[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

And the irony is that as a result of that backlash, one player who took Blizzard to task got hired by them. His name is Jeff Kaplan.

And now he’s doing to Mercy players exactly what he opposed the WoW team for doing.


Either loads of topics are being merged or yall are super active today…

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There might be hope on the horizon. Jeff stated in an interview that he isn’t satisfied with where Doomfist and Sombra are at.


“We’re just trying to be responsible in the changes that we make to not swing them too far the other way. It’s very easy for us to overpower a hero, and in particular with Doomfist and Sombra they each have separate mechanics that can be very oppressive to other players if we’re not careful with them,”

…quote from the interview

It looks like not even the devs have all the answers - we’ll have to be patient while they figure things out.

I’ve accepted that Mercy will most likely be on the shelf until the devs are finished rebalancing the trash tier heroes - which they seem to be making good progress on. If they still don’t revisit Mercy after they’re finished with that, that’s when I’m going to get my torch and pitchfork.

Until then, I’ll keep posting Mercy-related discussion on the forums… just to make sure the devs don’t forget about us Mercy fans :grin:

A bit of both, I want to say.

Post Preamble:

Give it a read, it won’t hurt you _:wink:

It certainly isn’t engaging.

Post Preamble:

Give it a read, it won’t hurt you _:wink:

Sounds like I’m ready to be the next Jeff… Oh My Mercy :hushed:


Back at the 17000 mark any response from the blizzard devs?

Post Preamble:

Give it a read, it won’t hurt you _:wink:

And so why do you say anything at all? Or do you like belittling yourself that much…

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Post Preamble:

Give it a read, it won’t hurt you _:wink:

Yes think this would be a preferred direction.

I just realized something. The Valkyrie symbol looks like a bikini top or a bra. Which makes sense. Because a good bra will lift and separate. And that is exactly what Valk does - it lifts you into the air, and allows you to separate yourself from your team.

Excellent job on that one devs. :+1: on the bra connection.

As for it replacing Mass-rez as an ult? :-1: It sucks.


Post Preamble:

Give it a read, it won’t hurt you _:wink:

The McDonald’s skin is also good too see what I did there :sweat_smile:

But unlike Mickey D’s, I’m not loving it.
They should see about getting Dyson to sponsor OWL - because just like Dyson’s products, Valkyrie sucks. It’s the Hoover of ultimates.

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I do think that there are other heroes that need more attention than Mercy does, especially those at F-tier for over a year now - I’m glad they’re getting the buffs and fixes they need, hopefully.

However, I do think we need something from the devs to at least show where they’re at with her. Screw viability - do they agree she’s unfun? Do they think they could do anything to make her balanced and enjoyable without totally breaking the game so non mercies and mercies alike can enjoy her presence in the game?

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Post Preamble:

Give it a read, it won’t hurt you _:wink:

At least that would be something, but I’m more a fan of just letting Valkyrie rot to death. At least then it could be use to fertilize a new Ultimate and “E”.

wow 17000 posts this is a graveyard


It sure is my dude…

Post Preamble:

Give it a read, it won’t hurt you _:wink:

Being a Mercy Main these days is akin to the feeling of anticipation you get from digging a folk into a piece of cake only to take a bite and not taste anything at all, and wonder…


Post Preamble:

Give it a read, it won’t hurt you _:wink:

Basically yes…

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Duuude, they locked my joke thread lool
