EXPLORE PARIS. (Possible hero 30 hint hidden on the map) (Found unreachable area)

What is?

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So going off notes I believe that the lucio sign is “La Si Sol”

Thats if it is related xD

Which would make the Omnic language a bit french.

So messing about with it and comparing muscial notes over different cultures the symbols are 100% music related. if you play them on a piano some of them even sound like music so the Omnic language is definitely music based.

Not sure if the developers have hidden anything but I am not sure how to translate it to words or if it is even possible.

They’ve already given a reason for the delayed release of a new map.

Can someone enlighten me on the reason?

You can make out the letters A (maybe) V D R H G from the book on the table, don’t think it’s relevant though

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Thats what I was doing all morning, could not get it to work

Thank you for killing our hype. Real cool.


It’s time locked(if this Arg is really a thing), you not Supposed to.

They did this in Hearthstone and Sombra Arg

I think he is trolling, I am just ignoring the negative bits xD


he is doing that from yesterday and he want to break our fun time in this game after a long time without it anyways i dont care about if there is a secret thing in this map or no i just want to have fun lol


So guys it’s been 4 days since the last hint… wtf is happening now??

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Still looking, I am currently trying to translate Omnic for the licence plates but it is pretty much impossible

He also keeps spamming his threads in the Overmoji thread, and it’s really damn annoying. And now he also destroys all our motivation, hype, and fun!?

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i saw a poster for swan lake. has anyone tried using widow’s swan lake skins and seeing if something happens?

Yeah, couldn’t trigger anything but worth trying again

Look, I get that you’re concerned about whether we’re wasting our time or not. But just stop. We are having fun working together and going Sherlock Holmes on this potential secret. We do not freaking care if its real or not. We are having fun with the game
So unless you have a clue or hint. Please leave this thread.


Well it has been confirmed that Widow lived in Paris and was a ballet dancer.
(I tried every voiceline in her odette skin)

As for Gerade he’s dead that’s certain at least for over watch dead standards.
If Widow is the killer? Well, her bio states so but the info in the bio is, how Chu put it:“only what is perceived” son I would thrust on the fact that widow is the killer.
It actually makes sense as part of her emotional reprogramming to make her believe that she killed Gerade.
Would actually explain why Reaper is in Talon despite him obviously hating them.

welp I tried some parts from the opera and it didn’t trigger anything.
But some of those parts are impossible to play on the Overwatch piano since you can’t hold notes

Did you guys try “Cadmus et Hermione” on the piano?

20 chars damn this