Fan the Hammer buff - feedback from a McCree main

I mean not much changed except for higher health heroes and shield damage. For most supports and dps, if you got flashed you were dead anyways.

My guess is that this buff is a response to Doomfist and a few other dive characters. If a Doomfist gets the jump on you and he doesn’t mess up, it was impossible to kill him before he kills you thanks to his shields. Or if he’s diving someone else, it was near impossible to kill him with two headshots and a FB before he gets his RP escape off.

Finally: FTH + Roll + FTH is now even better for killing shields.

This McCree buff, I feel, was to make him more accessible to lower-skilled players.

I’m glad, i’m glad dps heroes are finally able to do something about tanks. I hate FTH but it was needed, tanks need to be toned down or dps will get huge dmg buffs so they’re not obsolete.

At least you have time to react to being frozen with her though.

That should never be the basis for a buff. Imagine if Widowmaker’s SMG damage was increased drastically so lower skill players could actually do something with her.

It’s perfectly fine that some heroes are high skill heroes that aren’t accessible until you get good.


I think it’s fine honestly. FtH is nowhere near as crazy as some other abilities. It’s a very nice change for him.

#2 doesn’t really matter to me. Nobody likes dying to rocket punch insta kill either, but it’s there, and that one is an AOE.

It’s not the buff he needs. The game at its current states consists more and more of heroes that have no or less falloff dmg, while mccree still has to get into a mid range, at which he’s just fodder without a shield.

Flanking Mccree isn’t good anymore due to so many cc, brig shield, and ashes knockback.

In comparison to many other heroes he still lacks mobility, so flash with everything said above now is more a defensive ability, since you can’t go in offensively with it anymore.

Another problem is the travel time of flash.
I think it has become clear by now that even silver players can evade it. And then there is the stun duration. Too many heroe’s survive it and can get out of it if you try to double dink them.
Genji double dink isn’t recommended even by the pros, you HAVE to fth him. Reaper is risky, but works if fast enough. Moira doesn’t work 99% no matter what you do. Brig HAS to be double dinked, but a little bit too slow and she will kill you instead.
Beside that flash still doesn’t stop momentum completely, which against Genji dash and DF rocket punch / ground slam still is a useless ability even if you catch them mid air.

I have 600 hours on him, and I remember he was in a good spot once, but now he’s almost as bad as Sym.

Beside that, Ashe’s primary fire is way better than Mccree’s. Even with spread, because it can work in your favor if your aim is a little unprecice, while with Mccree you have to be perfect on it. She shoots faster and has the double amount of bullets, can knockback and use dynamite as a huge source of dmg. Even her ult has usually more value than mccree’s. It scares of the enemy team just as high noon does, but without the glowy slow walk effect, which means you are not risking getting yourself killed.

And above all of this I still believe his hitbox is way too big.

And no, I personally don’t think there is much good to be said about him anymore. He’s just bad and I find myself using FtH more than hipshoting.

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In Kabaji’s latest twitch stream he plays alot of McCree. He uses Fan-the-Hammer ALOT, also for tank busting and also at a decent range, what would before be unthinkable ranges.
He throws the FB above Rein’s shield and then FtH-rolls-FtH, leaving Reinhardt with almost no health. A Brig or Reinhardt follow-up going through shield, and the enemy Reinhardt is usually gone.

In the end Kabaji had used FtH so much, that he couldn’t aim properly anymore with his main (skilled) shot. He said: “I will end all washed up from this”.

He also said, that Blizzard will have to nerf it again, as it is too powerful.
McCree being his probably 2nd most played hero.

twitch[DOT]tv/videos/347783335 – (replace DOT)

I think this would be justified if they gave the FTH a CS:GOesque, predictable recoil pattern. If you don’t move your mouse you’ll hit one, maybe two bullets at a very close range but if you know how to control it you can land every shot. Perhaps make it dependent on the direction you’re moving in, so if you’re moving right when you FTH you have to compensate to the left more.

Remember Symmetra?

Except McCree’s fb+fth combo is a mid risk/high reward combo, and i’d say a high risk/high reward comba if ur going for rien with a tricky fb above his shield.

Did you forget McCree is a 200 hero? That you can hear from a mile?

Dying from point blank isn’t the worst especially if it was from fth, i mean sure unlike Mie you don’t have time to react with McCree like you do with Mie, but if an almost immobile hero like McCree, who again only has 200 hp with no armor or selfheal, got near you, you kinda deserve his combo.

Mie however can freeze you, has 250 hp, and can self heal (not saying she’s op, just comparing)

Also, don’t we all want something to help counter goats? The fth change only affects tanks. All heroes that have 250- hp aren’t affected by this change. GOATS however consists of tanks only, so i would imagine Blizzard intentionally buffed fth to:

  1. help counter goats
  2. give something to McCree so he isn’t overshadowed by Ashe’s superior kit.

Was the fth buff the best change he could have gotten? No, absolutely not, but in the current meta, it makes sense. After GOATS die or has a consistent counter, they will probably nerf fth and (hopefully) they give him a real buff.

Designer 1: Um, Hanzo is outpacing McCree and Soldier 76 in damage. He’s outdistancing his counters. And, he’s melting shields and tanks. Something must be done!

Management: We know just the thing.

buffs McCree. Slightly buffs Soldier ‘76

Management: let’s call it a day!

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Completely agree, the game already has enough CC and spam damage. There are quite a lot of Mccrees lately that mostly use FtH while not hitting much with their primary fire. All they do is watch for a tank to have half health then fb + fth (and because they have so much damage they are as bold as Reaper to get up close now). So the game has a hitscan hero that is much more effective up close…
With current damage numbers in the game shields barely keep up while tanks as Roadhog and Dva are just ult chargers, the game needs an overall damage drop across all heroes or even better a complete rebalance of the game. It would be much more useful for the game if the team spend the time for next new hero on rebalancing the game.

I can consistently land headshot with 80 ping. By consistently I mean never have I not been able to take a shot before they move. If I aim as flash lands I can get two headshots. That’s hard though. If I flash and mostly aim after it lands I can get a head shot and then an almost guaranteed body shot as they start to move. The only time I’ve ever felt flash FTH makes sense is vs tanks close range or vs Genji. Now it’ll probably be his bread and butter on stuns and that’s kinda sad

I mean I completely agree with you. Just like bastion/torb/sym are awesome heroes for lower skills, and they get worse the higher you get, you also have certain heroes like Genji and Widow that are very bad at lower skills and they get better the higher you go.

oh god

yeah all the Big McCree Streamers are basically just walking around FtHing everything atm

get ready for him to get sledgehammered again :slight_smile: smile

Wish the heros I enjoyed playing got an unnecessary buff. Im over here putting flowers on DF’s grave.

Ya and I’m over praying the more forgiving beam hitbox on Symm isn’t true lol. Please balance us in a way that doesnt make everyone hate us =D