[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I agree with you. Even If I hated mercy 2.0 it lasted way to long, but they didn’t even notice she was a issue. They didn’t even know Doomfist was broken till the 5th mega thread about his bugs came out, and that was months after he was broken.

I hate to break it to everyone but they’re not gonna change her just because some people think she’s “not fun” or “boring.”

She was literally reworked because people/pros complained saying rez wasn’t fun to play against.


I always say she shouldn’t have been changed in the first place, she should’ve just been left well enough alone. Like sorry to all the people who thought Rez as an ult was such a big problem, but it really wasn’t. The only time Mercy was actually a problem was when they started messing with her last August/September.

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Mercy is balanced perfectly at the moment.
She’s not a must pick to win anymore, but still a strong healer with the highest mobility in game. My guess is that if she now would receive a buff, she’d skyrocket in pickrates and will become oppressive and a must pick again.

Across all ranks, she’s still in the top10 most picked heroes and is picked frequently in OWL. She is picked more than Moira and Ana in OWL, which are the only other 2 main healer.

Also, fun is subjective. I have tons of fun playing current Mercy, even her ult I perceive as fun (tho I’d prefer a stronger single target beam during Valk, just preference tho). I love getting sneaky rezzes off and I feel really good when the person I rezzed proceeds to save us the point. I’m sure many feel that way too, just because a vocal minority on these forum perceive her as “unfun” doesn’t mean all Mercy mains feel this way. I cerntainly don’t.

I do have the feeling current Mercy is a bit harder to play and that’s probably why many don’t perceive her as fun anymore. Her Rez used to be low risk/incredible reward (pre-rework and after rework) now it is incredible high risk/high reward. People were used into putting low effort into the hero and achieving great results with it. Even if you had extremely bad target priority, movement and dmg boost usage, you were still very useful to your team when you poped ult (mass-rez/pre-nerf Valk). And due to Mercy’s easy-no aim healing, you’d get your ult pretty fast, especially if you held M1 on a feeding Dva or Hog. Even a bad Mercy could eventually get the strongest ult in the game by just existing and holding M1 on a tank.
Just think about it for a minute. Resurrect is THE STRONGEST ability in this game, you can bring someone back from the dead without waiting for the respawn and walking to the team. Having that instant is just incredible broken. The strongest ability with no counterplay cannot work in this game. Even if you tie it exclusively to Valkyre, even a bad Mercy will have ult 2-3x per a comp game and will get her free rez off without worrying of a counterplay. No other ability or ultimate has 0 counterplay like instant rez did.
“just shoot her” doesn’t work for about 90% of the community (especially console) because of her insane health regen and free flight (plus AD/crouch spam). It’s hard to kill a Mercy in Valk without using Visor or Noon. If a Mercy is a bit competent, she can get the rez off (Q/shift/E) before visor or noon can kill her. Well have fun when that happens on 2CP and she just rezzed a Roadhog.

Whether she would skyrocket in pick rates would really all depend on how they buffed her. For example: if they gave her 1 instant Rez back or if they increased her HPS to 70, 80, 90 etc. then yes she would. If they just increased her speed or ult duration then her pick rate wouldn’t rise that much

Woah… :astonished:

For the people who say “current Mercy is unfun”, I’d like to say that pressing 1/2 buttons and automatically win the fight sounds pretty unfun to me.

Helping my team to win the fight (instead of just winning by my own), flying and playing tag with the divers sounds way funnier to me.

They won’t change Mercy for a long time, and even if they do, it’ll be like Valk’s duration or GA on Valk’s speed.

How is she less fun to play now? She’s 100% bettter than she was at launch with a more involved and impactful ult that forces you to not hide in the backlines waiting for a perfect res.

She has more mobility, she heals at a faster rate, he heal beam locks better and has more range, and she can res as a regular ability. Her playstyle has not changed outside of her ult, and has only gotten bonus things added on to it.

