Fed up with LGBT thread hijacking

You don’t care about LGBT heroes.

But you click on every single thread, read every single thread, flag every single thread, and comment and argue back and forth in every single thread just to let eveyone know you dont care.

If you REALLY don’t care then stop butting into the conversation.

If you REALLY don’t care, then stop trying to shutdown any and all talk amoung people who DO care.

“I just dont want it to be forced.”

This isnt a real reason. Being LGBT is just another trait like having brown hair or being tall.

Soldier doesnt hop around in game going “I’m white! Look it is I, Jack Morrison, just your normal everyday white man!! Haha!” With voicelines about white american stereotypes and skins to accentuate his white-maleness does he?

No. He doesn’t.

And neither does any other character. You have 0 reason to believe this other than the fact that you’re reaching for one, trying to create a problem that doesn’t exist purely for the sake of it.

“It’s not realistc. 00.655393% of the world–”

This game has a talking gorilla, a cyborg ninja that summons a dragon, a hamster piloting an assault droid, a mexican woman who hacks people, an angry deadpool, a woman that sucks the life from people and another that revives the dead, and a robotic monk that reached nirvanna.

This is like when people argue “historical accuracy uwu” as a reason for not having people of color in fantasy works when there’s DRAGONS and WIZARDS and everything else that didn’t actually exist in ye olden times; because its a fantasy world where that argument holds no water. Its just people cherry-picking what’s “ok” to have and what isnt based on their own delicate sensibilities.

Try again.

“Let blizzard do it on their own time!”

They said there was multiple lgbt heroes. At launch. Asking “hey, when are we going to learn who the other heroes are?” isn’t forcing them to do anything. Its asking a question. It’s no different then asking when the next hero or map or comic or lore will come out yet you have 0 problems with people asking about that

“I DONT care I’m just tired of it clogging the forums!”

Oh really?
Do you also flag the “NERF ___” threads that clog the forums?

Or every single “IM TIRED OF ITS JUST QP” thread that clogs the forums?

Or all the “I’m Qutting OW!” threads that clog the forums?

Or all the “More lore ___” that clog the forums?

Nope. You don’t. Those threads are fine. Those threads can stay but whenever an lgbt person makes a thread going “hey so when will we know more about who the other heroes are?” Thats it. That’s the last freakin’ straw for you. That’s where you draw the line in the sand. That’s when you put your foot down and say enough is enough huh?


“Diversity for the sake of it shouldnt–”

Diversity is a myth, as is the concept of “Forced diversity.” You’ve simply been conditioned to see a certain race, sexuality, and even gender as “normal” and dont bat an eye when a market is completely dominated and oversaturated with it; but anything outside of that draws attention.

That is why people are so angry at the new Star Wars movies having a black and female lead calling it “SJW PANDERING” when the very definition of pandering is what we could all the original trilogy AND the prequels— with nothing but white men and Princess Leia/Padme in the spotlight.

That is why people were angry at the new Ghostbusters featuring an all-female cast. If it were a remake with men-- it wouldn’t have received nearly as much backlash.

Walk down Times Square in new york at night and THAT is what the real world looks like. People of all different races, genders, and sexualities seamlessly co-existing.

“I dont play video games to push a political agenda.”

Cool, I don’t either. Being gay isn’t an agenda; especially since they’re already in the game right now – you just dont know it yet. Stop trying to police intrinsic human traits simply because they make idiots uncomfortable. Traits that wouldn’t even be relevant in the game itself and purely serve to flesh out a character.

“It’s not that you’re asking, its HOW you’re asking.”

There’ve been numerous calm, quiet, and respectful threads started by myself and many others on this forum. Funnily enough its not us that hijack and derail these threads. It’s people popping from the woodwork trying to find any excuse they can pull from the iris why gay heroes have to have a 16 chapter YA novel to “justify” their gayness but nobody else is held to that asinine standard.

No. It’s not “How” we’re asking, its that we’re asking at all.

