Fan the Hammer buff - feedback from a McCree main

McCree is my favorite character by far. He’s needed some help for a while, but I absolutely hate the most recent Fan the Hammer buff.

  1. Fan the Hammer is now better than aiming. The numbers before the rework were perfect. Fanning after flashbang was 270 damage, but good aim was rewarded with 280 damage if you landed two headshots. Now fanning is always better with 330 damage.

  2. Fan the Hammer is the most hated part of McCree’s kit. No one likes dying to a point blank right click. It just feels cheap because it doesn’t take any skill. Didn’t you learn anything from the Doomfist/Brigitte feedback? No one wants low skill cc one-shot combos in this game.

  3. McCree didn’t need more damage, he needs more survivability. All I wanted for him was 50 more health - or maybe 225 hp total with 50 hp being armor. After all, he is wearing armor on his chest. He’s too vulnerable to dive, and the fth buff doesn’t change that at all.

We all appreciate your efforts to make all heroes viable, Blizzard - so thank you for that! But please consider testing out a survivability buff instead of a damage buff for McCree.


He’s a glass cannon, so this buff made sense. FtH is also only useful at close range, so his primary fire is still superior at long ranges.

You may also be curious about new combos he has:


Have to agree with the OP, giving McCree a no skill way to kill 200HP heroes just makes those characters even worse than they already are. FtH is still going to be weak against tanks because you try to maintain your distance against them not close to point blank.

McCree needs probably two things to be more useful: added 50 HP, and removal of the small delays in his ultimate. With two QoL changes he’d be a more viable hero instead of just adding another brainless, insta-kill hero for anyone below 200HP.


yah it’s the last part of his kit that needed attention.
my personal order of attention is

  1. Ult
  2. More Ult.
  3. Roll.

I disagree. Aiming with for a double head-shot is still more helpful when you don’t have a full clip.


Yeah, I agree. While I appreciate the sentiment, I would want better survivability. It seems like reworked heroes and new heroes are getting better mobility options. The CD reduction on roll helped, but he still feels “stuck” compared to the rest of the roster.

He could already do this before. His damage before the buff was 270. Damage after the buff is 330. The buff just made him able to more easily kill > 200 HP targets.

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FtH is best off just being completely scrapped imo. It’s either just useless or it’s all you should really be doing on McCree, and nobody likes the McCree that can only flashfan and can’t hit the broad side of a barn outside of that. And yet that is exactly what this buff promotes. If I wanted to walk around spamming bullets I would play something else.


Hilariously, FTH is still more skill based than some of the new heroes pre-Ashe not pointing fingers. Flash is what you have an issue with, since it sets up a “no-skill” kill combo, but a headshot on a flashed target is basically just as braindead just far less consistent

don’t argue for mccree to stay irrelevant, at least give him a chance. It’s been 11 seasons since he was useful.


So by this logic, then Mei needs to be reworked as well.


His ultimate simply needs a rework. It could easily be broken OP if buffed, but it’s still somewhat of a suicide button in its current state.


“I’m upset my kit has more then one button now”

IIRC McCree was always designed as a duelist, winning close up. Not a sniper


I love them because I can stomp them all day long. How is it that the forums complain about a hero with one of the worst mobility being able to get into near point blank range and delete them.

Brig I might see how a Bronze player might allow her to get in that range but McCree? How bad do you need to be to let him do that? He’s one of the most divable dps hero out there. FTH uses all his ammo (which means it’s damage is depended on how much ammo he has) and forces him to use his only “mobility” ability to reload or he has to reload normally.

How are the forums complaining about this! WTF!?


Because if they die from playing poorly, it’s clearly not their fault


I don’t like having them on my team either. Because they are bad at the game and we are probably going to lose unless they give the hero to someone who knows what they’re doing.

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Well part of a Multiplayer game is sometimes you get people who aren’t good. That is not specific to this game and probably matters very little that they use McCree or any other hero.

No need to scapegoat a non-meta hero (who isn’t completely F-Tier)

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At point blank range, yes. For comparison’s sake Roadhog also has 2 different effective ranges on his gun

If you manage to flank and remain unseen with a character that makes as much noise as a nuclear bomb I don’t think that counts as low skill…

Two sides of the same coin, result is the same, McCree has more survivability because he can kill faster and as such people need to be more wary of closing the distance on him

Nah. Because you can stick them on a hero where their apparent refusal to even attempt aim doesn’t make them a liability.

It is not a scapegoat. FtH is the least interesting part of his kit and likely the sole reason he is hard to balance for low tier players who both lack the game sense to not get gibbed by it and yet rely on the move to have any impact on the game at all. At the same time you can actually use the space in his kit to address the fact that he is one of two entire 200 hp heroes in the game without sustain or mobility. (The other is Zenyatta, but discord alone makes sure he is relevant.)

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This is why i said said that it wasnt what we needed

i tried to propose a rework for FTH, and then buff the rest of his kit

its an old post and if did it again i would change some stuff but the idea is there

Low elo has troubles with Bastion and Torb. FTH is nothing in comparison to the other crap they struggle with.

If a player can’t aim but can get value with FTH then what does it matter if they go to a no aim hero? The results wont be better or worse. Your judgement on a person you know nothing about doesn’t make it right. McCree might be their only good hero despite their FTH playstyle.

FTH is not broken nor does it break McCree. It just mean he might get a kill he normally wouldn’t get but the low speed and massive danger he has to put himself to do it is very balanced.

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Getting value with FtH is not a given, which is why I purposefully left the team if the flashfan bot ambiguous in my original post. Them going to a different hero might not mean we win, but they are at least not throwing the game by being dumb anymore.

I’m not saying that it is broken. Just that as a McCree player I do not think FtH contributes anything positive to the hero or the game in general. At the same time his kit is so abusable because of what it lacks it is annoying to see FtH get attention instead.