EXPLORE PARIS. (Possible hero 30 hint hidden on the map) (Found unreachable area)

All day xD


It is a situation that we know surprisingly little about and I think it will be involved with the next event.

Dead in Overwatch normally means being rebuilt by Mercy xD


It really is, even with 3-4 people

You know, it’s kinda weird that some players in-game have no clue about this whole ARG, like I ask them about it and they’re like “wut?”


Most people tend not to be as invested/crazy as others xD I just have a group of friends I share this stuff with but first time I have posted it in the forum

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Oh nice thank god we have a hint where to look now. I mean I hope it is.

If it’s a hint at all :sweat_smile:

None of Bastion’s voicelines are similar to that opera?

He could be the speakeasy

50m left.

why did i read that as 50 meters to the left…i was like “left of what?”


50m left of what?
What are you guys counting down for?

Slight hope they might post something on twitter


So this was all a sham?

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sham implies deliberately misleading someone…

its quite possible we just overthunk things

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Don’t they usually post things at 11:00 in California? I think sadly if we were gonna get a hint it would’ve been 35 minutes ago

Tomorrow, I guess.
20 chars

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nah, 20m left.

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With Orisa, the hints were: 21st, 24th and 27th of February … and the 3rd of March they put it on the PTR.

With the hero 30, the first day of hints has been 21 too, so I was hoping there would be hints today … BUT this week, and right now,we have the Overwatch League and I do not think they want to overcome one thing over the other so they will wait for tomorrow surely.

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