Fear for Tanks is Real.. (Super POV)

Yeah, the mental gymnastics they’re pulling out are pretty absurd.

Just admit it: you want your favored class to have unquestionable supremacy over the others. It’s scummy, but honest.


Good. To hell with DVA. Overpicked, mechanically unskilled, super forgiving cringelord. Consuming ultimates and stalling points, with her two lives. God what a bad design

Super trying do his job, but can’t because damage is so high and theres not a second tank defending there team…

Sounds like a Tank players dream come true.

Getting punished for trying to do there job.


I’m laughing so hard right now.


Find me a mechanically easier tank to play except winston

To be honest I have no idea why super did what he did

I knew the moment he dived to the left he would get punished since literally that’s where the enemy team is rushing

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Ah yes, the one tank character with arguably the highest skill ceiling out of them all is such a bad design and an unskilled kit.



He went in alone, and without his team, left them vulnerable and the enemy team did something in the meantime due to his missing absence.

A lot better than live, where it would’ve went on a lot longer.

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Ball has the highest ceiling. And floor


He does have his own mechanical nuances for sure


Y’all I think we brought out the reddit members of OW.


Because Pharah is ultra high mechanically skilled as well as other DPS heroes

I have a very accurate idea of how the OW devs design OW2:

  • Hey! We want to fix queue times for OW2? What’s the solution?
  • Tanks are a pain to play as, they die instantly
  • Let’s make damage overtuned then, and also let’s remove 1 tank. Let’s say we rework tanks but we just give them 1 more ranged weapon or skill instead of more survibality.
  • Hell, let’s even make supports useless! All praise the DPS lords!

Like our game developers said,

“Tanks are Noisy… but DPS, there simple. They just want to kill!”

5v5 is for DPS, not Tanks.


He has a lot of movement tech but that’s about it.

Dva meanwhile, has 5% of Dm left and still manages to eat the Zarya grav thus saving your whole team in a split second.

Which one actually has the higher ceiling?

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Congrats, you just discovered people play first person SHOOTERS to SHOOT.

Clap clap

Yes its there dream state of anything in their way dying very rapidly.

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This is a FPS MOBA game.



Moba means dota-style top down single unit RTS game…This is an FPS

If you really dislike different roles such as Tanks and Supports, then there are literally dozens of other FPS games out there for you to play :+1:



There’s tons of generic FPS games to SHOOT.
You want to shoot? Play your dead game Valorant, CSGO, Call of Duty there’s multitude of games that fit that logic.

But Overwatch? Overwatch was born as an FPS game with MOBA features. It was the natural evolution of Team Fortress 2 and when it released back then in 2016 it was THE BOMB.
But now? Now it’s another generic stupid shooter.

Clap clap


If TF2 is an FPS, OW is an FPS. I don’t need to play other shooters, OW2 seems a perfect balance