[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

You know how they’re culling scatter because it’s unfun to play against and didn’t feel intuitive to use?
That’s why mass rez was cut


I mean she basically was a must pick after Ana got obliterated. She was the only viable main healer left. Before that, Mercy was played a lot in lower tiered play, while Ana was played a lot in upper tier (Which is the way it should have stayed.)

Pressing shift from spawn and flying onto a point to rez 4+ members of your team with no downsides was busted, especially without LoS changes.


This is why more main and sub healers are needed in game.


Never had that experience personally.And I started playing after Ana got nerfed, and she still wasn’t a must pick. From what I played, Lucio+Zen duo was still effective.

In the year that I played, I can say I only experienced Mass Rez about 10 times, and that was because one of the people I played with regularly was a Mercy Main.


You mean when one main healer was gutted the others Pickrate came up? :pretends to be shocked:


Xavvy technically gave them even more money for the name change. :joy:


And now we have two more overtuned, easy-to-play supports in the game as a result.

You’re one of the lucky ones then. It was the worst on 2CP maps.

Ikr. It’s like they wanted to cater more to the plebs or something.

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Moira and Brigitte are balanced m8. Other characters are just unprepared as rein lacks cc immunity.

Tracer and Genji are getting used to having hard counters.

Easy counter for moira is d.va and then for Brigitte out ranging and bursting down her shield from a range is usually the best bet you have to kill her. There are other options of course but those are the most obvious.


They’re easy, high impact heroes, and I’m sick of them being so good when heroes like Ana are D-tier.

Oh boy, like we need another reason to play D.va.

So basically Brigitte has 850 health. Got it.

I don’t think the rework was needed, especially not since most of their reasons for the rework have been made null and void by the nerf hammer.


It wasn’t needed per say but even when they did rework her they made her broken OP, making everyone go through months of hell and causing the people that play Mercy to suffer more toxicity than usual, and then decide to leave her in a bland state and act like the rework was successful even though it was a dumpster fire.


and rein has what 2600 health total if we count his shield? funny how his shield gets shredded with focus fire :thinking:


While it is not fair for Ana to be left behind, get out of here with your elitist “muh aiming skills” BS. Overwatch is a game for everyone, not just teenage CoD players.


Funny how so few of the dps crowd actually even play ana.


Great. Now state a counterargument to it so I can tear that apart when I come back in a few minutes.


LOL I saw the RevertMercy name and was like “oh this’ll be good.” Xavvy, why? You already ended each post with your revertmercy sig. Aw man NotLikeThis.

Mass rez is most likely by all accounts gone. You may not agree with it, you may not like it, but it is.

I hope you didn’t pay for that name change.


Hey, Titanium. Guess what. Mechanical aim isn’t the only skill in Overwatch. Surprising, I know.

Positioning, awareness, opportunism, game sense, good ult usage. A good Ana needs all of these. There’s a reason people say Ana requires the most skill. The new supports only need half of those skills.


While I do think that Mass Rez was a little broken, it could have definitely been fixed with a line of sight check and damage reduction instead of total invulnerability.

As for Valkyrie, it’s ok . I like that the original ultimate line is back but I feel like it needs a small buf to make it more engaging and fun (like maybe her primary patient gets 80 health per second and a 40% damage boost and everyone attatched to the chain gets her normal healing and boost).

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Mercy only needed some tweaks, not an entire rework.

She needed small things like, make her ult charge longer, or give her a cast time, or stuff like that.

An entire rework is not needed. Mass res just needed a nerf.


Tank v. Support.
And the tank doesn’t have an instant CC ability that destroys you when you get close.