Fair vs Unfair 1shots

Has been proven numerous times he doesnt shoot “logs” and is a projectile hero while widows hs but go off ig

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Yea this is what happens when you have a matchmaking system that feeds wins to people who cant earn them… and a refusal to learn and grow is the reason why they cant…

They think there good till the actual good players show up… then its accuse the good player of cheating, and blame the game.

It is unfair to them… just like its unfair to the rest of us who do learn and grow to have to play in matches with these players

Whatever it is, it is still busted.

OW1 Doom right click.

Everything else.

Ill stop you right there when you say hanzo is unfair and how his hitbox are the size of tracers head. You are insanely wrong about this, hanzo is actually way more balanced than you think. His projectiles are actually the smallest in the game, yes actually smaller than tracers head. Projectile speed is balanced considering the projectile has to be led to a target and you have to account for projectile drop on top of that. Can hanzo land free headshot sometimes? Yes of course, thats about the only “unfair” thing about this hero.

This is not really a problem at masters and above when players simply don’t peek or take different routes to avoid hanzo, there is a reason you see way more widowmakers than hanzo in top 500. Saying hanzo takes less skill than widow is laughable, one hero is literally point and click for free kills anywhere on the map and the other has to account for projectile speed and drop. Hanzo may look more broken on paper because of his sonar or dragons and spammy nature but I promise you widow is far stronger than hanzo. If you put 2 gm players to face each other, the one playing the widow will easily win 80% of the time.

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hog hook is fair because its not hitscan and not instant death like sojourn where you cant react to

if you die to hook then its your fault


Nah dude look up a chart is is literally that size

…why would anyone be standing right next to a Rein, a melee hero and complain dying to him is ‘unfair’…? :thinking:

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hanzo’s projectiles are .2 centimeter big. Tracer is .5 centimeters big. If you get hit by a hanzo headshot, the guy either spammed it at you (lower ranks) or you simply got killed by good aim (high ranks). Either way, my point still stands, widow is miles easier than hanzo. Thats just a fact, I have to put in more work to land headshots back to back with hanzo than I do with widow. If you don’t believe me then go play hanzo yourself and tell me how easy it was for you to reach top 500.

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Hitscan oneshots are generally unfair.
Hook instagib: Largely unjustified, but the character can’t compete without it lmao
Widow headshot: Skillful, but maybe a little too quick to charge
Soujorn rail: actual honest to God cancer

Artillery direct hits can deal 600 damage and can crit for 1200

Technically the strongest single instance of damage in the game

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I guess log means “smallest projectile in the game” now? It’s .1m diameter, tied for smallest in the game.

Idk, “log arrows” sounds a lot like a

On topic. All of these one-shots / one-shot combos are fine.

Sojourn just shouldn’t have any time before railgun charge drain begins (though slowing it to 15 to 25 charge lost per second). That’s all.

  • cassidy body shot with the grenade combo is the most unfair sh1t and its sooo mindblowing easy (easier than hog’s hook)

Oneshots are unfair when
It is not an ult and you can not oneshot it back period

Hog hook has a range though…

The difference between this and a one shot is that there is a solid 1.5 seconds during which, if the target recieves any sort of healing, temporary HP, shields, or the like OR if hog gets CC’d at all, the kill won’t go through. His breakpoints are so tight on some people that even just getting a lucio heal can mean it’s not going to kill combo them before they can escape.

If a widow hits your head, you’re dead. If hog hooks you, any number of things can happen after that hook which mean you survive. That is the main reason this is a different ballpark.

That is kinda right.

  • Hanzo projectiles are somehat forgivable, for how spammable they are.
  • OW characters hitboxes are also quite forgivable, which enhances how far you can hit with an arrow and still get damage.

It’s not exclusively Hanzo’s thing, up close hitboxes are BS for every hero. With projectiles it’s just even more so, and Hanzo has the most damaging and spammable ones combo. Mei’s are way harder to land due to delay.

With all that said, it just confirms that Hanzo is annoying and why. I hate Shimadas with passion and Hanzo one-shots too. But he is balanced and nothing needs to change.

This detracted from a (mostly) thoughtful post. Especially placed at the beginning, before you began your analysis. Based on the comments I’ve read, this kind of set the tone for the whole discussion.

Otherwise, nice job - your work could have spoken for itself.

Imagine saying Hanzo requires less skill than widow, when you need to aim for the head, then add the bullet drop and projectile speed, and also according to your charge level…

Widowmaker is just a cod/fortnite sniper, and has no kit to learn whatsoever. Ridiculous statements in there.

Both need to be removed from the game.