[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I think now might be an appropriate time to empower Mercy’s pistol during Valkyrie again. Perhaps make it 30 damage instead of 20?

Also, I love “Heroes never die” being brought back but I think “Gemeinsam kampfen weir” sounds way way better than “helden sterben nicht” (Sorry for spelling)

The annoying thing is… we need the pickrates to go down :confused: but its going back up… thats not something we want but arguably this is because Mercy still still a strong healer in base form, she just lacks an ultimate.

Moira is great but she cannot sustain in stall out fights and I feel, because I’ve been there… we are unconditionally falling back onto Mercy because there is no choice, its Mercy for last ditch effort or lose.

Battle Mercy do exist you know… but again you are particially right, with a trash like Valkyrie, there is no reason to GA into a fight and deny deaths just heal what you can and let people die. Their fault for over extending and putting themselves in a bad position.

First of all… why a box that is so freaking awkward… if we’re going to have a Area of Effect we may as well go back to the 15 metre radius but it seems you are suggesting the current Skill to be an ultimate with 3 charges…

Okay since the current skill is 5 metres of what is in front of you, then yeah you don’t really need to change it… also 3 charges for 3 res… that is too op in terms of Tempo Resurrect.

What broke 2.0 and 2.1 release so broken was the fact you can individually undo 4 mistakes in rapid succession. It wasn’t undoing one big mistake but each individual mistakes and potentially 4 skilful skills as oppose to just 1

Duration is a bit long… its just means up to 3 mistakes can be undone as long as they occur in 15 seconds… casting time 0.7 seconds means it is faster than any former resurrect and 1.65 seconds means it is still a suicide skill. Also it depends if it is a Effect Occur at Start or at End of Casting.

Also people are still going to res behind a wall, its about the only safety we have with the current res.

So point 1 basically means she loses a charge if she gets disrupted… ok cool better work on that Brigette aim and lol whats worst is that said target cannot be selected again… fyi, Respawn takes 10 seconds and being down for 3 seconds and then being immobilised after spawning is not an ok condition and if the Res ult you suggest works like the current Skill it will be near impossible to cast unless there a big fat wall covering you.

I’m reading point 2 as a game designer, I’m going to say that you are over thinking these ideas a bit and are over complicating things. Its doable but clunky… So first 5 seconds you can’t use resurrect… ok what is the point in ulting then? There is no incentive… you Ult your team dies, there is no benefit there, it is a wasted ultimate… The only time this idea of your can work is if Mercy goes into a fight expecting death not mid or late fight.

Meaning as you push in she ults but if people die before 5 seconds and there is no room to res, she has to bail.

I applaud you for the effort and I’m sorry for tearing it apart but the idea isn’t very fluid or thought out. There are other ideas (whilst not perfect) that make more sense than this and retains Mercy’s ability and identity.

Going off your record, you haven’t actually played Mercy, you should really get a grip and understanding about her first before coming up with ideas. If we were to adapt your idea, she will be in a worst position than she is now.

Just woke up thinking about how people were arguing here with me about how mercy “is still used in OWL” … and just came to the internal conclusion … Yeah in OWL the meta is tracer-genji 95% of the time and neither can really get her when she ults into the skybox and almost all of those teams who run mercy run it with a zen for defensive ult. :thinking: (unlike when we play in comp and we constantly get solo tac visored / high nooned)
TL:DR They don’t use mercy cause she is good they use it to pocket their widow not because her rezz or ult are any good


If I remember well, korean pro players pointed out that the main Overwatch’s balance problem was not Mercy (even before these last nerfs), it is Tracer. In good hands she can deny entire comps alone and has no real counter in the game, as even a Winston can have serious problems chasing her. However, I can imagine they’ll never nerf her, even being the 5th more picked hero in OWL (and she is a dps, the biggest pool in the game!!!), you can guess why. Also, Genji is op, and he is only receiving buffs, so good balance xd.

P.S.: I remember a video where Hanzo shoots a Genji through a wall (out of his LoS),but hitting him thanks to his ridiculous arrow’s hitbox, and Genji kills him by deflecting that arrow, headshoting him (and he was with his back to him). Very fun ability (/s), but it will never be changed however, unlike rez, because you know, it’s Genji.


Oh you mean like how tracer has no “hard” counters, she can easily bait mccree flash and sombra got nerfed 2 weeks after her hack buff :joy:

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Blizzard we need confirmation on where mercy is in the priority list in changes because a lot of people are unhappy where she is right now. We also need more responses from you in the mercy megathread because currently it looks like you just ignore it and I really hope that isn’t true.


They probably think she’s okay where she is right now.


I’d like to see bastion, reaper, and ana on the list before mercy. Mercy is currently balanced, and I don’t think she should be that much of a priority when there are much more unbalances to fix.


And I would have to agree with them.

Compared to other heroes in the game (especially F-tier heroes) do I think Mercy is balanced. Maybe not as fun as before, but still balanced.


Devs have other priorities like Hanzo + Sym rework I’m sure.

She needs some work down the line.

Down the line would probably be next year or further. They have many more things to tweak before they mess with balanced heroes.

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Mercy is almost balanced but currently her weaker ult restrains her to only a few comps. Down the line means around the anniversery event or summer games.

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They’re just asking for an official response on the mega thread that has 9k posts and counting. It’s obvious they’re still looking at her or else they would’ve took it down

Like what exactly?

I for one would like to see some changes to her resurrect, but I’m afraid it could make her very strong and oppressive again.

And I rather see changes to other heroes first. Heroes like Ana and Symmetra. They are in a way worse state and could use some love to become more on par with the other heroes from the support class.

She’s still very versatile. Her ult doesn’t hold her back.


She’s got a pretty good pickrate. She does not need prioritized tweaking.


The rest of mercy’s kit is fine but her ult nerf needs some toning down. This isn’t an urgent problem but could use some work eventually hopefully around summer games or halloween.

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