[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Yeah, that is also the reason she was reworked into an absurdly OP hero that had little counterplay and required multiple nerfs to bring her to the power level of other supports

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Salty much? (And you fail to acknowledge the times they’ve buffed her, so what does that mean?)
The devs don’t hate her, they’ve been changing her constantly to get her to a balanced state they were content with, they weren’t able to get her just right the previous changes to her until now. They already said they like the direction Mercy is going and find her to be in a good state so why would they need to nerf her again?

Quit antagonizing the devs, spreading false info etc just because a change happened that you didn’t like.


Might as well make her invincible.

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GA is so good, it does not need buffs


GA is perfectly fine as is, tbh.


Because the pros demanded it and we all know what happens when the pros don’t get what they want :roll_eyes:


She is waaaaay more boring than ever before too, before it was exhilarating to play but now its like, duck tape the left click down as a heal bot, THAT’S NO FUN AT ALL, they nerfed her into no fun at all Mercy.


GA is fantastic at the moment. It already received a major buff (the bunny hopping) with the rework. Arguably the best buff she ever received.
If used correctly, you will be nearly untouchable. It offers you so many evasive options. It even grants you quite some air control if you cancel GA and bunny hop (you can hop left or right) so you can move very unpredictable.

speak for yourself, I love this version of Mercy the most. She’s way more fun than Mercy 1.0 and finally balanced for the game. The buff she received on GA actually made me go back and pick up Mercy again (since I got bored on her 1.0 version). She was always a dull “left click healbot” imo, just pre-nerf you could occasionally press shift+E for ez win teamfight, while now she has counters and is not effective in every teamcomp/situation (like most heroes).

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Mercy, number 1 enemy of all dps mains.

Ofc she’ll be nerfed.

Bliss favors their dive meta and the 2 poster child dps of the game.

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That’s not true.
She received all those nerfs with nothing to compensate because she was so overpowered. She was a mandatory pick most of the time.
The amount of effort you had to put into playing her as in to the reward you got was ludicrously low. No matter how bad a Mercy you were, if you held down M1 on a feeding DVa you’d have Valk in less than a minute, thus having 2 “free” rezzes. People below Masters were not able to shoot you or stop you for going for the rez (I know, I climbed with OP Mercy from 3300 to 3900). You know how much of the gaming population is actually able to shoot you down or stop you rezzing during pre-nerf Valk? 3% of all players. If you were a tiny bit smart, you’d never fly high if they had a Cree/Widow/Soldier (it’s not that hard to stay out of line of sight).
So Mercy was a must-pick because she had 2 free rezzes once she ulted. If your team didn’t run a Mercy opposed to a team who did, every time she ulted was a 8v6. Majority of the playerbase does not have the skills or gamesense to consitenly counter her in Valk. As opposed to the Mercy who needed much less skill to pull off an effective Valk.
That’s why they nerfed her. That’s why many people came back to playing this game after the nerf. She ruined the fun for every player who was not playing Mercy.

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Well that’s what you think then.
I for one find this version funner than her previous self and to me she’s more engaging, and well obviously being able to mass rez compared to her current self is going to seem like a fun downgrade.
But I happen to like that I have to try harder to keep my team alive since I can’t bring them all back, it’s more rewarding to me.

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Because she was extremely broken and needed the nerfs? Not every nerf has to be paired with a compensation buff.
There’s no “Mercy hate” agenda that blizzard has. That’s all in your imagination.

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You can curve enough to bamboozle 'em all :3

Pfff, Genji and Tracer are extremely overpowered, but you don’t see me begging for nerfs.

It was reworked because a few people abused her broken SR system, letting their teammates to die in order to achieve a huge 5 men rez. That meant that high ranks where filled of boosted Mercys. Also, some famous and very influential (and toxic) streamers moaned all the time about Mercy undoing their kills. Blizz could have tweaked very easily mass rez, but instead of that, they unleashed this… thing.

Just for you to have some more information, I’ll give you a quote to a deeper analysis of these two Mercys, who are not really the same character, sadly. Just jump to there. Enjoy.

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Wait, I have one thing left to say, and Jam is going to say it, not Jelly.

Mercy is fine, she is still fun to play, and is no longer better then the other supports. The playing field is a lot more even. At least people aren’t being raised left and right. At least people aren’t asking me to play her while I’m playing Lúcio.

Now we just need to work on Ana.


I wonder which one it was and why it ended here.

Don’t speak for me, everything can be pretty spaz in lower ranks then can be abused in higher ranks

She got changed because the devs thought her play style had a black hole in it where it was a reasonable option to hide and changed it. Sombra has had the same treatment as will Hanzo.

Let me state my argument for this extremely clearly. Mass rez was poor for game health, Mercys viability was completely dependent on 1 ability. The same for Sombra using hp pack hugging for massive emps, game play mechanic balanced around landing a huge move and then being not much value at all, same with Hanzo, being underwhelming and overwhelming at the exact same time due to the power of scatter shot
These heroes aren’t balanced. Their power fully sits in 1 for 1 part of the kit whilst the rest of it suffer. Mercy and Sombra got hit first because they had to use poor game play mechanics to fully abuse them.

Justify to me how that is good for game health?

It was a question about mass rez from someone who joined after the rework started.

I love how this community INSISTS on having Mercy as the top support. Don’t you remember how boring and stale the game was after her rework? She was an absolute must-pick and picking any other support would be a handicap to the team, especially if the other team had a Mercy. She is fine as she is right now.