[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I agree. There was a huge degree of strategy, mind games, and thinking-on-your-feet involved with Resurrect as an ultimate. It’s what made Mercy so fun, you had to try and out-smart your enemies, otherwise you risk looking foolish. Sometimes I’d out-play the enemy, and sometimes they’d smartly bait my Rez.

There’s no strategy and skill with current Mercy, or at any point in the rework. It was all a horrible mistake.


http:/remove this/www.omnicmeta.com/2017/07/top-hero-mains-s5-pc.html?m=1

Now you’re just trying to make me more depressed than I already am. :frowning:

Sorry, Im just bringing facts that people forgot about. She was not op, she was just easy and fun to play with, and people loved her.

I’m really curious why those numbers don’t match the ones on Overbuff. Where does the disparity in the data come from I wonder?

And you’re right she was fun and loved. :frowning:

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any new fairy tale? hide and seek is a myth. you can’t get ult by hiding.

hide & rez steal POTG youtu.be/F2qYOu1hRJA
not hiding at all full of skill youtu.be/DM8iXaKHkG0

There’s no need to “go back” when we’re already there, buddy. The slow-down and cast time for a SINGLE Rez, evenin Valkyrie? You have no choice BUT to hide if you want to Rez someone now. It makes using Rez during a fight pointless. As a result, Mercy has become VERY passive, VERY boring, and has no skill or strategy now.


I really enjoy the 2.0 Mercy, maybe not so much the 2.1 mercy with slow downs during rez (though I understand why). I would get yelled at for not hiding in the corner (in 1.0) and trying to keep the team alive. Sets the wrong tone when you are yelled at for healing as a healer.

But now you can even do that

Unfortunately the way he said it was such that he didn’t outright say revert. It was more akin to “going back to the drawing board” than anything else, which only makes the situation even more frustrating.

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That is the most likes I’ve seen… But yes I agree with you… like Sombra is in a really good place and a lot of the changes can impact on Mercy… I mean there are times where even when I have 1.0 res… I keep dying because the team would not protect me… now that I have Moira and Brigitte… I no longer have to worry. There is an option to switch… Like in the past I would go Lucio prior to his heal nerf or Ana prior to the arrival of the Dive Comp… but with Mercy she is situational that became a little too much on demand because of the lack of support alternatives.

Anyways been playing as Brigitte… its literally one annoying support another another XD…

Moira is going to be impacted somewhat by Brigitte and quite literally… Blizzard are going to find somewhat to nerf these two heroes.

My issue with this statement is that if you had Support balance changes coming in as fast as DPS ones this game would be chaos. Support heroes, for the most part, determine meta. They are the big factor in what makes most comps viable, so when you change them, you are not only being put under the eye that is millions of Support players, but you risk screwing balance up a great deal.

I agree that Mercy needs some changes, but it’s very hard to think as much from a dev’s perspective when you’ve finally gotten her into a not UP, not OP, but still viable state. If I was a dev I’d feel a mass amount of relief given this Mercy nightmare is over.

I’m just asking that everyone have patience. We can’t get everything this instant as other heroes need their changes too, we just need to wait a bit. Being reasonable right now is our best option.


Explain me how GM Mercys achieve only one more rez than bronze players following the official statistics. Do you think that really shows how much skill does it needs?

Current Resurrect takes luck and skill from your teammates, not from you. We want take some skill again. Before the rework we had to think all the time when using our ultimate could give us an advantage and we had to be engaging for not letting anyone to die. Now it’s just “hey, look everybody, playing braindead kamikaze! Great, now they are all yelling for a rez in middle of the enemy team… omg…” or “Meh, that stupid dps is dead again and yelling me for a rez… is there my entire team for babysitting me? No? Ok, where will I hide? Oh, wait! Tracer appeared from the nothing in middle of my cast and killed me! Now all my teammates are yelling me!”

Seriously, Resurrect can’t be an E ability anymore. Turn it back into her ultimate and tweak it if needed. Do whatever you want with the moth (aka Valkirie).


Legit the current res is like… is there a pillar or a wall… ok… res…

Flying is powerful… yeah… of course… it’s so powerful that Pharah do it a lot better as part of her basic kit, not an ultimate. Seriously, if even a Lucio can kill you easily during Valkirie right now, that’s not flying. And sorry, but I’ve killed a lot of Pharahs with Junkrat, you only need to aim a bit (yes, aim with Junkrat, I’m mad). And yes, of course it enhances her survivality, because she will hide all that time and that isn’t what we wanted/want. Finally, if you think that a mediocre 60hp/s aoe healing is worthy of being an ult, bad news to you. Winston deals the same amount of aoe damage with his basic attack. Also, Zenyatta deals 5 times more healing while being immune. Valkirie can’t counter anything in this game, it’s just an unskilled easy go healing mode. We don’t want a braindead design, we want a real Mercy. Bring us a real hero, not this garbage.

And sorry, but I’ll answer your first question. Never. Until Blizz fix Mercy and give us a fun and balanced Mercy, like the one we had before this god awful rework.

Yes, it was so extremely common that I never saw a single Mercy doing that, but tons of dpss doing that, curious, isn’t it? However now every single Mercy must hide for a single rez while dpss play suicide because they have a flying undo button hid somewhere. And of course, if the Mercy fails at rezzing is all her fault, it is unfair saying that playing suicide is a fault of the dps… /s

You described perfectly current Mercy.

