[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Then you clearly avoided the mega threads like the plague.


Just play baguette then. She takes the same amount of skill and has the same impact as a mercy. If one of the teams doesn’t have baguette, they lose.

Uh if you don’t find yourself hiding in Valk you’re playing against trash dps.

Also lol at people saying rez was unfun to play against.

You know what else sucks to play against?

Grav, Dragonblade, Visor, High noon, Scattershot, Tracer in general, Wallhack Widow, EMP. That doesn’t mean that should be nerfed to the ground either.

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Nope. I’ve been following this whole situation since August when they first announced the rework. Seen all the 10+ mega threads or whatever. And before the rework went live everyone was saying how horrible it would be and that Mercy would be trash. Then when it went live everyone saw how wrong they were and a lot of people enjoyed new Mercy. Most ppl only really started complaining about her being “unfun” when they started to nerf her. Of course it’s not fun when your favorite character gets nerfed but that’s just the way it is.

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Your argument was that people liked her when she was OP, when even then people were begging for a revert. When she was not OP. I did not enjoy her when she was blatantly OP. I made suggestions to keep fun aspects of her changes but toning her down to keep things fair. As did many others. No one wanted her OP in the first place. How did you miss that?


You want proof? Easy, go to YouTube and look up something along the lines of mass rez tribute or mass resurrect montage. You’ll find many many clips of mercy players hiding and resurrecting. Hell, it got so bad there were TUTORIALS ON WHERE TO HIDE! Its funny that you claim it wasn’t a problem and the community was fine with it but lets be real, Blizzard listened to the community, they even said in their developer update that the player feedback was part of the reason they were reworking her, another reason being that the hiding playstyle didn’t match up with their vision for the hero. Its easy to cry and whine and blame the pro players as a scapegoat but we all know the majority of players were anxious for some kind of change for mercy to be the end of hide and mass rez.

Thankfully, blizzard listened, and here we are now, with mercy in a spot where she’s not overpowered and she can still be fun to play (well, for the people that weren’t used to her being 2.0 OP at least). I’m also super grateful that they confirmed that we don’t have to go back to that horrible point in time ever again and she’s not getting a revert, end of story.

You can complain and lie about the situation all you like, the facts are that mercy was causing major issues for the game, and they fixed it to the best of their ability. Pretty bad on their part to leave her OP for like 5-6 months but they eventually fixed it.

The difference is that those ultimates and abilities require much more skill to build and use than mercy in general (being the lowest skill floor and ceiling hero from launch to date) and much MUCH much more skill and risks to use over old mass rez and 2.0 res before its nerf that slowed her. Now, they still require more skill to use, but she at least has a risk tied to it.

I have seen examples of “hiding” and they were anything but. It was actually embarrassing to see what people were making such a huge fuss over. Because it was nothing. 20-30 seconds is still an absolutely absurd claim.

Yeah, end of story “X isn’t happening” and then X happens. Balancing on “feelings” is stupid, and you can definitely see how it’s impacted the forums.

I am most certainly not lying about the situation. But whatever makes you feel better.

I’m done with this discussion. GL or what have you.


I didn’t miss anything, of course we didn’t want her to be OP, but my point still stands. Far less people were complaining about her being “unfun” when she was overpowered. Now that she’s actually balanced, you see everyone talking about how “unfun” she is. I’m sorry but there is certainly a correlation between the 2, even if no one wanted the rework or for her to be OP.

I’m not repeating myself again. And people have also given 100000s of reasons on why she is no longer fun in any sense of the word. But I’m also not repeating myself on that either.


Ok. I will repeat what I said before. If people are finding that she’s “not fun” to play as anymore, then I would say maybe trying a different hero or a newer one like Moira/Brigitte would be a good option. The core mechanics of Mercy are mostly unchanged from Mercy 1.0, the main difference is the new ultimate and Rez as a cooldown ability. If now she’s “not fun” it sounds like more of a burn out type of thing.

