Fear for Tanks is Real.. (Super POV)

I love how your name is Overwatch,

but you don’t like anything that makes the game unique.


TF2 is a class based FPS, OW is a class based FPS and MOBA


Nothing makes the game unique though. It’s a teen TF2, with the most common hero archetypes. It’s fun and polished, not unique

How about dps remain strong while tanks get buffed to their level to deal with them? That way everyone is happy no?

Well of course not, can’t have tanks being able to deny kills can we


Either something is a MOBA, or FPS. This game is an FPS

Tanks and Supports make this game unique.

There abilities, the team-oriented game makes this game unique.

Ultimates make this game unique.

Not shooting. Every game can shoot.


It’s literally a mixture of both, always has been.

As previously mentioned, go play CSGO, CoD, TF2 if all you want to do is shoot.

I played TF2 for over 10 years, the game has vary little similarly to OW, besides being class based.


Nop. it literally is just a class based FPS. You don’t have lanes or top down view

Ultimately, if the game wants to survive, it’s going to have to cater to the larger playerbase and introducing fat dps instead of tanks.

With moba elements, or what else would you describe ultimates, cooldowns?


That would be tanks as they are now but simply better at killing. That’s what they should do but they’ll remain off tanks that can get blown up instantly while dealing 5 damage


As i said, class based shooter. TF2 has cooldowns. Hell, battlefield has cooldowns

Besides the terminology doesn’t matter. The game has to be more “shooter” if it wants to survive. And fortunately this is OW2

Tanks in OW2 still can pretty much win most 1 v 1, it’s just that doing said 1 v 1 is much riskier now.

Cause from what I see, a lot of the dps/support that was caught alone don’t really have much of a chance unless they’re tracer (And well, it’s tracer.).

No it doesn’t, each class has his own weapons which serve different functions and provide different play styles.

Literally nothing MOBA like lol, have you even played the game?

The closest thing to an ability/ult is Medics Uber charge. That’s it.

Which is such a shame that they are neglecting the game’s original playerbase and vision just to be another generic shooter game.

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Yeah that’s pretty much exactly it. I wish we would’ve seen something more radical tbh

You’re not going to get a lot of radical things, since base OW is radical enough and it didn’t worked out.

OW is an idealistic game in a non-idealistic world, sadly.

You guys really think OW2 gained 50+ million players the first year it released because it simply was ANOTHER FPS GAME???

People found out a game where they could have fun, a game with a story, with charming characters and vivid worlds, a game full of HOPE AND CHANGE.

Overwatch WAS CHANGE. It included so many different playstyles, based on HEROES WITH ABILITIES that would suit DIFFERENT PEOPLE BASED ON THEIR OWN SKILL, and character diversity to make everyone feel identified in an inclusive world.

That’s why the game sold out so many copies. But the devs let the game die without updates, with FREE TO PLAY games releasing constant updates to their playerbase, or other paid games releasing constant content and new features that kept the game going, we just got a few heroes post- launch and a histerically low amount of content / maps. New maps that have to be taken out of the map pool because of how bad they are, and even more funny to this day there’s only 4 DEATHMATCH UNIQUE MAPS, that tells something of the amount of content we’ve been getting and the OW devs without fixing the real issues that have been killing the game, and what is more sad is that this issues WILL REMAIN IN OW2.

Tanks still explode in seconds. Damage is still overtuned. Supports will feel even more bad.
Queue times will be even worse. There is 1 less tank player. They ignore community feedback and QoL updates. We’re still lacking new tank and support heroes. And I bet you the PvE will be fun at start the first month, but it will feel just like another Destiny game with kill enemies simulator, repetitive missions and not too much new stuff overall…

Nothing’s fixed, it’s just retrogress to another generic FPS shooter, gutting the casual playerbase, and those who enjoyed the game for what it was, A NEW DIFFERENT EXPERIENCE.

Side note: Why is your nick even Overwatch if you don’t even know what Overwatch esentially is?


Are we talking about the same game/dev team?


As a tank main, yeah, this looked terrible. Sorry, but if the tanks are melting as fast as any other character, they don’t really serve a purpose. They have bigger hitboxes and less effective range, making them this squishy means they will be dead long before they have a chance to use the damage “buffs” they are getting.

And sure, you could argue that we won’t all be playing against god-tier OWL dps players, but I’d argue back that if even a god-tier OWL tank player like Super is dying in 2 seconds, what chance do the rest of us mere mortals have of doing much better? This whole thing looks tuned for twitchy COD kids, no other skillsets need apply.


Makes sense since such a large majority play DPS. The devs know they cant convince players to tank. Even if they made tank super strong, DPS would just complain and quit instead of tanking. 5v5 is for queue times, which really (historically) only negatively affect DPS.