It makes no sense that she’s suddenly not fun to play when you can still play her as she’s always been played, only to a greater effect and without the camping ult res. Unless you thought her double ult reserve and extra ult resses pre nerf were perfectly fine.

While you are probably right, Mercy won’t get changed in quite a while, I am not going to stop requesting changes to make her fun to play again. If everyone keeps silent about their opinions then we won’t even see a change 6 months from now, then we’ll never see any change.

Mercy is the sole reason I was attracted to Overwatch in the first place. She is the reason I continued playing. While I had fun when the team worked together, it was by playing Mercy I felt I could partake in that fun. The changes to Mercy (that made her unengaging, boring, and that ruins her mobility) is also the reason I stopped playing the game 1.5 months ago. The hope that Mercy will one day be fun again is the reason I’m still sticking around on the forums.


I really hope Blizzard doesn’t think like this and can see the major flaws in Mercy’s game design and skill ceiling. Bronze Mercys’ have the same stats and GM Mercys’…no other character in the game has absolutely NO skill ceiling whatsoever, whether they’re an entry level or no skill character you’re still able to be better than a bronze player if you’re in GM.

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Even a perceived minor buff like increased speed or ult duration would make her quite oppressive again. Valkyre is a strong ult (yes I know many of you don’t think so, but it is) because of the mass damageboost, extended beam range and high mobility. You can go in with a Genji and pocket his blade, you can heal your scattered team across a point while being at a good safe distance and you can gain additional speed while doing the bunny-hop (sling shot) in Valk (try it, you’re faster than normal GA). If you’d increase the ult duration, she has teamwide heal/boost for more than 15s. Not even Moira can mass heal that long without recharging. Would be quite broken and not needed for an Ultimate, 15s is perfectly fine.
As for increased speed, it’d make her again very difficult to kill during Valk. For me, it’s not fun being able to fly mindlessly above my team for 15s without worrying to get shot down. Now you at least have to think about positioning yourself, which is good. Mercy should not be completely brainless to play!

The only “buff” or change which maybe wouldn’t impact pickrate is when they change something about the chainhealig. Like make the beam target heal for 70hp/s and the chained for 40 or even removing chain heal completely and amping up her primary heals to 80hp/s during Valk (would need tweaking in numbers). Maybe add a new passive that teammates in a radius of 10m of her get healed by 20hps while Valk is active. Might make her more fun again for some as you need good target priority in Valk to keep teammates alive and maybe even save them from burst dmg.

Add rez cooldown reset on popping Valk = job done.

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As someone who has played Mercy since the Beta I can absolutely tell you that her playstyle has changed outside of her ult. I won’t comment on the changes between Mercy 1.x to Mercy 2.x because those are obvious. Let’s just talk about the most recent nerfs:

Before the nerf you were able to swoop in and out of the front-lines with confidence because if your target died while on the front-lines, you had the option of popping Valkyrie and rezzing them. You could play an active and engaging playstyle because you had the survivability that an instant rez offered. Since the nerf you can no longer risk being in the front-lines because apart from healing your primary mission is to stay alive. So, you stay towards the backlines where occasionally you get a rez off as well. Valkyrie is also a very unengaging ultimate. Now you pop it, fly to the skybox, press LMB or RMB… that’s it. At least before you did some swooping down to rez… though, Valkyrie has never been a very engaging ultimate (neither was Mercy 1.0 but at least it was over in an instant)

I am not saying we should have instant rez back. I’m saying I want the confidence to swoop in and out of the front-lines again. Perhaps I could have the ability to prevent death on my target for a few seconds? Just replace rez cause I don’t want statue mode to ruin my mobility and flow.

Dude, you should stop using this bait argument. The only stat close to Bronze is Res counter. Guess what? Mercy isn’t about Res anymore.
See healing, damage boost and death counters. That’s what really matters.

