Fair vs Unfair 1shots

(I think this is a full list of “1 shots”)
And this only counts 200hp oneshots. Sorry Queen.
If you disagree, sorry you’re just wrong. Not all 1 taps are equal, some require skill and some are braindead easy.

1 shot Ults that are Fair:
D.va bomb, Meteor Strike, Terra Surge, Deadeye, Riptire, Meka Recall, Pulse Bomb

1 shot ult that is not fair:

  • Earthshatter. Why does a huge AOE damage + stun also need to 1 shot? (It doesn’t)
  • Overclock. This isn’t really at fault of the ult. It’s at fault of Sojourn being incredibly busted anyways.

Fair 1 shots:

  • Rein Pin (though I think the vacuum hitbox needs toning down)
  • Widowmaker, as much as I hate to admit it, it is fair. Annoying but fair. I do think she can shoot at max charge too fast though.
  • Reaper, if you let a Reaper get close enough to 1shot it is 100% your fault. Reaper has to literally barrel stuff to do this.
  • Torbjorn, same with Reaper, how often does Torb’s shotgun actually 1 tap?
  • Hog alt fire. This actually requires skill, aim, spacing.

Unfair 1shots:

  • Hog, technically it’s a “combo” but nah this is a 1shot, a cheap stun, easy broken 1 shot
  • Hanzo, he fires arrows the size of Tracer’s head and he requires way less skill than Widow to land snipes
  • Railgun, too fast charge, charge holds too long, too big hitbox, too spammy. Soj is just op in general.

its a 2-3 combo no matter what head cannon narrative people want to push
sojorn IS a one shot
so is hanzo and his log arrows


Nope. There’s a difference between “Oh I got too close to the shotgun hero” and “Oh I got pulled out of position by a giant hitbox and now this is unpreventable with anything I do.”

By your logic, pin is a combo.


Honestly I genuinely agree with all this pretty much
Idk for sure about Hanzo since yeah he can spam them but there’s also a very good amount of prediction/muscle memory necessary to be consistent


Imagine actually thinking that rein pin takes more skill than hog combo. Rein pin is 90% rng.

switch Riptire with Overclock and this list is kinda accurate
a precision aim should 1 shot. a gigantic, huge AOE not really, especially coming from a tiny, fast moving speed thing that can wallclimb
also I agree Rein current shatter is kinda cheesy since he can farm it fast, CC for 3 seconds and 1 shot with it, but it’s his way of showing dominance and bm the enemy

You are making up arguments in your head I didn’t say that lol.

wait till sb tells op widow doesnt need to charge up to 100% to oneshot headshot squishies.

Fair - Smug purple lady clicking you once, killing you instantly, from across the map with no resources spent

Unfair - An ultimate in quick melee range with wind up and voice line callout

c’mon bro is this for real.

It’s the same thing lol, at least Rein is giant and loud.

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The oneshots I hate the most are Hog’s, Hanzos, and I’m sorry but riptire is BS.

The ult is a free multi-kill in ranks where people can’t aim and useless in ranks where they can. The counterplay to riptire is to scatter and hope that junk can only kill one person, or to pray that your Lucio / Bap / Kiriko has the reflexes of a god and can ult or invuln you in time.


This is the only one that truly feels unfair to me. Being able to charge up a shot on a barrier then delete someone from the fight instantly is insane. What’s the counter play? What’s her weakness? What’s the mistake she can make that lets you punish her? What’s the counter hero that makes her think twice about leaving spawn without swapping?

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Earthshatter windup lol lmao. hanzo pulling an arrow back takes more time

I’m guessing you were within arms distance of a Rein when he dropped his ult on your head; only someone that took an earthshatter to the face would say it’s unfair. Like, you literally have to be directly in front of Rein and within his melee range for it to kill you. Outside of it, it just stuns; also, shields can block earthshatter (somehow).

Because it’s difficult to pull off since it’s easy to read. It also gives options for a rein to solo in tight situations. When in the past you couldn’t kill with your shatter and you’re forced to use it.

Hog’s hook has always been there since the beginning of Overwatch. It can be countered because it’s a skillshot, not a hitscan oneshot. You can bait or even dodge hog’s hook.

Depends. I do think storm arrow being able to headshot reward less skill, but it was better than the old shatter arrow. I personally think projectile shots are harder to hit compared to hitscan, but the negative side is that you can kind of just spam it and get a headshot. Their hitbox is a lot more forgiving as well.

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Complaining about ultimates one shooting is kind of pointless their entire point is to be a super strong resource to turn the tide of fights.

I’ll give you sojourn for sure being able to farm shield and then one shot a squishy AND you can basically keep it inf ready just by spamming choke every 8 seconds makes it very unfair.

Widowmaker is sketchy because she is so feast or famine and I think she might need looked at with the move to 5v5. They could cap her damage at only shotting squishies and increase charge time, but make her options/utility better.

You know if you put half the effort into better learning the game and growing as a player… as you put into the mental gymnastics trying to justify blaming the game, it woulnt be a problem for you anymore.

This whole complaining about one shots stems from 2 things…

1: “its the games fault im bad at it”

2: a refusal to admit a player just may be better than you.

Sounds like someone enjoys abusing cheap mechanics instead of using skill
(mercy pfp lol)

And the fact that your trying to pick a fight, instead of actually having a discussion, only serves to discredit yourself and reinforcing my point.

As it shows you have no real argument, to defend yourself with… likely because you dont understand the game or at least not as well as you think you do.

Stop making yourself an easy target… problem solved

Pin is two hits, so calling it a “one shot” is still wrong. Of course, this is the overwatch community I’m dealing with. Where words and logic comes secondary to “I feel like this is unfair, so therefore its unfair.”.

same can be said for you hypocrite