Honestly, I find all these “Mercy before was all the time hiding”, “she didn’t take skill”, “blablabla” really annoying. Now, thanks to all that complains we have exactly the Mercy they described, but now they say “She is fine” because she can’t be a threath anymore to the killing game because she is completely unrewarding, unimpactful and killing her takes no skill right now.

Balancing old rez was truely easy, and as a lot of people (even Taimu) said, the only huge problem old Mercy had was her broken SR system. Fix that and hid and rez would die, as it would be completely unrewarding because you would stuck in lower ranks, and hid and rez was only used for climbing to higher ranks.


You know what, I used to sort of hate mercy’s old res but you’ve convinced me. Seeing a bunch of picks come back to life isn’t a great feeling but then again neither is a tire coming out of nowhere and team wiping you instantly so I guess it works both ways.


Ahh that’s sweet of you <3 im glad what I said somehow resonated with you :3 I often try to tell myself that sure, maybe something that happened to me was frustrating, but it was probably fun for the other person. As long as they’re the enemy, a lot of things they do will annoy me.

I can’t stand being frozen and killed by Mei but I sure as hell love doing it when I play Mei so it’s all two sides of the same coin :’) it also helped me feeling less frustrated to tell myself that frustration and fun are often tied and it’s all a matter of point of view in the end


My god someone finally gets it.


So should DPS get punished for hiding and not doing damage during a fight? I would like to know, please! You are deliberately not helping your team to get kills and essentially forcing your team to play a 5v6 and lack the damage needed to secure kills because the most effective way to get a good ultimate is through surprise on the enemy. I complain about that all the time when I play Mercy now. It’s is under no circumstances fair that Mercy gets a heavy rework to counter Hide and Seek when DPS play Hide and Slaughter.

Just because it’s more flashy to pop out of nowhere and shred through an enemy team it should be no different than the support fans out there going “OMG THAT MERCY JUST SAVED HER WHOLE TEAM WHAT A PLAY!” Just how I get super hyped when supports have good ultimates because I am a SUPPORT MAIN I find those ultimates so much better than a DPS ultimate. Ana uses Nano - Me as a Spectator “Here comes the heavy damage LETS GOOO” Lucio uses Beatdrop - Me as a Spectator “WHAT A SAVE FROM THE JUNKRAT TIRE” Zenyatta using Trans - Me as a Spectator “He just saved his team from two heavy damage ultimates WHAT A PLAY” Mercy uses Resurrect on her team for a second chance - the world as spectators - “WHAT IS THIS? BURN HER BY THE STAKE WE CAN’T HAVE THAT HAPPENING IN OUR GAMES” whereas me as a support main - “OMG THAT WAS AN INSANE RESURRECT I CANT BELIEVE SHE GOT THAT OFF IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE ENEMY TEAM WHAT A PLAY!!”

Everyone see’s the game differently. It’s not the people that played with a Mercy on their team that got annoyed from Resurrect it was the enemy teams that hated the utility Mass Resurrect brought. Talking to one of my GM friends they were saying how much they hated Mass Resurrect and I went “well you never played with me when it was around to actually see how fun it was the way I used it.” Some games you get bad Mercy players others you get really good ones and you learn to appreciate those good Mercy players because they knew how to use the character effectively. I agree that Mass Resurrect had problems when it came to how it was being used and it definitely needed some counterplay brought to the ultimate. It would’ve been a lot easier to put some restrictions on Mass Resurrect and adjust values for Valkyrie as an ability instead of nerfing Valkyrie to the point where it’s effectiveness is near existent to compensate for how powerful Resurrect is as an ability and to nerf Resurrect you put a whole bunch of harsh nerfs to try and tone it down making Resurrect feel bad to use.

Mass Resurrect Q:
Option 1:

  • LOS Requirement
  • Blockable by barriers (XQC and any tank player could essentially deny the use of Mass Resurrect which would stop the complaining)
  • Instant cast or would work like Lucio which is Q --> voice line (1 sec delay) --> Resurrect
  • Uninterrupted Passive Regen upon completion
    Option 2:
  • LOS requirement
  • Cast time of 1.75 seconds
  • Isn’t blockable by barriers
  • Uninterrupted Passive Regen upon completing Mass Resurrect

Valkyrie as her new E ability can be adjusted a lot easier when it comes to numbers since there is more to the ability that they can work with. It’s impossible to balance Resurrect as an E ability because it’s either you make it super punishable and bad to use or really broken and easy to use. Valkyrie you have tons of adjustments that can be made in order to decrease the power in it while still making it a strong ability to help with a push give some extra healing or to take matters into your own hands and try and go for a kill. All of that would help Mercy be more active during a team fight which was something that she was lacking in Mercy 1.0.

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Oh look, an old copypasta defending mass rez.

Except the five counters are really 2 and those two are kill mercy, which is just a counter to mercy and not her rezzing, or “countering” rez by killing them all after the fact, which is still dealing with a 7-11v6 by just killing them all again. If a Mccree, or a D.va, or a Rein or whoever ult and kill your team this is on the Mercy for rezzing at a bad time. Let’s not confuse outplaying with counterplaying.