[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I think she’s nearly fine but with the latest changes, I think the perfect balance would be if she now get’s the Rez CD reset re-added to Valkyrie mode re-added.

It was a great mechanic that was a bit OP at release with instant-rez, 15 sec Valk rez’s or with the 2 charge rez mechanic etc…

Now (with always having casted rez’s, no shorter rez CD’s, no extra charge) it would be perfect to re-add this giving some scope for a double-rez but hard to pull off these days because:

  • You have to have 2 allies down at similar times (or likely to die soon) to get the value out of it
  • The first rez needs to be successful and not get you killed. It takes time to pull this off whilst your other teammate is down
  • You pop your ultimate
  • The second rez you go for is going to now be really obvious (and easier to predict and counter) and puts you at even risk once again (in addition to wasting your ultimate if it goes wrong)

Hello Mercy mains. How are u doing to day ? ^___^

Revert mercy, never surrender ! :rainbow::rainbow::rainbow::rainbow:


Unfortunately, I think Jeff’s statement on that was pretty clear - there will be no revert.

Better to make suggestions on the current iteration I think from now on - sad though that is for the iconic multi-rez to be gone :frowning:

It was very clear that there are no plans at the time he wrote it. Doesn’t mean they will not revert Mercy to her original state. People should absolutely ask for Mercy 1.0 if they truely think it was the better Mercy.


Another day in this lightning conductor thread.

#revert mercy


BECAUSE, if this was done to ANY other hero, their Ult put on their “E” ability and an ability type put on their Ult…

Seriously, would you like the “Mercy Treatment” done to McCree or Soldier?
You would be pissed as hell. On top of that WE TOLD THEM THE REWORK WAS OVERPOWERED before release.
This is just another “Butt Gate” where they wanted to change a character and gave a lame excuse to cover it up. In this case to get her into OWL and to slowly remove her Rez from the game, NOT because her Ult was bad but because she countered so many DPS mains Ults. BEFORE rework there were 3 counters to a team wiping Ult storm.

  1. Zenyatta’s Ultimate, during Ult Storm
  2. Lucio’s Ultimate, during Ult Storm
  3. Mercy’s Ultimate, AFTER Ult Storm

Then y’all come up with “It’s not counterable once she presses “Q””:

  1. Doomfist- where the F— did he go? You can’t even find him.
  2. Mei- that Ice Storm is not gonna stop, the only counter to it is as she is throwing IF you have a Genji and he deflects it or a D.Va eats it.
  3. Transcendence- nope, no counter to that, just have to wait it out

So why all the Hate, because she reversed all the DPS showboating, ummm I mean “Hard Work”, by reversing 3 to 4 Ults being used at one time trying to get that SWEET PoG. As far as “Hide and Rez”, now she HAS to “Hide TO Rez” and how many other Heroes hide then pull their Ults?

  1. McCree- not fighting for up to a full minute to get a proper position to pull Ult.
  2. Hanzo- hell, he can fire his from behind a wall being totally safe, or from Spawn under Gibraltar, which was fixed so that Mercy couldn’t Rez from under final drop-off on that map.
  3. Reaper- TP Above enemy team and drop down, or ghost into the middle of them.
  4. Junkrat - can start his tire from Spawn if he likes and pull a Team Kill
  5. Mei- sneaking behind enemy team and throwing her Ult into the middle of the enemy team

I could go on and on, but I think I have made my point that it is a “Double Standard” where the DPS (the largest group of Heroes in the game) complained en mass that her Ultimate was unfair because she could bring her whole team back. That she hides, well yeah don’t DPS pull the same thing? Though MOST of us DID NOT play “Hide and Rez”, even when such WONDERFUL examples of humans like xQc were screaming their heads off for us to “Hide and Rez”. If you, as a Soldier 76 and McCree main, do not understand why we are pissed about this whole situation by now, then you never will.
It’s not like there have been 7 other Mega Threads prior to this one with suggestions, ideas, and plain old dissatisfaction to what the developers have been pulling. OH YEAH, there WERE. We are on our 8th Mega-Thread, an what REALLY burns our butt is not that Jeff said on February 8th, and I quote:

"We have no plans to revert Mercy. We also feel like she’s not in a horrible place or unplayable.

