[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Are you talking about when Lucio was replaced by Mercy or when people weren’t sure how to play him.

How many times must we max out megathreads giving feedback -_- We’ve given you plenty of feedback but it just feels like you aren’t listening to it.


Thank you for continuing the thread!
As I said in the previous thread, the rez feels clunky and valk feels underwhelming. I still have fun with mercys base kit but I’d like the impact/fun factor to be addressed eventually when current heroes under rework are done. After all, fun was the reason she got a rework.

I feel we’ve come full circle with the reasons for the rework and the way Mercy is right now.

That being said, thanks for your work and for the game!

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Just remove the rez and make it usable only during valkrie and make it instant. Give mercy something that she can use in mid fight. A protective pro active ability would fits mercy’s theme and make her actually engaging to play.


The ability was a Mini Ult, the skill is a Ult Level Skill, it had to be seriously shackled down or it was too powerful.

Its like giving Genji, Soldier or McCree their Ultimate as ult… or even Reinhardt…

I mean imagine if Reinhardt can do a mini earth shatter per 30 second and his ultimate was that he can charge and move faster and generate an auto shield to block attacks whilst he is in berserk mode.

or Soldier:76 gaining Tact Visor for the duration of one magazine or McCree a 1 shot guaranteed dead eye skill.

Continuing the discussion from [Mercy Megathread 9!? or are we going to reopen Megathread 8?]:

We are pretty much just talking amongst ourselves with the occasional think they are so smart idea that will not work for Mercy.

Thats pretty much all that is happening XD… I got a stack of other games to play as well…

Mercy will still have to charge it. Part of the “shackling” would be the fact that it’s only single target and can be stopped by stuns.

Hi, I have to ask. Did you quit Overwatch or even lost a lot of interest because Mercy was nerfed?

Guys, the other 2 threads on Mercy are closed by mods minutes ago. This thread will probably share the same fate too so yeah :confused:

OK, taking this from the now CLOSED (but not moved yet) forum post:
"Is the Mercy Mega Thread a garbage dump?"

Anyway, seems that maybe instead of “Close & Transfer Mercy threads” it is now just “Close any Mercy thread” (not sure, only been 2 hours since closure). Nothing against the Moderators of the forums, they are just doing their job and what they are told to do… Anyway, I posted this in that other thread but thought it goes better here (in case they don’t transfer the other thread or it gets lost).

You want Mercy, you got Mercy. Thread level is over 10,000.

Add to that, 7 previous Mega Threads, none of which had any interaction with the developers except a pat on the head in the form of a statement like ‘We thank you for interest. We are working on it.’ Then the total slap in the face of replying to the 7th Mega thread in a thread that had NOTHING to do with Mercy before Jeff put in his famous lines:

"Feb 8
We have no plans to revert Mercy. We also feel like she’s not in a horrible place or unplayable.

It’s still to be determined if she is exactly where she should be because it has been too soon and the dust needs to settle. Her playtime in QP and Comp is still incredibly high. Her winrate is still above 50% but more in line with what we’d expect.

But I’d like to put the notion that Mercy is going to be reverted to rest.

Also, we don’t agree with the statement that all supports are weak. Support heroes are extremely powerful and impactful in OW."

We don’t want a Revert to the stupidly Over Powered Mercy, which has had 8 Nerfs since the Rework all for “Balance”. This makes Mercy the most Nerfed Hero in Overwatch to date. We DO want a Rework with Resurrect back on “Q” and something, maybe a toned down Valkyrie, as an “E” ability for mid fight. Well, most of us want that, with some safeguards against “Hide and Rez” (even though many DPS PoGs’ are Hide and pop Ult taking out whole enemy team):

  1. MODIFIED LoS so that payload, signs, and poles do not interfere but walls will.
  2. Mass Healing of any who did survive Ult Storm so that she does not have to wait for teammates to die before using it.

There, Fixed an no more EXCUSE that they reworked her because of “Hide and Rez”. Not to say that Blizzard needs an excuse to change anything, but we all remember “Butt Gate” on Tracer and from World of Warcraft “Leeroy Jenkins”…

Her base kit is fine, but there is no PoG worthy Ultimate. Heck, even Ana (which I agree needs some serious work) is getting more PoG now than Mercy.


#RevertMercy #addLOS


I wouldn’t be surprised. I had my small, 2 reply thread closed because I was warning people of not trusting players on the recruitment thread(s).

Yes but as I have mentioned countless time again in the Megathreads… How?

Resource Meter Idea does not work because if we go down this root, it means should be better off as a Ultimate.

Her main method of gaining is through healing, 4 points for every 5 healing… if she heals a flat out 2200HP in the course of 37 seconds with Passive Generation, she will have an ultimate.

If you apply the same rules to E Res, then its is going to charge up way quicker than her ultimate… also it would be too unreliable as the ability right now, will just kill you unless you res behind a wall.

Damage Boosting gives her Ult feed but too unreliable as it requires your team mate to be able to aim and kill things and you can’t expect Mercy to gain ult through damage dealing… she can gain her ult with damage dealing within 60 seconds+

But yeah answer me honestly… how would you design the resource meter? Also the idea of collecting souls do not work because it means you let people die to gain the Resurrect ability.

So in conclusion, the best step is reconvert back into an ultimate, the best way to stop her is to kill her or have a Dumb Moira constantly playing Passive and Healing Only, reducing your healing done.

Well, to be fair, spreading distrust almost never ends well.

I just wanted to say this: Why would i play Mercy anymore, and deal with annoying Rez cast time and slow effect, when i can play Moira and Brigitte, who are lot more fun to play, feel lot more natural and intuitive to use in most situations, and on top that can also defend themselves against enemies super well, unlike Mercy who has to rely on teammates positions when using guardian angel to escape?


Nah I just joined the Toxicity and slap people down who demand me to go support.

Not a lot of people can retort back about Mercy anyways…if we lose we lost, nothing more, nothing less. So called DPS mains need to learn how to support themselves and flex off their Hanzo and Genji’s

That’s why they keep adding new heroes: trying to move people’s attention from flaws of old ones.

Bad idea, Blizzard: you can’t run from your mistakes forever.


That reply was in regards to Titanium.

Line of Sight don’t work… I already summarised the issue and most cannot work their way around it without making it brokenly convenient for Mercy.

Like I love Mercy but I have to be realistic.

Line of sight activation means that the Hide and Res will still have place, nothing will change must from 1.0 because all you need is a soul behind a wall and then you can hit Q and res whoever is in the 15 metre Radius.

Line of Sight Effect means that anything that is blocked in line of sight i.e shield or obstacles will stop the ultimate stone cold dead, which would highly underwhelm the ability.

This would mean a lot of…