Not sure what planet you’re on…Valkyrie is statistically the WORST support ult in the game. Is it useful? Yes ofc, but it’s just a small extension of what she already does. The only thing they needed to do was remove the extra res charge during Valkyrie and change nothing else about her. Considering it is incredibly underwhelming, you should be harder to kill during Valkyrie. She’s basically a giant floating turtle at the point, if they have a hit scan I usually have to hide around a corner during Valkyrie anyway. Plus it’s not about her being overwhelming but her gamestyle being broken, not only is res more powerful than valk despite the nerfs it requires her to compromise her mobility which is a huge pillar to Mercy’s kit and they still give her no other ability to keep a teammates alive besides the polar opposites of her 60hp/s beam or res. If you played Mercy 1.0 and went straight to this it would be a massive shock, all of Blizzards initial ideals of her (single target healing, mobility, resurrect not requiring you to give up your own life as Mercy) are out the window and in the garbage bin.

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I also would love to see Mercy gets a buff but I think it is highly unlikely. Despite all the nerfs, she still has the 2nd highest pick rate behind Moira. She is certainly not near useless as I hear some have argued. To the contrary, she is damn useful under certain (but not all) circumstances and team comp.

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What make her better exactly… she’s more involved and not hiding… I’m pretty sure most people spend their fifteen seconds further away from their teammates than before with the extended range of her beams. She cannot use her ability to resurrect unless she is hiding around the corner or behind a shield.

Her mobility is ruined by her resurrect ability, sure she can zip around like before until she activates her ultimate… than she can zip around like before with the added benefit of flight. Sadly her resurrect ability ruins her mobility by forcing her to stand still for nearly two seconds. Her healing is actually the same, sixty points per second, it doesn’t increase it just becomes easier to heal multiple people at once so long as they are standing on top of each other.

What makes her no fun… her lack of impact during the match and her resurrect ability’s slow down contradicts her kit that is all about mobility to survive and get from teammate to teammate. The skill ceiling and the skill floor are at the same level. A bronze player should not have the same stats as a master or grand master player… but they do as of right now. And that’s not good.


I could have sympathy with you Mercy mains, because I agree she’s not fun to play. But after a whole month hearing “SHUT UP DPS SCUM” because you think it’s the forum’s fault, I honestly can’t.

The worst support ultimate? Excuse me??
The worst is by far Anas. Why you might ask? A 50% dmg boost is neat and the 50% dmg taken reduced is also nice but compare it to Mercy’s ult. Mercy can damage boost her WHOLE team for 15 seconds while nano only works on one. Also as soon as you nano a DPS, it’s your job to pocket them for the duration of nano because if you don’t they get focused down and die. It’s also really hard to get a good nano off if you don’t use it on Genjiblade, Tactvisor or highnoon. No doubt Ana has THE WORST ultimate of all (and is also the worst healing support at the moment).
Now the second worst support ultimate is Symmetras. It’s easily found (because of the audio qeue) and shielgen cannot save a team, just help them live a bit longer. Teleporter is great if timed well, but mostly they’ll send a flanker and it’s gone.
The third worst is Lucios Because of the long a** cast time and it being easily interrupted. If he gets CC’d it’s gone. Plus it takes long for it to charge up because a good Lucio will not only sit on healsong. Sombra currently being played more adds to it being bad (EMP counters it).
Now fourth is Moira. Moira heals and DPS at the same time and her healing during her ultimate is great. BUT she is very easily CC’d out of her ult (due to it being channeled) and you’d need your WHOLE team plus enemy team to stand in one cluster behind eachother to get max value out of it. I play a lot of Moira in comp as well and it’s quite hard to get high healing value out of it. You’d use it to burst heal but you cannot save your team from a Grav+bomb or a nanoblade (if Genji is somewhat competent he kills you first).
Also on fourth place I’d put Mercys ultimate. I’d say it has the same value as Moiras does. While Moira heals faster for a shorter time, Mercy has consistent healing plus great survivability. Plus Mercys ult cannot be canceled, Moiras can.
The best support ultimate is Zens, he’s also the least healing support. His ult can do noting against Widow HS, Dva Bomb or Tracer pulsebomb. So also not Zen can always safe his team.

