Fed up with LGBT thread hijacking

I never said it got in the way

Its just that if we dont even know some heroes backstory, beliefs, family yet

How would we know something as complicated as their sexual preference


your post made me very confused for a moment (considering the difference of our stances)

“Hi, my names Michael Chu and this game we created called “Overwatch” has a ton of lore in it and we’re really proud of it all. What’s that? You want us to release lore? Hamster then.”


Not the “ is there a male LGBT hero” thread. It’s still alive and strong all these months. They must be doing something right that the others are doing wrong.

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that one has actually been locked too before if memory serves.

Maybe it was temporary? I’ve got no clue. I just know that people shutdown any and all discussion because “We’re tired of it!!!” – isnt a valid reason at all.

Its like breaking down someone’s door while they’re in a book club, going “I dont care about the book”, then kicking everyone else out.


Well if it was locked once but reopened that means it’s not the usual lgbt thread. It must be a sudo mega thread for the topic.
What I’m saying is there’s a reason it’s still growing strong

So your mad that people actually debate your points instead of just leaving dislikes :thinking: isn’t this what you wanted


debate is one thing, but I think it’s that most of the responses chalk down to ‘I don’t want it clogging the forums’-- which has nothing to do with the topic outside of ‘I don’t even want to see it.’

Meanwhile, the other debates were fully addressed by OP. I’m not sure why the OP is ‘mad’ because just like everyone else with a belief, they refuse to back down from it.

(and personally, I miss downvotes.)

That this gets flagged to the point it’s hidden when it’s just making a point by point discussion should say something about the community here. There’s a sticky about abuse of the flagging feature, hope they actually enforce it.


I’m sick of people bringing social issues into a computer game which i use to not have to deal with social issues


I’m sick of people using strawmen arguments to justify hateful points of view, like yours. Talking about aspects of a character, including sexual orientation, isn’t a social issue.

Asking for representation is “kind of”, but if you’re against representation normalizing people that are targeted by hate and intolerance then the only answer to that is you’re intolerant and lack empathy.

If you abuse the flagging to hide statements you don’t like simply because they make good points and a bit of truth hurts your feelings then I don’t see why anyone should endorse your viewpoint.


Are you absolutely 100% sure Overwatch is the game for you then, when it openly supports and promotes diversity? When a major storyline is sociopolitical tensions between humans and omnics? When certain heroes REVOLVE around real world issues like gentrification and corporate greed?


Well done you funky ,little ninja


I don’t like it because it results in hundreds of posts like yours where it clearly is acting like a social issue with people looking down on other peoples ways of thinking.

Then making more posts like it just to throw fuel on the fire because they want to make a point that we already get

this goes on both sides, it’s a waste of time and just proves people can’t get along


I don’t care about Widowmaker.

I don’t care much about her character, her kit, or her balance (and she is balanced, don’t get me wrong; stop trying to nerf her, forum). I don’t play her, so I have no experiences with her.

You know how I express that?

By not participating in threads that center around Widowmaker.

If only anti-LGBT people could do the same with threads they claim they don’t care about. :thinking:


Let me show you how it happens:

“I’m am a male with a boyfriend.”

Bigot #1: “OMG stop bringing politics into this”

Bigot #2: “OMG you can’t hold hands in public I won’t have your weird sex in front of my children”

Bigot #3: “OMG what is with this agenda ruining my ____”

Funny how that works. People are annoyed and make it “political” or “agenda” or “social issue” that I exist. It’s just strawmen for justifying intolerance.

The threads would be small and mostly friendly without antagonist points of view like above going into the thread and then launching anti-LGBT threads in response. The fact anti-LGBT threads exist on this forum and aren’t treated as bigotry but instead given free voice is bad enough. It’s really easy to litmus test it, are they against LGBT? Then it’s not very tolerant is it, and if it’s not tolerant of others then it’s bigoted.


I’m hoping for the great Omnic recycling program when people remember that Omnics are just robot tools they built and thus have no freedoms or right to even exist.

Yes, people stopped caring about LGBT heroes after the 50+ posts asking for the same exact thing for the past year or so. People have simply lost all tolerance for these posts because:

A. These posts just create toxicity and flame wars rather than meaningful conversations (like most of the posts in the forums).
B. The forums are being filled with these rather useless posts instead of actual, meaningful content (despite the other 90% of useless posts in the forums).
C. Clearly Blizzard is going to take this LGBT heroes thing and implement it into their game their own way, these posts are not of any use to the cause.
D. The forums in essence are supposed to about Overwatch, yet these posts have altered it to be about a group of individuals, their own personal issues, and how they feel “underrepresented” in a video game.

Most importantly, LGBT people aren’t entitled to have their own special hero just because they are different from everyone else. With this logic, since every single culture, ethnicity, and group of persons are different in their own way, each and every single one of them should be represented equally. However this is not the case, and the LGBT community actually has representation in the game unlike the hundreds of other groups of people who are not being represented. It is not that people “don’t care about LGBT heroes”, no, they just don’t care about these posts as their continued creation does not bring a positive atmosphere to this already cancerous forum, nor does it make an actual difference in the addition of an LGBT hero to this game. They are, as it has been proven multiple times, completely useless posts.


There’s a difference between sharing your opinion in a closed environment and sharing it on a public platform like a forum.

It’s like doing a sitting in a park to protest something and be pissed because strangers will be curious, come to check and maybe give their opinion because just like you, they can.

You guys are kind of hypocritical, there are private places where you can share your opinion if you don’t want to hear other people’s opinion.

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Brought on by themselves

Whether it’s the toxicity they immediatley bring in, or the way people respond to their toxicity

Exaggerate more

Well I guess we shouldn’t discuss anything, since Blizzard’s just going implement what they want into their game in their own way

Discussing how one feels underrepresented in Overwatch, DOES pertain to Overwatch

You see how that works ?

The public forum which has discussed it’s dim view on false flagging that the people “Sharing their opinions” are abusing

There’s an LGBT thread floating about that was closed due to false flagging for a day, for over 4 days (Closed, reopens, closed, etc) within a single post. There was even one day where NO ONE posted, and it still got closed due to a large amount of community flags