[✅] Tanks, more FPS and less MOBA? Ok

In a response to this, and how the Experimental Card is pushing Tanks.
You know what, fine let’s do this.

If they want to make Barriers a lot easier to break, and really only one tank with a good barrier, might as well make Tanks more self sufficient and “like they are from an FPS”.

Since the devs maaaybe think it’s important to make people want to Queue for the Tank Role to prevent the upcoming Armageddon when OW2 has bad queue times.

If they are truly going that route of Tanks that are more similar to FPS Heavies, then might as well commit to it, and do it in right.

Paladins/Call of Duty style:

Last 200hp of a Tank feeds Ult charge like normal
The rest of a Tank HP is surrounded in dark blue outline.
Recharges health like it was a Shield, however speeds up as time goes on.

20 heal per second after 3 seconds of not taking damage
40 heal per second after 3 more seconds
80 heal per second after 3 more seconds

Presto, Tanks don’t have to hassle healers for heals all the time.
They don’t feed Ult charge like crazy.

And if you throw in something like this:

  • Then BioNade doesn’t absolutely destroy ZeroBarrier comps
  • An Off Healer Ult can basically counter an EarthShatter

Which only leaves Snipers, but Snipers are usually bad at skill tiers that won’t be religiously running a barrier tank.


not bad honestly
not bad at all

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okay so how do we get this to blizzard to test it out

I dunno. Post it places until they think “Hey, let’s playtest that”.

Dunno, maybe I could make a workshop with this code or something.
Haven’t really tried.

I would like to see this experiment :slight_smile:


tho i think u should tweak numbers in some of the tanks kit too
and maybe even remove some abilities idk
but also that doesn’t fix the fact that sigma and orisa probably will be broken and meta again
they shoud probably nerf some midrange damage abilities in the game so shields won’t be as good as they are now

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I don’t get it, should this be applied in the game how it is right now or should it be applied for the “All tanks are off-tanks now” experiment?

Applied with what’s on Experimental.

Basically “Less Blue Rectangles, but now HP bars function like Blue Rectangles”

I’m struggling to comprehend how this will be helpful to address the tank role issue.
It’s just not clear to my face.

Paladins does what OW should be doing, that game sticks with the MOBA stuff.

The route OW will be going, will make Rein & the rest DPS, no barriers period. They should just get it over with though. Not give Tanks(and Healers) a slow death by making each one unplayable & useless, little by little.


Basically enables DoubleOffTank comps.

But that’s out-of-combat self heal. (But there’s also the no feed ult charge advantage).
Aren’t Off-Tanks struggling with in-combat effectiveness?

While ranged barrier Tanks shoot from distance from behind their barriers from a safe-distant position, off-tanks struggle to survive the spam damage to get closer and be effective in their ideal range.

Rein and Winston don’t have mid-long range, so they are not damage pressuring other players without positional risks, they can block from away, but not damage pressure, they gotta get into more of a risky position to pressure. Ranged barrier tanks don’t have to, isn’t this a bigger issue rather than out-of-combat self healing? (But you also lowered the feeding ult issue, but it doesn’t make these tanks more survivable to reach their effective range to threat).

Isn’t going to be a perfect competition to barriers, but it should help the vast majority of Overwatch games that aren’t taking Barriers seriously.

And should dramatically increase the number of people willing to go Tank.

Grey, hear me out:

These experimental nerfs target a high tier meta and changes nothing on the already effective tanks for the average player, it just makes the alternatives worse to play in an uncoordinated teamwork environment, so what was already difficult to use gets to be more difficult and less attractive/appealing for the casuals. That’s the issue with Dev’s take on this.

I’m not sure if this idea of out-of-combat self healing will fix this issue, but again, maybe I’m blind for the benefits it might bring.

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Honestly I wish it was more of an FPS game with abilities. Take paladins for example a tank or healer can be just as effective as damage as dps and dps have the opportunity to heal themselves using the mid game shop for upgrades. Having the ability to make people have equal chances while also allowing them to specialize in a part whether it be healing or tanking you still can do other jobs and make it more even for different types of players.

and paladins still sticks to the MOBA play style

Basically this makes it so that Roadhog/Zarya is somewhat legit for Gold through Quickplay, which had over 60% of the players.

Changes DoubleOffTank from a full throw comp, to an uphill battle.

We should give it a try then.
But remember, while Sigma denies 700 HP ult with barrier + 200 HP ult on body, Hog denies 400 HP on body only.
I can’t really make comparisons without testing actually.

Why are you acting surprised that a competitive shooter game is trying to be more of a shooter game than a Moba game? Through out OW’s life it has always been called “Shooter”, never once it was referred to as a “Moba”. Calling it Moba is just a lazy excuse to avoid learning important mechanics in the game.