Mercy’s ultimate is not anymore to counter other strong burst DPS ultimates. It’s a sustain ultimate now. The trend I see now is that the least healing support have the strong defensive ultimates (Lucio, Zen, Brigitte) while the strong healing support have more offensive focused ultimates (Ana, Mercy and Moira to some extend).
Blizzard has made clear of the route they want to go with Mercy. They want her to be a healer which is keeping her team alive through consistent healing, which she does. If you want burst healing, you take another healer. You anyways usually run 2 healers one being there for a offensive ult and one for a defensive.
Imagine giving a strong defensive ult to the healer who overall heals the most consistently during a game. It would be broken and that’s what pre-nerf Valkyre was.
Just removing one rez wouldn’t have been enough because brining someone back instantly is better than any other support ultimate. You can bring back a Hog to forever contest a point, you can bring back an overextending Genji with a simple swoop who then proceeds to blade the other team from behind. For such a strong ability to have almost 0 risks (except noon and visor, but because Valk is so long and respawn timer is 10s, you can wait it out) is not acceptable.
Does it feel great not being able to move for almost 2s? Ofcourse it doesn’t but it’s necessary for game balance. The same as Pharah and McCree need to be almost immobile during ult. Rez is a ult on a CD, that’s why it needs conditions like an ultimate.

If they’d transitioned Mercy 1.0 to this what we have live ofcourse it would’ve been a shock at first. But I’d still would’ve loved it. More mobility during GA (which changed my gameplay fundamentally and gives her much higher survivability). Chainhealing during Ultimate plus free flight plus unlimited ammo to have some fun in QP and deathmatch? Pls I take it all over Mercy 1.0. Higher mobility is always more fun for me.
As for the casttime on rez I seriously don’t mind. I like outsmarting enemies with rez. I love getting a sneaky rez off mid teamfight. I love keeping my team alive through perfect target priority and I love healing everyone perfectly so I can get a rez off without anyone dying (because of no heals for 2s). I love baiting DPS ultimates during Valkyre and I love hunting down Hanzos and Widow.
she is way better than Mercy 1.0. I felt cheap a lot of times when I rezzed from behind a wall. I felt cheap winning if my team was absolute garbage but just because I instantly rezzed 3 from behind cover and they blew all ultimates we won. I used to say you can’t heal stupid, but you can rez them… The only counter to Mercy 1.0 was Mercy and hoping yours was better with the rezzes than the enemy Mercy.

EDIT: It was also a great shock for Mercy mains when they first announced her rework. One half of the forum was crying about how it will be the end of Mercy and the other half of the forum was celebrating because they thought Mercy was trash now. Oh everyone was so wrong, so very very wrong…
When they announced the casttime on rez outside of Valk (Halloween update) Mercy mains again proclaimed that she’s useless now and will be trash tier. Oh how wrong they were here again.

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They don’t need to change her because she’s unfun or boring, but they do need to change her because she’s not rewarding to play with, has a contradictory Ultimate that is weaker than a lot of E moves with a suicide button, and has no skill floor or ceiling between both pro players and casuals. Being good at Mercy at High Diamond takes the same amount of effort as Being good at Mercy in Low Bronze, thanks to her actual ultimate being a watered down ability on a 30 second cool down.

You have no evidence as to how long Mercy will remain in her current state, so your statement holds no merit. What is known is that they simply aren’t planning on a revert at this time. They never said “this will stay for quite a while” either. How long do you determine as “quite a while”? Because they never gave us a time frame, so let’s not put words in their mouth and feed the Mercy haters.

Quite simply, Mercy is in need of a revert, to where she was both fun to play, and balanced. I for one couldn’t care less about how long it takes until they change her for the better, and I will not just give up and “play another hero”. If my team needs a Mercy, I’m still playing my main. But it doesn’t mean that I have to like her changes. I will continue to express my dissatisfaction of her Ultimate and E move. The rework has been a huge failure, and needs to be addressed.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.