Failed to connect to server

yes man our internet is trash its our fault !

Played Ranked with People from different Countries with different Computers we ALL disconnected from a comp match but yes ofc the Problem must be our Computer not the Server :smiley:

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Your wrong, had it with friend this night. 6 times, we only did 2 comp matches. But this is not an isolated issue, blizzard is lying here at top. See how many posts are about this? And how many report it in less then 5h? The answer is Blizzard is wrong and they know it.

Oversaw the xD :sweat_smile:

he is being sarcastic…

the server never fails!!!

aaeeeeeh you know sarcasm? :wink:

Oversaw the xD as written above :joy:

it is our fault blizzard is never wrong and never lies to us(like we will never have role select and guess what now we will have role select)

I am under the distinct impression this trending topic was originally in the General Discussion forum and got moved here. So I will keep this brief:

Unfortunately all disconnections and game crashes counts as leaving the match and will be penalized appropriately. The game server has no way to discern a legitimate disconnection or game crash from one that is forcefully caused by a dishonest player to bypass leaver penalties. You can learn about this policy here:

and ?? they shouldn’t fix it or at least inform us??? if the game server is bugged

Remember if you see the message, “Lost Connection to the Server” in the title screen or the message “Failed to Connect to Server” in red text in the text chat box, this means there is something that disrupted your connection to the game server and not a problem with the game server itself. There can be a variety of reasons this happens including those that don’t disconnect your computer from the Internet.

They could also find out the time when their servers started to have issues and roll back all SR loss due to penalties


Atleast a little Information would be nice something like: “Some Players could have Problems connecting to Comp/QP/Arcade Games” nothing more nobody would have a Problem with that but no communication and the Problem exists now over 8 Hours is just bs…

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it is not in red text,it is yellow

That’s just not true, so lying :lying_face:

That is impossible, I am however investigating to see if there is a mass issue as I am starting to see trending reports, but it is so late none of my BlizzardCS contacts are working at this hour.

it is not late in EU it is fairly early so we should get the EU technical support team(if it exists:))

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What, your realizing that so late? Look around, every region forum is filled with it the last 5h and your really suit there and say, there could be a mass issue after you posted already bs about its not the server?

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Are you an EU player?

they start working in 8 minutes so Im alsow aiting for it