Experimental Mode – Moving the Meta with Hero Updates

The duality of man >_>


Relax people! Its Experimental!


not a fan of the way they nerfed orisa but the other changes seem interesting.

Whilst I am all for trying out different things to see how they work out but if these changes go live. More people will be switching from tanks to dps and trust me you do not want tank players playing dps. Most of them cannot aim to save their lives. Also expect a much higher queue time if you are going to queue in as dps. The open role comp already has everyone selecting 4-5 dps and a heal or tank. Now expect 5-6 dps every time. Which of course will increase toxicity since everyone will hard lock dps and ask others to play tanks and heals and no one will be willing to do so, Expect a lot of angry folks in your games now. These changes would have been good if the overall power creep would have been reduced but with the high power creep and nerfs to tanks, we can only expect more people to play dps. I do want to see double shield meta gone but this way, all I see is current tank players leaving OW.

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No, I will be outraged and that’s final


It’s real nice to see barriers have less sustainability, though Widowmaker, Ashe and Hanzo will need to be heavily nerfed to compensate


dude just fix genji plzzzzzzzzzzz, blade bot is so boring


And they have absolutely nothing to do with ladder.

This was during doubleshield meta at the end of last year.


This was at the end of January, a month after the shield nerfs


This is the beginning of march, a month after Orisa’s second batch of nerfs.


This is now


Doubleshield only starts at Masters (3% of the playerbase) and GrandMasters (1% of playerbase) and even then, their winrates are questionable until Top500 and OWL. Diamonds atleast resembles the rest of ladder.

When people see the difference between ranks, most express surprise at the difference between Diamond and Masters and even remark that they practically play a different game from the ones just one rank up.


I’m saying they aren’t solving the actual problems this way. They’re just nerfing heroes into the trash or buffing broken heroes to absurdly overpowered levels.

They need to look at reworking or redesigning certain abilities to fix the game. Making changes you could have done in the Workshop ain’t going to cut it.


Unsure why Sigma and Orisa were nerfed again as Reinhardt/Ana were finally balancing out

what they did here is the only right path: balancing around pro play and not f ing quickplay andys or people below gm that think rein and orisa are equaly as good

also brig will still be A or S tier cos she is a design flaw and will never be bad

honestly i really wish you would try 1-3-2 roadhog but at least roadhog is being looked at because he really is in a terrible place


I don’t know if you understood this or not but the change makes it so that she has 200hp (including armor).


Here we go. Christ just freakin leave this game alone already and focus On OW2. Just screw ups after screw ups.


Zen and Pharah are very nice. Nerfing barrage duration is ironically a buff because it means her ult is less of a deathwish because she isn’t trapped in it as long. My only fear is that Pharah’s regen rate will mean she can’t do the jump jet->hover->jump jet, which is nearly essential.

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I think all the changes are in the right direction (except the Brig health nerf), but they seem a little severe. I feel like it would be better to do like 50-75% of the numbers nerfs in most cases. Like Orisa’s halt only bring down to like 5 or 6 instead of 4, especially with that health nerf. Sigma, maybe do like 100 instead of 80 for the barrier regneration, especially with the barrier health nerf and kinetic grasp nerf. Love the Pharah and Symmetra changes, I’ll have to see the Roadhog stuff in action but he certainly needs buffs and I hope this helps him. As for Brig I just have no idea what they’re thinking on the health nerf. I get that AoE healing has become really powerful in the game so I can see them targetting inspire, but the health nerf is just insane. They weren’t lying when they said they want this game to become more of an FPS. Everyone is going to be switching to DPS heroes…

I know it’s experimental for a reason, but hoooooooooooboy! Some of these just look rough.

Regardless, thanks for the update and letting us know what’s going on.

here are my first impressions

with just one more damage per pellet on a gun that shoots that many pellets, its a pretty hefty buff


100% agree, overall i wonder how this changes roadhog’s dps and if it will improve it or reduce it

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It’s still a bad change. Nerfing her aoe and buffing her self sustain is a good call. Lowers her team utility but makes her more survavable which was the whole point of releasing Brig. Low team heals but good self sustain. But then they lower her HP which undermines the compensation buff to her self sustain.