“I’m gay/bi/trans and I don’t care.”

Cool. You want a Mercy statue? I’m black and I don’t care about adding more black heroes to the game; but do I go into every single thread where people are asking for one just to go “UGH?? I DoNT cARe ABOut??? wHy DOeS MATTER???”

No. I don’t. Because some people do care and that’s fine with me.

Because I don’t feel threatened or uncomfortable enough with the thought to race into every single thread like my fave hero is being deleted from the game to write a 4 paragraph thesis of nonsense trying to invalidate what some players would like to see in the future that literally does not affect the game in any capacity.

“Why does the heroes sexuality matter?? I dont play because–”

Cool. If it doesnt matter, if it REALLY doesnt matter, then you’d be indifferent to the reveal of more LGBT heroes and wouldn’t feel so defensive over the prospect to race into every single thread just to say so. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Now would you?

If it really doesnt matter to you, then you’d be just fine scrolling past the thread and clicking on other threads you actually CARE about.

Some people DO care and they have a right to have these discussions just like any other players discussing any other aspect of the game.

If you don’t care-- don’t click.
If it doesnt matter to you-- don’t comment.

These are not hard concepts.
You’re a smart cookie and I know you can do it.

I believe in you.

–Sincerely, a tired gay ninja.


Cultural Marxism is a plague.


The irony here is how many LGBT thread are. Now go and make a thread asking for a new Het character, let’s see how fast it gets deleted. You don’t need to make a thread as a victim. There are already threads about this to discuss it, you don’t need to create another one.



It’s like everything I ever wanted to say was in one post.


Fed up with LGBT threads


the statistical argument is the one that bothers me the most, if only because the tired strawmanning has just become too exhausting to pay any attention to. even if blizzard suddenly decided to represent real world statistics, why would that be a good thing? why should we encourage them to inhibit their creative process based on arbitrary numbers that have no place in a setting which takes place decades from now? why is it only important when it comes to gay characters?


Because usually those kind of threads are troll threads made to spite LGBTQ threads. Not all of them of course, but this is usually the case.


When you keep creating same topics over and over again it is reportable as spam. Learn to use old topics.


Well and perfectly said, op.

What’s interesting to think about is the homophobes on the forum create their own problem. They hijack and derail lgbt threads to lock them up and literally silence lgbt players, and so we keep trying to make new threads free from all the hate just trying to do our own thing.

It would be less “in their face” if they just left well enough alone and left us in peace.


I fully expect this post to get flagged or locked before long but you’re 100% right on everything, OP.


I cant. they’ve all been locked.


That’s a lie my dear.


The statistics argument is so hilarious though because it constantly changes. What is it today? Oh, apparently 20% of the population is gay. That’s up from yesterday’s 5% and definitely up from this weekend’s .0024%.

Clearly gay-flation is upon us.


Really love how you wrote this one. Arguing emotionally always gives people room to hide behind their own feelings. But this is written logically, in a way that challenges the reader directly.



and imagine how it must change in the context of overwatch, a sci-fi setting that takes place years and years into the future. it stuns me that anybody believes that current statistics—which are unreliable and fickle—should even be a factor in character creation

but yeah itd be cool if people could just stick to a number lmfao

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people creating those topics faster than i can mute them. Should just make megathread so i could mute just one


I tried to discuss in one and it got deleted in a minute, without offending ANYONE. This is a thread made so OP can vent his frustration and asking for an echo chamber.


Wait, who do you mean by that? I aclually have no idea.

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Here’s the funniest thing: Overwatch’s lore is literally centered on the oppression of omnics (racism) and their revolt, with shady organizations trying to take advantage of the public.

Like… okay. I hate to break it to you, but the game is preaching things already.

Also: Blizzard being sheep to what the people want? WHAT? Did you forget that this is the same company that replaced a certain British Pilot’s butt pose with another butt pose? Blizzard won’t do anything that they don’t want to.


these topics nearly always fun dumpster fire,
i used to try converse in them…but meh,its waste of time.

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