[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I can respect the opinion that you enjoy res as a mechanic. I, personally, do not. That is all I have been trying to say.

I absolutely think mercy should have a very impactful, fun ability or ultimate, I just don’t think resurrect, in any form, is it.

I’d love to see them give her an ability like Guardian Spirit, from wow. A proactive, life-saving ability. That would be rewarding pull off and would have a similar effect as res, except that it enables a higher skill of play and keeps her in the fight, rather than hiding, waiting to res.

I respect that too–it’s just different opinions after all. We could argue about res forever from our different pov and still none of us would be wrong or right.

I don’t know the ability you mentioned (ow is kinda the first online game I really liked) but it sure sounds cool. I’m all for giving mercy more skill and impact because right now her ult is just easy mode

There’s a different between winning because your team put in the work to win the first time and winning a war of attrition because you got a second chance at a lost fight. I’d rather walk away with the idea that “I lost because they played better there” rather than “we won because of a fight that we initially lost”

Opinions are important welcome to forums where we all give opinions on things.

Hiding as Mercy meant more than Hiding as a DPS. Hiding as Mercy meant you were deliberately not healing your team, essentially letting them die just so that you could get a second shot at that war of attrition. Hiding as a DPS is used as a flanking opportunity to catch the enemy team off-guard and possibly kill more than if it was a full frontal assault

Unless you dive the Mercy to start the fight, then it’s risky to split your team to search for her mid-fight

That makes it sound like there is nothing to enjoy about the game other than winning


Here are things I noticed while playing Mercy 1.0:

  • No one picked her a bunch. I did. But mainly saw other heroes in my games, it wasn’t just Mercy.

  • Resurrect was the definition of a game changing ultimate. It could swing the battle in seconds - to favor you or the enemy.

  • It made you keep track of the enemy resources from the get go. Now, you just pop off without thinking of the potential consequence(s).

  • It fits her lore and background.

Guardian Spirit sounds like a good idea and akin to Ying’s ability in Paladins - which is s very, very nice utility.

I play Priest, and am fully in cooperation for any crossover ability spells.


This argument keeps coming up. And to this day, nobody has been able to answer the simple question that always follows it:



Because it slows the pace of the game down too much and makes the game more frustrating. Because being able to punish people for mistakes is a point of skill and bringing them back from the dead is generally not. Because it’s counter intuitive to run in with the intention of dying so mercy can get a 5 man res. Because participating in the fights should be rewarded more than hiding from them. Because being able to turn the game from 6v6 into 7,8, or even 11v6 is too powerful. There are many more reasons why resurrect does not belong in a game like Overwatch and I am certain that you actually have been told many times why it’s not a good mechanic.

Again, it’s not about mercy, it’s about res. If you give such a powerful ability then it makes sense that you need to balance everything else around it. Having res is what is keeping mercy from having more fun and engaging ults, abilities, and gameplay. Maybe you’re just in love with the idea of being able to res people, but it is not a healthy ability for this game, in my opinion.

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She was the most played hero in gm even before the rework (edit: now she is 3rd place in pick rate). She wasnt op but she was the easiest hero to climb with on the competetive ladder, so people called a rework for her that will make her “more skilled”.

The original state of Mercy was perfect. There was a reason why she was barely touched, she was already very balanced and she stood the way she was for more or less the whole time of development and release. She was only touched strongly as the Leaque became more important and as the other supports were constantly made worse. Now she can’t even move anymore while rezzing a single person and she can only rez single persons. The leaque (fast gameplay, the faster the better) and DPS who felt it’s unfair that they can kill everything and someone else is able to revive everyone are at fault. The game balance of Mercy on the other hand wasn’t the issue.

She should be reverted back into her original state.


It’s not healthy that this game is full of unfair abilities where people are getting killed without being able to do something against it. An ability that revives on te other hand isn’t unhealthy. I don’t get the idea why support abilities are the issue and not One-Hit-Kill combinations and abilities.


Going by that logic, we should also remove Transcendence, Sound Barrier, Coalescence, Armor Packs, Teleporter, Shield Generator, all barriers, and all other forms of healing. Because they also slow down the game.

Not with how many abilities in this game set the player up for an easy kill or kill the target outright without needing much skill to do so:

  • Rocket Punch.
  • Chain Hook.
  • Charge.
  • Bomb+Mine.
  • Flashbang+FTH.
  • Scatter Arrow.
  • Zenyatta’s alternate fire.
  • Freeze+headshot.
  • Literally any non-support ultimate.

