EXPLORE PARIS. (Possible hero 30 hint hidden on the map) (Found unreachable area)

maybe each one opens a different path?

King’s Row has the same posters, and in the lore is undergoing an omnic revolution.

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The omnics in France just recently received equal rights, it’s part of the article with the secret room hint


Np man, you are good! Eagle scout is no joke. It’s something I’m very happy I finished too. Looks fantastic on a resume!


I find strange how Widowmaker doesn’t have interaction at all on Paris map…

Hold up, what if the “Place you never knew existed” is hidden outside of the actual map? It’s a long shot but maybe they were expecting people to break the map and search in places normal people, you guessed it, never knew existed

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unfortunately that’s probably just developers at fault, D.va doesn’t have an interaction on Busan either


that might explain the boats thing then…

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has anyone tried to play the song yet on the piano?

I don’t think so, we need someone who can read sheet music and play it, stat!

I did it. Nothing happened. I wouldn’t say for sure it doesn’t work, as I’m a guitarist more than a pianist, but I’ve played it enough to where I don’t think it’s the answer

This is a good idea…
But I can’t play piano :frowning:

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Someone played it for me but idk them so idk if they played it correctly lol


you didn’t hear a door open or anything? no code words?

Nope but i dunno if he played it correctly he played the french horn piece first and then some other parts.

What song is it you are trying to play? I tried a lot yesterday

Cadmus et hermion the composer of which is called jean baptiest and that song is being advertised in an opera on the paris map


I will google it now, see if it is something I can play on my own

I just got an idea. What if Luna song is the key to opening the door and you have to play it on the piano.

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Already tried it with my friend, she can play the piano but it could have been wrong as it is a lot of guess work