saying Symmetra is unhealthy because I can’t kill her when I wait till I’m next to her to start fighting her.
Goal of nerfs, however, making un-must-pick the Mercy, was a success.
You see, that’s my question. Why isn’t her anymore? Outside ult, she’s basically the same hero (a little better with G.A. changes). Her core was, as the devs said, healing and mobility; she still have it.
Well, they realized what kind of a mess they created, but instead of reverting/doing another rework, tried to hide it under rag.
You can’t do that without a significant buff or rework of the ultimate. It has been a crap ultimate since its conception but, it was seen as strong due to its resurrect ability changes.
They nerfed the resurrect aspect but, never compensated for it.
False, because they heard only a 1% of the player base, a very very very toxic and biased 1% indeed. The vast majority of the community had no problems with mass rez.
Single rez is extremely bad for the whole game as it encourage bad game from everyone. Mercy players must hide now and stop healing their teammates, something that could not happen before. Other players can just play suicide because they have an undo button if they make a mistake, and of course, if that fails, it will be Mercy’s fault, not theirs. About her pickrate is even lower than her pre rework version, and decreasing. Furthermore, the rework tried to make her engaging, and has achieved the opposite. So, did it work? Considering all these facts, obviously not.
Also, Blizz showed off in the past how they cared about the uniqueness of each character and about their identities. That statement has been violated with this rework. Mercy is no longer unique and she is no longer Mercy. She is now “that moth”.
They lied. Mercy’s core is a triangle. Healing, mobility and Resurrect. It’s impossible to deny that because Resurrect was the Mercy’s and Overwatch’s signature (her old voice line “Heroes never die!”). Even people who never played Overwatch recognized that immediately as a Mercy’s and Overwatch’s thing. Resurrect is Mercy’s identity, while mobility and healing are her focus.
First of all, 1,75 seconds, not only 1, please, that’s almost 2 seconds being stationary. Secondly, don’t be hypocritical, please. NOW Mercy must hide all the time and before she took cover the majority of the times. Don’t tell us how we are playing our own character. We complain for a some reason. If we liked hiding of course we would enjoy this current version, the problem is that we don’t like hiding because before the rework we didn’t hide. Also, before the rework we could perform epic plays while being engaging. Now that’s impossible.
The only fun version of Valkirie was 2.0, and I don’t know… it was a bit op, don’t you think? Do you really want to go back to that mandatory Mercy dominating the game? I guess not. But you know? Before the rework she wasn’t needed in your team all the time, you could play other supports.
So yes, a revert or a rework are needed, because this design isn’t fun nor good for the game.
And 'the rez, only one of his ability that characterizes it, as for example ana sleep, is still, a character as you wrote, very mobile is blocked when he uses his ability that characterizes it.
EDIT: Apart from symmetry, who else has the ultimate been changed? None but mercy and symmetra, symmetra has a very low base fan. What characterizes the characters of OW? Their ultimate and a “special” skill, both mercy has lost or distorted them.
Imagine Junkrat having his trap/mine forcing him to stand perfectly still for 2 seconds to place it, instead of simply throwing it. I don’t think anyone would ever used his mines during team fight, if that was the case.
They needed instant solution, so they came out with this. And now we can expect only a void, because I’m quite sure they will do nothing but waiting till Mercy will somehow fix herself.
I like that attitude. Heck, even as a Mercy I got outplayed by the opponent’s Mercy when she pulled a bigger Rez than I did. I went battle Mercy, killed several with help from my teammates, and used my Ult. The the opponent’s team Mercy pulled a 4 or 5 man Rez (will have to look at that one again to be sure) an I was like “Oh sh-t!!! They’re BACK…”
This was without any of us, except the Mercy’s, pulling out their Ults. Man that was a fun game
It was your personal, Mercy vs Mercy, strategic challenge: who will use their ultimate best way. And it’s part of the thrill: fight is going, and single button press can save your team, or ruin everything.
Try Pros wouldn’t use Mercy with “Huge Rez” was the MAIN reason, not “a lot of players”. Yeah, truth an you don’t mix well to they.
Yeah, try 1.75 seconds, almost 2 second. Hell I would be happy with a 1 second animation.
YEAH. lets take away YOUR Ult and see how you like it. Argument invalid…
TAKE AWAY YOUR GAME CHANGING ULT, lets replace it with an under-powered Ult that won’t change the outcome of the game. I bet you would feel different.
And Symmetra’s change was just letting her choose between her old and her new ult. She didn’t saw it simply removed as Mercy’s.
Still no response from Blizz. Oh what am I saying, this is the Mercy feedback thread, of course they haven’t responded.
My Feedback:
Sollution 1. Revert Mercy
Just revert her to her OG form with no invulnerability and then work from there with an E ability or something.
Solution 2
Nerf the duration and passive survivability of Valkyrie
8 seconds MAX and no bonus self heal, also maybe a hitbox tweak.
Then add power from there, maybe merge the beams and make both a bit more poweful, maybe tie an ability to the Q button, maybe buff the gun back up. Just something.
Just stop making me wait entire fights with this boring ult that not only can’t change fights and feels underwhelming but also manages to take away the fun in the rest of her kit.
well, not really. She has to be near or in LOS, nearly every other hero could also do the job by just killing mercy. “simply click on her head” is not much of a joke then
Brigitte can just put her shield in the way, and no rez.
Not to be dramatic but changing an entire ult And moving it to an E ability sounds like one hell of a big change. Certainly more than a “few tweaks”. Symmetra is the only one who got something close to that when they reworked her and added an ult. So yeah all characters were tweaked, but Mercy was massively changed and you can’t argue against that lmao
I am just saying like “could it really get any worse”?
This might be a team game but that applies mostly to strategy and synergies.
If one of your abilities is almost “locked out” until some of your teammates graciously allows you to use it…
Well that’s just bad design. No comming around it.