When we have so many abilities capable of insta-killing targets, why can’t we have more than three (Zarya’s Projected Barriers, Zenyatta’s Transcendence, and Lucio’s Sound Barrier) that are capable of stopping or reversing them?

And FYI, I think that Resurrect should not be an ability. It needs to be an ultimate, because that’s what it is.

You’re right. It is counter-intuitive; because intentionally dying to expend a valuable resource is a bad idea.

And it was.

But being able to turn the game from a 6v6 to a 6v2 with a single Q is totally acceptable.

You’ll have to come up with more because the reasons you have provided so far are either double standards or are downright false.


She’s balanced, has good pick rates and win rates, is featuring a fair amount at every level and in the OWL, and she is as good as she will likely get in terms of balance.

There is nothing to fix.

Resurrection, as it is now, slows the game entirely unless you kill the Mercy.

Resurrection before was either a hit or miss. You either swung the battle in your favor or you opened the door to a team wipe. Now it’s just so clunky and delays the natural order of the game.

Sombra’s “Hang on” emote should be given to Mercy. That’s what she’s doing.

Oh dear…uh…can we pause the shooting a moment? Please? I need to resurrect this gu– No. I shouldn’t be that way.

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I want you to know that, even though we disagree, I respect the opinion.

I get it though, I think. Resurrect is (or maybe ‘was’ is more appropriate from the newest rework) a fun ability for Mercy players and you want it back. I think it’s fair for mercy players to want that. It was a huge part of her character identity since launch.

I also think it’s okay to disagree that it is necessarily good for the overall quality of the game.

Whether you agree or disagree about res, I think it’s unlikely blizz will bring back the old resurrect ability. I hope that they find a place where mercy players are having fun and are engaged, and also where other players don’t resent her. Resurrect is an incredible ability that I personally think is near impossible to balance around and I would rather see them explore other options for her (again, I do get that resurrect is a huge part of mercy’s identity and character since launch, and I sympathize).

I love playing support and would like nothing more than for blizzard to make her a more engaging hero who feels fun to play and play against.

I don’t really want to argue anymore about resurrect, I don’t think we’re going to change opinions on either side.

Best of luck to y’all ;]


She isn’t meant to be useless while she is using an ultimate, but here we are.


You mean the playstyle that is currently required to get a successful Resurrection?

Yeah, we’re not going back to it because we’re already there.


Can you please provide source for that information? Overbuff says Mercy 1.0 had a 6.% (ish) pick rate before the rework whilst Dva alone had 9%.

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It’ll die when Mercy is in a good state and fun to play. And no flying in Valk is not a powerful ability, it’s sad, non-impactful and makes you a target so you’re better to stay on the ground during Valk.


You could say the same for any game changing ult. You’re all in a grav and Hanzo sends out a Dragonstrike, prompting Zen to ult, you still win a fight in which you initially were to lose. And even then, it isn’t like the ults in this game are hard to use, you can be considered putting in the work when you use them. It isn’t like a Pharah rocket barrage is super hard to use, Solder’s Tactical Visor isn’t hard to use, Dragonblade isn’t terrible given the great mobilty and ridiculous sword range.

Sure, if the enemy killed you all without ults, they put in the work, but I’d expect for them to at least have an ult afterwards to kill you again. Ult counters ult.

Didn’t say they weren’t, but when you state something that has no value to other than you for obvious reasons, I don’t think it contributes much. Saying a hero is boring is being ignorant to the fact that everyone has different interests in different heroes. I know plenty of people who found Mercy 1.0 exciting and her passive style relaxing.

Hiding as Mercy meant just the same: If you caught the enemy off guard, or didn’t die in a firestorm of a team battle, you were more likely to succesfully use and get more value out of your ult.

And leaving the fight did mean you weren’t healing as Mercy, but leaving the fight as DPS also meant you weren’t getting kills even if you did so later so??

Not when they are down a healer. It just evens the odds, but more so on your side because you don’t need an extra DPS when the enemy is down a healer. You guys can out heal their damage with your healers, but they can’t out heal your damage without their main one. It puts them at a severe disadvantage, frankly.

I mean, when we aren’t looking at winning as such a broad term, it’s true; you win a 1v1 and kill your opponent, you’d enjoy that more than losing it. You cap a point, you’d enjoy that more than having one of your own capped or just not capping at all. No matter how small the victory, it always makes you happier than losing. Again, human nature.

They’ve said it numerous times that they’re not reversing the changes.

Doesn’t mean they won’t do something else to return her to her former glory. Have hope!

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