Fear for Tanks is Real.. (Super POV)

I can tell.

But D.Va is a fundamental need for OW.

Remember when D.Va was horrible on ladder, you remember how bad the game was?

Hitscans dominating.

Double Shield being Crazy…


Dva frankly can kick the curb for all I care with DM.

Also, DVa wasn’t bad, other meta was just better. A big difference there.

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Dva needs more changes but I’m actually ok with 3 second DM.

Give her 15 meter DM and tracking in micromissiles and never touch her kit again for 5v5.


She was horrible.

0.42% pick rate in GM.

That was really low.

D.Va needed 7 buffs to be playable again.

15 meter defense matrix was a 33% nerf to her kit.

This is why they buffed other parts of her kit to be more ‘tanky’

Do not bring up, “But OWL-”



Every time OW2 has been showcased so far it has not been reassuring as a tank player


I’m of the opinion that Dva wasn’t weak, it was other composition that was just more effective. Bunker was much more reliable and could go through Dva DM since she can’t eat hook while enabling enough protection from snipers/hitscan.

Come to think of it, bunker was boring but at least it was much more bearable than whenever Dva was meta. Felt like I could actually play the game (Though the same could be said for snipers as well) instead of staring at Dva the whole time.

Oh wow.

D.Va could actually counter Damage and Snipers unlike other tanks?

That’s crazy.

I’m sorry that I ate your cool downs. :frowning:


Considering nothing has really changed she is just hot garbage as she is now.

D.Va isn’t garbage right now.

She’s pretty good.

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You are contradicting yourself then.


Man, I’m sorry Dva felt killable now instead of the monster that she is where she can damage you AND eat your entire ammo with no counter-play.

OW2 is gonna be great for me.

Just get better.

D.Va is one of the easiest tanks to counter when she’s overextending.

Micro missiles is probably one of the most “okay” ability in OW, especially after the burst damage nerfs to it.

just get better.

She’s always been able to eat all your ammo.

Shields practically do the same thing.

Oh you would of cried if you played OW in 2017…


Just get better.

Sure, just let me run from a character that can and will follow you due to high mobility, damage you slowly while eating all your damage unless you play two specific characters that can go through DM.

Which btw, also has 600 HP and 200-300 of that is armor.

I played since 2016, and saw through the worse phase of DVa. I know darn well just how annoying she is, alongside how strong matrix is. At least with shields, I can whittle it down whereas DM just absorbs everything.

Dva is one of the easiest tank to counter when she’s overextending can be applied to nearly all the tanks if they overextend.

She’s busted, and I hate her but at least in OW2, if she messes up and I somehow demech her, it feels a lot more meaningful at least compared to live.

Sounds like Live.

A tank that can tank… wow.

Thank you. :slight_smile:

Your team must suck…

it’s giving… Gold rank.

Ask for help, “Hey D.Va on me!”

Definition Of tank:

“Tanks pride themselves on their survivability, which is made possible by large health pools, the strength to equip heavy armor, or the ability to dodge enemy attacks. They’re typically burly warriors, knights, or paladins that most likely gained their nickname from their big muscles. They tend to be decked out in battle-worn steel, like a living tanker.”

What does that say


Her kit fits the 5v5 format better than other tanks but she hasn’t gotten enough changes imo to make people want to play Dva and tank as a whole over dps characters.
From the meta perspective, since tank will be only one character from the tank roster, the competition for what tank is considered meta sky rockets.

She’ll be good in 5v5 no doubt. The question is how much will you actually be able to do as a tank player with how little changes we’ve seen so far


Not usually an option, when you’re flanking or being forced to hold an entry point.

That’s why I’m stoke about OW2, if I pulled a Dva away, it means the frontline is open. If I somehow demech her? Even better.

Cause that’s exactly what happen in the Super POV, he dove too deep, and exposed his entire team which allowed them to capture the point.

Can’t wait for OW2, makes life a lot better since plays like that means a lot more.

He didn’t dive anywhere???

He stood right next to his team, and tried to run under the bridge to escape point-blank fire…


Damage Players mouths watering rn


I’m speaking to one right now.


Super in the later game went and dive enemy supports/dps in an effort to get a kill which lead him overextending, and allow enemy team to capitalize on it simply by stalling him while the other DPS picks off the enemy support/dps.

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