Failed to earn Contenders Symmetra or Mercy skins? IMPORTANT UPDATE ANNOUNCED!

I’ve watched 20+ hours and received the Symmetra skins, but no Mercy skins.

First of all, thanks for the help with the missing skins WyomingMyst.

I’m a user on PC, and I lived in California.

I got Symmetra skin after the October 22nd Korea Grand Final stream, and I kept watching OWOC streams but no Mercy skin.

I watched most of the streams except October 15th and October 30th.

There always " You are logged in to earn [viewership rewards]" with a green bubble.

Using the Chrome browser to earn Symmetra skin when I noticed I watched over 15 hrs, but I still don’t have mercy skin, I moved to Microsoft Edge and still no Mercy skin.

I use CCleaner to clean all the time when I shut down my PC, so there is no problem with Cookies.

I don’t wanna miss the Mercy skin by some technical issues, I really love this game, I collected all skin like OWL winner skin, MVP skin, 3 yrs all-star skin, etc

It really hurt me D:

Got the Symmetra skin, didn’t get the Mercy skin.

I watched NA for a few hours on both the 28th-29th and watched nearly all of both the EU & NA streams on the 30th and 31st, maybe missing one hour on each of the last two days.

I got my Symmetra skin about 3/4 through the 30th and was expecting that the 7.5 hours on the last day would’ve been enough. I was using Google Chrome on PC, watching from NA, and the green circle was active throughout the entire time.

Thank you for your efforts to troubleshoot! Hopefully everything works out in the end.

I have seen the Contenders since October 24, I saw the first 4 hours on my phone, then I went to my pc but when the time came to give me the Sym skin they did not give it to me, I watched all the games from 28 to 31 and They only gave me Sym’s when they should give me Mercy’s, I used FireFox and did the steps to clear cookies and all that.

They still don’t give me Mercy’s and I’m still waiting: 'c

I got the Symmetra skin(around 7-8 days ago) but mercy not yet.

I watched:

  • Korea Quarterfinals and Semifinals (october 22th 3AM) - 4 hours (android firefox browser)
  • South America (october 20th 2PM) - 3-4 hours (PC - Firefox with issues, gone on MS Edge and then solved afterwards cleaning Firefox cache) - I Watched on MS edge around 1 hour, and 2-3 hours on Firefox.
  • China Week 4 Semifinals, 3rd place, and Finals (october 25th 5PM) - 4-5 hours (PC - Firefox, around here I got symmetra skin)
  • North America Week 4 Upper Bracket Round 1(october 28th 3PM) - 4-5 hours (PC - Firefox, android firefox around 30minutes)
  • North America Week 4 Lower Bracket Round 1 (october 29th 3PM) - 4-5 hours (PC - Firefox)
  • North America Week 4 Upper Bracket Round 2 (october 30th 3PM) - 4-5 hours (PC - Firefox)
  • North America Week 4 Lower Bracket Round 2 (october 31th 3PM) - 4-5 hours (PC - Firefox)

Changed devices(android on firefox, pc on firefox, pc on edge on the south america stream)
Always kept cleaned the browsers, cache, re-auth.
I don’t desync my bnet account because I got all the “permitions” and I got symmetra skin in that way.

If you need any more info, please let me know. I’m hopping that until 02/11 I could get the mercy skin.

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I received the Symmetra skin, but not the Mercy skin after several hours of watch time. While I believe I caught only parts of some of the earlier streams, I watched about the entirety of the final two (the actual streams, not individual regions), guaranteeing over 15 hours. The green light was visible on the Contenders website.

Here’s the ones YouTube says I had watched.

5 Nov - Just updating this to say I still haven’t received the Mercy skin.

I have watched overwatch contenders stream on the official site for October 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st. It would tell me to sign in so as soon as I clicked it the message to log on would never go away at the bottom of the video, it does not say anywhere I was ever signed in …for some reason so how does one receive the credit for watching it if it does not even let you log in???

I feel like I have watched more than enough hours to receive the skins.


I received the Symmetra skin but not the Mercy skin :frowning:

  • Edge Browser / ublock off

I got Sym, but not Mercy.

100% Sure I watched an additional 10+ hours after the Sym skins unlocked and to be absolutely sure I even set an alarm for 5 AM to wake up on Sunday here in Aus to play the entire Oct 31st stream.

Hoping when I go home from work today they are unlocked after a delay, I’ll updated if that happens.

