Fed up with LGBT thread hijacking

why do we need SPECIFICALLY lgbt heroes? if blizzard were to make a straight hero, they wouldn’t go screaming “LoOK gUys, wE’rE mAkInG a sTrAigHT heRO!!11!!”
so why should they make a big deal of an lgbt hero?
you might say its bc the lgbt community is “”“oppressed”"", so we need to make a big deal of it, but that’s untrue. at this point, I think the only people against lgbt stuff are some cowboy rednecks somewhere in the west.

if they wanna make a lgbt hero, they can make one. but it shouldn’t be the primary thing in the lore, like “the outstanding trait of so-so is that so-so is gay”.

I understand where youre coming from, diversity is important, but it shouldn’t be such a big deal. just say theyre making a hero. and if people ask, confirm that yes, they’re lgbt. rather than saying “hey guys, we’re making a gay hero”, because that just makes the hero this stereotype, without really giving them any other personality. y’know what I mean?

Also, I agree with the people saying that this is “clogging the forums”. It’s everywhere. And yes, I do flag the “NERF __” threads, etc etc. Don’t assume that people are discriminating, if you don’t know.


Even if we need more representation, shouldn’t we prioritize a different group first? We already have it confirmed that the mascot of the game is lgbt


Wasn’t there some rule against bumping old topics ?

Edit : Yep.


People bring up things about themselves on the forums all the time, and people like in my post you replied to are like that far too frequently. You weren’t honest saying that talking about yourself is the equivalent of going around with a megaphone announcing your sexuality. That’s kind of offensive and a narrative anti-lgbt groups use against LGBT people. In the 90s it was “stay in the closet don’t talk about it”. I fail to see any difference between what you’re saying and that.

I’ve been meaning to make a “masterpost” of this kind of topic but I guess you went ahead and did that for me. Thanks ShadowDragon. Says a lot, unfortunately, that even this topic gets flagged, haha.

Really makes me think that the moderators need to open up and more strongly moderate a single, focused LGBT+ thread that keeps the nonsense and scum out of it. Clearly it’s a big topic that lots of LGBT+ people want to participate in, but others always come in to ruin that space. A single thread would not only remove the clutter (what little of it there is) but provide a safer thread for these discussions to thrive. Literally every thread I’ve seen falls prey to, well, everything ShadowDragon listed.

The mods need to listen because this has been going on for waaaay too long. There needs to more done by the moderation team to protect healthy LGBT+ discussions because that links directly to the safety of said LGBT+ people and their welcome-ness into the community.

We all really wish this was the case Meouzy but it isn’t, homophobia/transphobia/etc. are rampant everywhere among all sorts of people. Just had to argue against this specifically because in 2018, the climate is pretty clear that lots of people just hate LGBT+ people irrationally and they don’t come from some degenerate caveman-lost-in-time mentality, they’re everyday people we interact with – including video game spaces.

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How many people were like that? Two?

Stop bringing politics into my game and stop bringing your agenda into my game are very common rhetorics here.


Well since we’re just randomly talking about stuff like this then hi, I’m a furry.

Not out of place at all, right?

By your own admission you’re trying to make it such that the game devs don’t make the game they want.
Do you not see how horrible that is?

I did make my own post. I rose a lot of good, interesting, and provocative points and you, literally, touched on none of them.

Is your position so weak that it can’t withstand debate or scrutiny?

I’ll quickly link some of my questions that I’d like you to address. Unless, of course, this thread isn’t actually for discussion.

What is your justification for wanting another gay hero instead of an atheist or an Iranian? Both of these minorities are suppressed or oppressed in some way and both have zero representation.
So, why another gay hero instead of representation for another minority?

Next question/point

Are you against the devs making a megathread for LGBT suggestions and concerns? They are flooding the forums like the Mercy threads were, so why not make a megathread?

Next question/point

I honestly want to know the answer here. I’m proud of being an atheist and, as a result, I don’t need to see atheists in everything to feel okay with myself. I’ve also been attacked, lost friends, and lost family as a result of being atheist.

So, are you proud of your sexuality? If so, why do you feel like you need this representation when there are many other minorities that don’t even have the representation you have.

Next question/point

I assume this is what your

Was referencing.

Why? Why can’t we let the devs do what they want? What gives you the right to tell them what they should or shouldn’t do?

If this thread is actually interested in discussion I would love actual answers to these questions, if not, I expect no reply or a similar reply to “NO!”.


Yes. Have you ever heard “meet me half way”?

That’s what people mean when they say this. You want LGBT representation. I don’t want it shoved in my face and down my throat. DO YOU like heterosexuality shoved down your throat? I don’t think so, so why is it wrong for me to have some personal boundaries?

There is nothing wrong with how they introduced Tracer as being a lesbian, which is why I’d be fine if that was the norm for releasing lore like that.

But you can’t take a mile and think the other person will be fine with none. 50-50 split, and I think that’s fair.

I agree, a BS reason.

Last I checked, there are 0.0000% of hamsters that drive a hamster ball with guns, or monkeys that say “hi there”, or space creatures born and raised on the moon…

I’ve never really seen this pop up as an actual excuse. I don’t know how to interpret or respond…

I mean, yeah they should do it when they’re comfortable, but like they’ve barely released any lore.

Yes. I am tired of it. I’m tired of beating a dead horse.

JUST like how I was sick of all the Genji threads a while back.

There is 0 reason why it should carry over to other threads. Stick to 1, this way all the support is in 1 thread, not spread across 100 threads.

Ever heard of the term “token”? Basically people don’t want LGBTQ hero’s tossed into the fray when there’s 0 substance or depth involved.

It should be an ADDITION to a hero, not their CORE.

Yes, I don’t. I play games to escape reality, get taken to another world, see new people and cultures, fake or real.

I disagree with those saying “adding a new lgbtq hero is pushing an agenda”, but playing devils advocate shows me that they are very sick of politics and how some people love cramming political agendas down throats.

If that’s their interpretation of their reality then you really can’t tell them they’re wrong. You can however, try and explain the irrationality of it.

“I don’t care, I want a trans person” thread just got locked a day or so ago.

Seems like a nice suggestion, demanding you get something you want for whatever it takes.

Yes, because not everyone holds their LGBTQ status as the core of their personality. I don’t my my heterosexuality the core if who I am. THUS I don’t need any representation nor the need to feel represented.

HOWEVER I do have disabilities. But once again, my speech impediment, ADHD, anxiety, memory loss, AND dyslexia are all TRAITS. They contribute to who I am, not the reason why I am.

I don’t use my disabilities as excuses, I use them as points to work around. LGBTQ people should not use it as an excuse to get something they want just the same.

Exactly. It doesn’t matter.

To some, yes, but to the masses no.

THIS IS WHY IT SHOULD BE RESTRICTED TO LORE. That way people are fine with it being added, as it doesn’t interfere with them playing the game. Once again going back to “meet me half way” and 50-50 tradeoff.


It’s usually on topic because it’s about what blizzard said “there’s multiple LGBT characters in OW”. People use that as a topic of discussion. Then intolerant people come in and start throwing stuff around and building a false narrative. Kind of like you’re doing. In response, if you’re LGBT or not quickly becomes something people question or state.

Some of y’all go into every LGBT thread specifically to talk about how you don’t like gay people existing, the thread derails into a flame war, and it’s gets locked. And then you wonder why people keep making new threads…? Have you considered not clicking on threads you don’t like. The forum doesn’t revolve around you.


You said NOTHING about saying those stuff in lgbt threads, you used the term forums and poems are more than lgbt threads (for now at least)

It doesn’t have to be LGBT thread, that information can be on topic in other threads too. The point is that when it’s brought up there’s intolerance is the only point that matters.

First of all those threads aren’t old. Necro is usually +2 months old posts. Second of all bumping here means you add nothing new to the argument and just try to keep the thread at the top. If he really has nothing to add he shouldn’t create a new thread either.

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Then why is no one asking for any traits like these?

When is the last time you saw someone ask for a short female hero?

They’re not in the same boat, so don’t try to simplify it like that.


Maybe don’t bring up controversial topics that won’t actually change anything about the game.
I’m not asking for any furry heros because I have enough sense to know what responses I will get

The crazy thing is, there are quite a few threads that are lengthy, and active, such as GayCowboys thread (iirc, I think the part 2 is still going) and a couple others that people could talk to each other in, instead of making a new thread every five minutes. Those ones aren’t shut down and the same exact conversation is happening in all these threads. It’s the same people, saying the same thing. And by the way, flame wars don’t happen if you just don’t respond to people you think you know are trolling. But you do! It’s a two way street on that one.

This post I’m making doesn’t even matter because this is a vicious daily, weekly, monthly cycle where the same conversation happens, literally every day, all day. Starts and ends the same. No one says anything new, it’s always the same thing. And the forums are inundated with it. You can say the same thing about nerf XYZ topics but the difference is the content of the threads and their relevancy to OW.

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if its “widely admonished”, then that shows the LGBT community has lots of support, right? so why are so many people acting like they’re hated by the whole world?
I admit there still are homophobic, etc, people out there, but from what ive seen on social media, and in real life, there’s more support than hate.

This is a first person shooter if I’m correct

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