[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

It’s the fact that for us, they basically removed our favorite hero.


I’m wondering if his interpretation of “when the dust settles” is when those complaining about Mercy stop complaining. Well, if it is, then sorry Jeff but it won’t happen. We want a balanced but fun and engaging Mercy, not the current balanced but braindead and hide Mercy we currently have.

We also want to stop being silenced, for the feedback megavoid (if it must continue to exist) to be a thread for actual feedback, not for something to contain anything about Mercy whether it’s feedback or not.

We’d also appreciate it if someone official could at least start engaging in a discussion every so often regarding some of the feedback that people have taken the time and effort to post.

I’m also tired of the players who often say Mercy is fine, but when I check their career profile I discover many of them haven’t even played Mercy this competitive season to get a true picture from both sides. Some quote OWL, which is an unfair comparison as OWL always usually has coordinated teams unlike the standard everyday Overwatch matches.


It’s kind of pathetic that we have a “Community Manager” whose job is equivalent to “Lead Moderator”. You’d think that a “Community Manager” would actually talk to the forumers, rather than just moderating/setting up megathreads.

Sick PR.


I’d like to think it’s more of seeing how her pickrates in QP and winrates go since he brought those two points up after that statement.

But with Dive being the meta, and the Sombra Buffs now making Lucio (My poor Froggy-san) nearly useless, and with two new maps that have open space and a lot of vertical points-I don’t think Mercy’s picks are going to diminish any time soon.

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I’m not in OWL. Neither or you. OWL is irrelevant to this discussion.


I guess that’s one of the reasons she is still in owl. Because people actually work together :slight_smile:

By the way I was just referring to other topics in general haha :joy:

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Indeed, what we lack is an official liaison at the moment. I thought that was part of their role but oh well.


They have been falling in QP and rising in Competitive. I’ve been watching. About a month ago, her pickrates were 6/7% QP/Comp. Now, they’re 5/8.


Definitely remove the cast-time and movement decrease. I’d be fine with compromising and having Valkyrie as it is now, but the cast-time and movement decrease is the biggest factor as to why Mercy sucks as much as she does now, in my opinion.
If I could totally have it my way, I would go for a full rework.

To me, it was the satisfaction of it. You are right- her main kit is basically exactly the same, minus the only good update we got with Mercy being the bunny hop. Nothing could beat the satisfaction of earning your rez in the heat of a battle to pop it off and really rub it in the enemies face that they messed up. Or even tempo-rezzing to keep the point just a bit longer or to finally cap it.
There are a lot of hypocrites that think a 6 man riptire is ‘okay’ and ‘fun’ but a 5 man rez isn’t. Having the enemy outsmart you isn’t supposed to be fun.
At her core playstyle, yes, Mercy was pretty much the same. But the mentality behind playing Mercy was so much more satisfying to me pre-rework.
(PS, I appreciate you asking questions honestly without any salt :slight_smile: )


I’ll go out on a limb here and say the devs don’t communicate with you guys because you won’t like the answer. They try very hard to avoid being provocative when they post, which is why they usually post on lighthearted threads not related to balance and why they don’t promise any deadlines for changes. No answer is a form of communication, it probably means they disagree with you guys but you can’t expect a dev team to flat out say “We disagree. Goodbye.”

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but they didn’t remove her though.

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THANK YOU! I despise when people throw around OWL like it’s a logistic argument.


Considering that it’s a pretty different hero, they might as well have removed and replaced Mercy.

So yeah, for us, Mercy was removed.


The WoW Devs did this once upon a time and the backlash was definitely felt. You’re very correct on this one. They flat out said “No, you’re wrong” and moved on from the topic, much to annoyance and outrage of the community.

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Except Blizzard only listens to the 1% that complains about anything that counters their SiCk pLaYz or favorite heroes. It’s because of them that Mercy was changed in the first place; she was a nonproblem AT WORST. The forum was Mercy-complaint free until the pros started getting complacent and let Mercy players take advantage of them because of it.

Mercy was garbage tier from the start of Overwatch up until February of last year, when she was given the much needed invincibility buff during Rez. People were happy and Mercy players were finally being treated like human beings and not like dead weight troll pick throwers. The 1% created the Hide and Rez strat because the sr system was broken. Braindead players that kiss the ground pros walk on hopped on the bandwagon and, alongside the pros, decided to make up lies and perpetuate myths until Blizzard felt they HAD to change Mercy.

The 1% is also the cause of the most recent Zenyatta nerf, despite virtually everyone outside of the 1% preaching for months and months that Zen was THE most balanced hero in the game. 1% of the playerbase cried to papa Jeff, and now here we are.

Your argument that Blizzard shouldn’t and doesn’t listen to the loud minority is immediately invalid.


This isn’t a revert, this would be a full on rework, which is why I stated earlier that I knew there was a very slim chance mass res would come back. Yes, in the rework it would require res to be an ult, but it would still be completely different, it would be like a deadeye type ult (high risk high reward), with a bunch of other abilities that maybe require skill. Making res an ult would be the only way to rework mercy.

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Yeah, true. However, if that’s true, they shouldn’t give a false illusion that our feedback in the megavoid is really being looked at. At this point it’s hard to believe. Trying to silence Mercy discussion from the main forum, and not other heroes so far, isn’t helping matters. If they think it’ll eventually stop, they are surely mistaken.

I’m afraid your argument on this one cannot be proven or dis-proven. In other blizzard games like WoW, the opposite was stated for a long time. Instead of the 1% pros, the large casual crowd was blamed and blizzard was criticized for catering to them. Which is right though? What reality is true? I can’t honestly say one way or the other because I don’t work at blizzard.

So you speak for the majority of Mercy mains and I don’t? I really like playing the new mercy, her ult is just boring.

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I don’t believe they intended to lead you guys into a false sense of security about the megathread, I think they just didn’t know what to do with all these Mercy threads and consolidated them into one place. It’s foolish to think that the devs have read every single post in there, but it’s likewise foolish to think every post has some individual merit and isn’t just agreeing with another. There are only so many creative posts in the megathread, most of it is just the echoed sentiment.