Its not burnout. Her ultimate just leaves a lot to be desired in terms of what the old ult gave in terms of decision making and impact. Her new ult feels flat,boring,and unimpactful. Her core kit is still there but her ult might aswell not exist.


The ult is just her core mechanic, if it’s boring you’re basically saying that like 90% of Mercy is boring since the mechanic in her ult is what you’re doing most of the time anyway. If people were only playing Mercy because of her huge Rez then they probably shouldn’t be playing her anyway.

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I hate rez on E with a passion.

  • It feels bad to use, like you’re being frozen by Mei

    • It hands tempo rezzes to the player (which used to be a high-level Mercy skill), even if they’re playing poorly and haven’t earned it
  • It hogs the E slot, when Mercy really needed an E ability she could use to contribute in the midfight. Having so much of Mercy’s kit (aka everything but the pistol) be team-dependent is going overboard, into the range of anti-empowerment

    • 30 seconds is such a long cooldown that it’s an interruption to Mercy’s playstyle, instead of part of it. There are ULTS that charge faster than cooldown rez!

You misunderstand what I’m saying. Her new ult brings nothing new for using it as your doing more of the same of what you’ve been doing the whole match but with chain healing. It doesn’t really bring anything impactful or interesting to mercy. its just there as a placeholder in most peoples eyes. The most fun part about her ult is battle mercy potential but well she’s a main healer and if your not healing the rest of your team is bound to die so sticking to her healing beam for ult is most of what your time as valk will be. Its just a boring ult for an otherwise good character.


Lmao you just won’t admit the truth. You can claim it didn’t happen all the time back then but it did. I’m not talking about when the mercy is healing behind the team and the team gets grav’d and she doesn’t get stuck in it then flies in and mass resurrects after. I’m talking about she can be hiding above point (like in nepal village, or ilios lighthouse) or around a corner (any map pretty much).

If balancing on feelings is stupid, then how come I don’t see you saying that to any of the mercy mains that say “rez doesn’t feel good anymore” or “valk doesn’t feel good”?

Here is an example of hiding


Even if that were a situation in which she died early and came out of spawn late, that was still a balance issue that was stupid and negated the “just kill her LOOOOOL” argument.

Here is what I was talking about before, about the hiding spot tutorial


Another one:


(didn’t miss her btw)

and ANOTHER one:


This is only content that is easily found by looking up things such as “Mercy resurrect tribute”, “mercy hiding spots” “mercy hide resurrect” on youtube. There was PLENTY more content on twitch showing what was happening daily and unedited in ranked games, at every rank. Let me break it down for you: GM - Hide and rez, Master - Hide and rez, diamond - hide and rez, plat - hide and rez, gold - hide and rez, silver - clustertruck of whatever happening, bronze - Oof.

You can make false claims on the forums if that makes YOU feel better, I haven’t seen a lick of proof from any of your claims while I’ve given you sources to look at my proof.

Yes, you are done with this discussion. You’re wrong and have been proven wrong, so please don’t bring your blatant lies to the forums again. If I’m in the thread, I’ll be sure to call you out and correct you like I have now.

No, seriously.
I have well over 100 hours on my gal, and her new build is so ridiculous. I like challenge, don’t get me wrong, but she feels like she has so little impact.
Her rez is just… dumb and kinda useless now.
That was the fun part of her, was the rez.
If anything, her ult should stay rez, and her new E ability a light fly upwards to get away from things, similar to Pharah.

But as it stands, her current build feels terrible. Its clunky, her ult feels like it barely does anything, and her ability to fly around is actually annoying. She isn’t in a good state right now.


We’ve created thousands and thousands of posts stating this. But Blizzard doesn’t seem to really care about her enjoyment or perception of impact as long as she’s balanced. People who love playing Mercy are inconsequential to Blizzard, a small minority of people in the sea of DPS players in what is now DPSWatch again.


Man, it sure is good when dev’s listen.
If only Blizz friggin’ would.
We’re literally begging them to fix her. She isn’t balanced, she’s broken.