I still don’t have sym and mercy. See my earlier post in this topic for details.

Same story as a lot of people here. 30+ hours, almost every stream. Got sym but no mercy. :frowning:

Nope. Still no Mercy skin.

First of all, thank you for this post cause I was getting worried (and a bit mad). So I watched all four of the scheduled streams completely, live for all of them, linked account on the contenders website, basically everything blizzard told us to do to get the skins. I do nothing in the evenings and I live in the east coast, so 6pm-10pm watching overwatch professionals was great for me. So now that it’s the next month, new set of hero skins, I wanted to finally check if I got sym and mercy’s skins…sadly I only had syms at this current moment. I didn’t expect to get the skin automatically like blizzard said, but I thought it would be soon, so I checked every day after completing the syms hours and she never showed, until today. So I’m worried that I might not get the mercy skins, which is why I watch all the streams fully, which I will do for the rest of them (free skins and all). I understand this is the first time blizzard has done this rewards system for contenders, but I hope that you’ll be able to help out me and all the others who should have earned the skins. Thank you for your time.

I have the Sym skin but not the Mercy skin, and these are the ones I watched:

Hello I only got the Sym skins and not the Mercy one.

I watched the following:

  • October 28th @ 11 AM PDT - [Europe Week 4 Upper Bracket Round 1 ]
  • October 28th @ 3 PM PDT - [North America Week 4 Upper Bracket Round 1 ]- EU & NA Combined Time: 9:19:30
  • October 29th @ 11 AM PDT - [Europe Week 4 Lower Bracket Round 1]
  • October 29th @ 3 PM PDT - [North America Week 4 Lower Bracket Round 1]EU & NA Combined Time: 7:40:30
  • October 30th @ 11 AM PDT - [Europe Week 4 Upper Bracket Round 2]
  • October 30th @ 3 PM PDT - [North America Week 4 Upper Bracket Round 2] EU & NA Combined Time: 8:08:51
  • October 31st @ 3 PM PDT - [North America Week 4 Lower Bracket Round 2] - EU & NA Combined Time: 7:45:58

I seem to get the green button then after watching sometime the green button just disappeared. So I end up refereshing it. So I am not sure if that was messing it up. I wish there was a total count or something so know if i am close or not.

Country is Canada.

Also I appreciate that you are posting this as it is quite frustrating not getting the mercy skin as I am sure I did more then 15 hours. Sadly sometime is hard as regular work and such and only half the month to do this. I really wanted the Mercy skins… uh… so yeah this is a bit frustrating.

It would really be nice if we can get some more time as it is quite hard to pack this in with only 15 days.

Edit, confirm still dont have the mercy skin.

Thanks you!

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I received Sym’s skin, but not Mercy. I’m pretty sure I’ve watched the following


I watched:
October 15th - Korea
October 22nd - Korea
October 25th - China
October 28th - Europe and NA
Octobert 29th - Europe and NA
October 30th - Europe and NA
October 31st - Europe and NA

I tried different Browsers and two PCs.
I got Symmetra on my Laptop with Chrome, so I settled on that.

I did receive Symmetra on October 30th somewhere around 2 hours in.
But I did not receive Mercy, even though I watched 30th and 31st in their entirety.

I’m from Germany.

Thanks a lot for your help :slight_smile:

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Hello! Another person who did get Sym, but didn’t receive the Mercy skins after multiple days/many hours. I’m in North America, using Chrome, ad blocker disabled.

I always had trouble getting the tokens during OWL’s season - many many of them are missing, but was super happy with the addition of the green dot which I can confirm I did see on while watching!


So I’m kind of in the spot like someone else said. I watched pretty much every game from October 28-31 in Google Chrome. No AD blocker, always saw that it was a Live game I was watching. I even received the Sym Skin so I know at least my account was linked up correctly. I made sure to watch more than the 15 hours just to try and make sure I would guarantee the Mercy Skin.

Now I did see that you said Blizz said it could take potentially up to Nov. 2 to get the skin, but I just wanted it known that I haven’t received the Mercy skin. I think the most frustrating thing about it is that there was no way to truly track how many hours you watched of contenders. I’m pretty sure I watched more than enough to get the Mercy skin but I’m just hoping that by bringing it to light I can get someone to look at it and potentially get my skin.

Fingers crossed!!!

Okay I downloaded firefox browser and it now says I am logged in so hopefully I can still get the skins from today :frowning: