[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

That is because she would ruin OWL gotta show off that flashy Genji and Widow no one cares about Mercy.

See you all in the megathread prison when this sadly gets locked.


Guys the reason why she isn’t balanced is because they changed an ultimate into an ability, thus why she is"OP". Reverting her or taking away her rez might be the only options.
This scares me as a Mercy main.

Honestly, if they did that I’d almost prefer they just remove her altogether

Really? Because she is the most prominent main healer at every rank.
So again, other than your opinion and emotion, your comment is simply false.

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Just a little info for you people that think Mercy is in such a bad spot. Also look for the super OP Tracer on all these lists.


NOT SO… u actually pay for their babies milk … i have been answered by them AUG 2017 before they banned me right here in this forum

To be fair, 1.0 was almost exactly the same for 90% of the match as 2.0. In my opinion, with more than 400 hours in the game, most of it on Mercy 1 and 2, 2.0 is far more engaging since they added her extra jump to guardian angel. It’s truly what separates amateur left click Mercys from higher tier slippery hard to kill Mercys.

I don’t think removing res is the only solution, but making it hard and unfun to use is not really an acceptable solution in my opinion. Removal is better in that case, to me. I know not everyone will agree. What makes Mercy “Mercy” is not necessarily the res. “Huge Res” was a big part of her playstyle, but now she is much more about positioning and agility. Current res with the cast time and long CD is completely counter to that to the point that it feels disjointed to use. Even something like immediate but temporary res (like, you get ressed for 5s and then die, but get no respawn timer) could be interesting and balanced. Or perhaps res is immediate but sends someone directly to spawn and gives them a move speed boost, rather than ressing them on the spot. Both of those make res feel more like an ability that can be used at any time, rather than a crippled ult.

And really, Mercy didn’t really ‘work’ before. She was basically broken BECAUSE of res. Yes you could counter Mercy is most situations, but some situations there was 0 counter play. As a teammate of a Mercy, you were pressured to die in the right spot at the right time, or risk dying shortly after. As one hero, Mercy had a huge amount of control over the tide of the game. And let’s be honest, Mercy takes a lot of skill to play well, but it’s skill that isn’t as hard to develop as say McCree or Genji. Giving her more power to turn the tables than either of those heroes makes little sense. That’s why the devs won’t go back, because her power over the game is unfun for literally everyone in the game, except herself.

I’d really like to see her kit rebuilt around being mobile and hard to kill and making those things scale with skill level. If that includes another iteration of res or not, I’m not so bothered. I think Mercy is in a much better place when you give her power that she earns through high skill play, rather than being a panic button for her team.

So you were on topic and derailed it from being an issue with the dev team ignoring the mercy feedback which is the entire title of the topic.
Logic be gone!

People will always play Mercy because

  • She’s one of 7 supports, 6 healers, and only 3 main healers
  • Her basics are easy

Your “info” is not an info. You prooved nothing with it.
Pickrates are not directly correlated to balance.

Please stop using this argument. It is simply wrong. You tried it in the megathread (hi megathread, we got merged!), we debunked it many times. Why do you still persist with it ?

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You debunked stats with your own feelings? I feel like the earth is flat therefore it is :slight_smile: Don’t show me pictures or evidence.

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Mercy is just fine now. I don’t think they will be changing her ever again.

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I think people are equating ‘unfun to play’ to ‘in a bad spot’. She is in a completely balanced spot. But she is dull and rather unfun to play because her ult has no feeling of impact or playstyle change, it’s mostly just the same as normal. Something does need to change with her to make her ‘feel’ exciting. Even though she is mostly the same as before, the fact that her ult was more interesting before makes her feel lackluster now.


She is a high pick on the professional side as well. She is very well balanced right now. Arguing that she is underpowered isn’t going to get you anywhere becasue it flies in the face of any and all evidence.

If mercy was bad she wouldn’t be seeing play across all tiers or in the professional scene.

You can argue that Current Mercy is boring all you want. i agree with that, but then again mercy has always been boring to me. Her play style is too passive.

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I don’t see where my feelings are when I say

  • She’s one of 7 supports, 6 healers, and only 3 main healers
  • Her basics are easy

We’ve spent days explaining why the rework was not necessary, why rez as an E and valk as an ult will never work, why she lost most of her skill ceiling, why hide and rez was only promoted by a broken SR system, why she is unfun to play now, why she is by no means close to be “fine”. But it seems some people don’t want to understand it.

You are only stating that she is fine/balanced/in a good spot without any piece of evidence, while we are bringing more statistics than you even need to support the fact that she is not fine.

I never tried to argue she was not balanced.

She has never been less fun and engaging than now. She might be balanced, but if her gameplay is self-contraditcting, counter-intuitive, unrewarding, unimpactful and flat through all ranks then she is not fine.


At least in 1.0 she had the possibility of taking an important and active role in the fight through ressing. Now even when she ults shes just more of the same left click, except now you become flying and hard to control.

@Arcalias: I doubt they will ever bring back huge res because even when you weren’t actively hide and seek ressing, it was unfun for everyone except Mercy. Although I do agree that something needs to be changed to give her back that dynamic decision making that she no longer has, I don’t think it’s bringing back huge res as an ult.

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I must ask, why do people think this is a mercy-only thing?
The only difference between Mercy, Sombra and Bastion (Among others) is the fact that mercy has a megathread.
Bastion’s been left in the dust for almost a year now, with nothing said, and Sombra was supposed to be “Watched closely” after her nerf and we’ve heard nothing.

I think people are more up in arms about Mercy because she is one of 4 healers at the time of the rework. Bastion is one of 18 (??) DPS heroes.


So? People still like to play Bastion. Just because he’s a DPS doesn’t mean it’s acceptable to leave him behind. This elitism behaviour really needs to stop.

devs are happy with her current state. do you want them to respond to every thread concerning hero balance?