Fan the Hammer buff - feedback from a McCree main

It cracks me up that he can scale tall buildings, hit like a locomotive, soar through the air and see through walls.




Keep in mind to use FTH is necessary to be close of the enemy team and that make you extremely vulnerable. Mccree usually try to hide on high-grounds exposing the less amount of time posible

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I want invincibility frames on his roll, so i can actually dodge stuff.


Us Symm mains a little sensitive right now, having to get close and be vulnerable but then doing a CRAPTON of immediate damage sounds really nice to us lol

I could get behind this.

I made a post sym damage should be buffed to 90/135/180 instead of 60/120/180. Mccree for example can deal 330 dmg in close range with FtH

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We appreciate the support :slight_smile: I need some experience with the buff before I say either way with FtH. But I mean Mcree SHOULD be a terror at mid and close range imo. So maybe its cool, if I see some guy just running around spinning his gun and FtH’ing everything in sight with no competition, well, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it lol.

I disagree he’s a glass canon. He’s about as hard to kill as most other dps when played well.

The flanker crew are a bit harder, but that’s just them.

Are you telling me the brim of a cowboy hat isn’t actually part of a person’s head?

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His only form of defense is offense. Much like Zen.

He keeps people at bay by popping their heads. He has two tools for Oh-Sh*t moments. Flash Bang and FTH. Some people blow both tools in one go for whatever reason.

People act like he can FTH endlessly but even the FTH-Roll-FTH takes a hell of a long time.

There’s a reason McCree comps are linked to “Protect the President” comps because he needs that to really shine in Comp play.

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A mid to close range hero shouldnt be a glass cannon

he’s competing with Ashe and Hanzo yet neither of those are glass cannon

Both are very much glass cannons. Ashe has 1-meh disengage and super crazy long reload (makes her easy to jump either after she uses coach gun or running low on ammo)
Hanzo has a semi- slow rate of fire so if he fails to storm arrow you to death he isn’t super hard to kill.

Yes Hanzo is a bit OP at all ranges so he’s not great to use as an example.

Close to mid-range is arguably the best ranges to make squishy glass cannon heros. They can mess you up but are relatively reachable making him much easier to counter.

You can fan, roll fan, ult fan he can tank bust very well now

I don’t get why they buffed fth damage when it was nerfed a long time ago for it’s tank busting ability. Now they want it to tank bust again? Why not just give him 50 armor or smth?

agreed. It’s so bad now people use it to zone and more commonly a reload lol

I use it to Solo Ult a lot, Reload, Rein shield breaker, or yeah, Zone an objective.

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Fellow McCree main as well (ok I play him mainly in DM and TDM). Was testing him out today in DM and tried fanning. It’s insane. For the record, when I got someone down to low health I just ended up fanning, or rolling and fanning towards them, and that gave me six chances up close for a stray shot to hit them, which felt like a bad incentive. However, it actually did feel less frustrating when trying to fan a Doomfist because it became incredibly consistent, which I believe is what they were going for. I go for headshots if I know it will kill them or they’re out of range, but fanning is incredibly reliable now, if anything, a bit too reliable.

Completely agree. His anti-dive niche comes into play with the Flash+FTH combo which guarantees 25+330 damage now (+30 with a melee), but that doubles as his only real defense, short of good aim. McCree’s ability to survive is directly correlated with his ability to kill. The devs have double dipped their buff — boosting McCree’s offense and defense as a result of this buff, rather than giving him mobility or health buffs instead.

I personally don’t mind FTH as with a lot of CCs kill stuns you’re basically dead anyway, and I do like the consistency now, but if the devs actually wanted to fix McCree’s real issues, focusing on his “most hated” part of his kit isn’t it.

That would be amazing and actually let him fulfill his “duelist” role. If he can’t run away from a fight, he can at least get a second chance at finishing it. Dodging and baiting a CC, a critical sniper shot, etc. All this would really add a ton of interesting counterplay to every matchup, now that he has an extra line of defense (barring his flashbang).

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from what ive played against and my friend who plays mccree a good bit it seems a bit too much

Ikr. Like he’s doing fine in the damage department and is absolutely deadly in the right hands and by giving him more a buff that that requires less aim is just…