It’s still to be determined if she is exactly where she should be because it has been too soon and the dust needs to settle. Her playtime in QP and Comp is still incredibly high. Her winrate is still above 50% but more in line with what we’d expect.

But I’d like to put the notion that Mercy is going to be reverted to rest.

Also, we don’t agree with the statement that all supports are weak. Support heroes are extremely powerful and impactful in OW."

It is WHERE he said it, in the “Devs-Where Are You” thread h ttps://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20761616811#post-7, NOT the Mega-Thread which starts here h ttps://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20761088072?page=1


NO, just NO. IF you had any understanding of Mercy you would understand that. An the “Resurrect has no place in a FPS” argument is LAME. Look up First Person Shooter, you will NOT find anything about Rez NOT being allowed. Plus Overwatch is a HYBRID game for multiple types of Heroes, not a true FPS. If you want a TRUE FPS:
CS Go is that way ========>


I think it has more to do with “We screwed up” with her Rework than anything else. It’s a pride thing where they do not want to admit how badly they messed up the game by changing Mercy so much and don’t want to admit that they mad a mistake in the first place.


He also said:
*No D.Va Revert
*No Roadhog Revert
*No Deathmatch

Yeah, talks out of both sides of his mouth a lot doesn’t he?


But they didn’t revert them, so?

Revert Mercy please.


I hadn’t even thought about this, but Rez is going to be even worse and harder to use with Brigitte coming out with her ranged boop and stun abilities.


her ult needs to do more healing and also make it so while in ult it both damage boosts and heals at the same time

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The problem is that this current design stopped being fun after the first nerfs. It started being extremely op and somewhat fun, but after a few nerfs, it was unfun, even being op still. This design is not fun by itself. That is the problem, and Valkirie as an ultimate and Resurrect as an E ability are the main reasons. If that is not changed, the problem will continue.

About Jeff’s statement… he said “they have no plans of revert her”. That doesn’t mean that they won’t bring back her old ultimate with a new rework. Honestly, those words for me are just that, words. They have contradicted themselves too many times.


But they DID fix them, very similar to their original. That is all we are asking, make it similar and FIX MERCY. What we have now is:

  1. Flight in Ult- reduced speed to 12.5% of original flight speed (-75% then -50%), now we are flying slower than Pharah airborne targets. Plus, with those nice BIG wings, easily spotted from the other side of the map.
  2. Increased healing BUT not enough to prevent death of teammates, and that is without enemy team using any ultimate’s.
  3. “Hide TO Rez” and even then you are STILL “Sniper Bait”. You don’t see that the Widowmaker or Hanzo has moved, you are an unmoving target ripe for the picking. Or just get Bumped off or turn the wrong way, no Rez and timer restarts.

Jeff Kaplan 02.08.2018:

We have no plans to revert Mercy. We also feel like she’s not in a horrible place or unplayable.

It’s still to be determined if she is exactly where she should be because it has been too soon and the dust needs to settle. Her playtime in QP and Comp is still incredibly high. Her winrate is still above 50% but more in line with what we’d expect.

But I’d like to put the notion that Mercy is going to be reverted to rest.

Also, we don’t agree with the statement that all supports are weak. Support heroes are extremely powerful and impactful in OW.

He only said that it’s not planed. He never said never.


I still Hope they Will revert her


I agree with you and honestly, I’d love a revert.

Well actually, they need to re-introduce the multi-rez ultimate and have a toned-down / short duration Valkyrie mode as a long-cooldown ability.

I’m just being realistic…I just can’t see them going for a full revert.

The cooldown reset on popping Valkyrie would be a quick fix for the time-being… I just can’t see them wanting to invest a lot more time fixing her at the moment and I fear she will be left ‘broken’ for a long time whilst new and shiny heroes have been introduced :frowning:


Fix is way different thing than revert. They didn’t bring back the old broken hook, they didn’t go back to 6s CD, they just, like you said, fixed him by giving him mobility while healing and damage reduction.

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Being Outplayed is part of counterplay… part of competitive and getting good is improving game sense… if you get baited then that is your fault… you just have to get better at judging the situation.

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