[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I like how it’s now possible to, rather than tell people to post in here and lock the thread, just shove the entire thread in here to be ignored.
Great design choice, really.


You forgot third option: killing enemies one by one. Mercy won’t spend mass resurrect on one player.


Because none of them are a button press and then instantly dead. They all take time. Rez didn’t.

By the time you kill the 3rd dude the first is already going to be back on the majority of maps.

No you’re missing the point entirely, BOTH Mass Rez and Riptire are bad at the moment.

There’s a massive bug live that causes Mercy to cancel her res if the res timer is over now.

Highly doubt that’s what the OP meant, and what’s wrong with RIP-Tire? I feel Junk could use an ult charge nerf but that’s about it.

But say we change the ult, it surely doesn’t feel great to see Soldier’s visor, and his gun pelting you with bullets.

Doesn’t feel great to get sliced by a Dragonblade, obliterated by a Rocket Barrage, insta-killed by a High Noon, gunned down by a Death Blossom, etc., etc…


We must be playing different games then since this was common all over platnium and low diamond.

Any news with mercy?
I mean come on

Yeah, but are we sure it’s a bug and not another low-key nerf?

Tbh, I’m not completely mad at the new changes. Sure, I dislike them. I haven’t played Mercy since the day the patch came out (I wanted to see what it felt like to play).

What I really am getting annoyed at is the complete lack of response from…anyone. Mods, Devs… I just want an actual response that at least partially addresses our concerns. Not some half-assed “we’re continuing to ignore your feedback, keep posting!” but an actual response as to what you’re doing right now. The lack of transparency on the issue is infuriating.


The speed at which it moves and the damage it does makes it very easy to secure a kill or two, don’t even get me started on how Junkrat doesn’t take knockback when he’s piloting the damn thing. It also can’t kill him because he needs that apparently?

Anyway, dying in general doesn’t feel great. But all those ults are counterable, or even neutralized in certain situations depending on what heros are around to deal with him. Soldier’s ult can’t be used if he’s asleep, Mccree can’t use his ult if he’s not in LOS or just staring down a barrier, if Genji’s knocked 10 meters away after using his dash refreshed from his ult, he’s not cutting anyone down with it, Reaper can stunned out of his ult before it does enough damage to kill anyone.
The list goes on, but Rez was like getting a paycheck and then suddenly losing it before you could cash it. If you want to do something as big as reviving a dead team mate, you have to stick your neck out to do it or else its gonna be overpowered.

Sorry @ mercy fans we had to nerf her to make sure the community enjoys the 2 new supports we bring into the game. And to make sure they enjoy them even more we also nerfed lucio/zen (with the sombra patch) just to absolutely make sure you will praise us for releasing “two new awesome supports” ~ Blizz 2018


she wasn’t meant to be a heal-bot either, but once again, here we are.


Hmm, interesting… It seems that for the first time for a long time… Mercy’s Monthly is lower than Weekly. It’s 7.23% (compared to 7.71%) now with “perfect” 50% winrate.

That’s because (as I said) hid and rez was used for climbing to higher ranks. What you saw was the bunch of boosted Mercys who were exploiting the SR system for climbing, nothing else. As I said before, eliminate that reward, and you’ll see how hide and rez dies.

Actually that doesn’t work (yes, they fixed her SR during the rework) because we have to spend 2 seconds being stationary for each single rez, something that means a death sentence in the majority of situations, so hide and rez now is mandatory if you are not being babysitted all the time. Guess what? We don’t like having to hide. Before the rework we could choose, and a lot of us chose not to hide not a single time. Now we must hide. We don’t like hide and seek game play and we don’t want Mercy to be just that. That’s why we want her to be changed back to her mass rez. At least then we could play really engaging, unlike now. If tweaks are needed after that, so be it.


It won’t, because one player doesn’t make big difference. It’s team game, and you can’t heal while using it, which usually ends with another teammate getting killed, making whole trouble with resurrecting pointless.

There is no reason to use resurrect during team fight now, you are vulnerable and useless during resurrection.

Resurrect as ability was annoying to deal with, but it was already less powerful than mass resurrect. Instead of turning fight around, all Mercy could do is prolong it.

how much yall wanna bet they ignore all our comments in this thread too? but nooooooooo, resurrect was too OP, too unbalanced, too game-changing, but somehow nobody bats an eyelid when a Junkrat or Dva or Mccree ult gets a five-man elimination? fsck that shiz, i’ll stick with Symm and Pharah.

Just to put that a little bit together. What do we want from Mercy which we had before? From what i read and think this are 4 major things.

Impactful decision making.
We still have that with her base kit. Healing and Dmg management feels as good as always, as well as her movement. But because Valkyrie makes everything so easy that we almost don’t have to think at all and that res is more like gambling than actual decision making, she lacks a lot of very Impactful decision making. Like, you can always have an impact with healing and that stuff, but never really that great “I did something” feeling.

Fluid movement.
Base gameplay, again, is okay. But res interrupts that every time you use it and you can’t abort it, even if you see the danger miles away already. This is really frustrating from time to time and ends usually in your own death as well. And with Valkyrie, sure it has free movement, but what made her movement so exciting before was the simple fact that you had to maneuver with it to get the best out of it.

The moment to shine.
Mercy has no real impact on the game which everyone can feel. With her Resurrect she had something that was very exciting, thrilling and smart. A big impact which everyone noticed. With Valkyrie… well, it’s only annoying. The impact of it is very small and we have a lot heroes in the game which can do the stuff Valkyrie does way better.

Better polish.
Again, the old res voice line was something everyone, even some people which don’t play the game, recognizes. It looked great, sounded very iconic and made everyone feel good. Now we have an uninspired voice line, an Ultimate with twitchy animations, no good feeling impact and no one really notices it if we use Valkyrie. On top of that it is nothing unique anymore and is only annoying and boring.

We had all of that points before her rework. Now we have almost nothing of that anymore. Only a bit of the moment to shine, if we go battle Mercy and that is not what she should be.


And Brigitte having a stun and pushing you away hammer throw… Res will be delightful xd

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