Experimental Mode – Hero Balance

You guys never seem to learn. 1 step forward 2 steps back


Thank you for looking at our suggestions!

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While overall this is a good patch, I have few concerns.

For Baptiste, this is the wrong buff direction, we all remember the days when Baptiste had his ultimate everytime, and we were all waiting for that Wall to leave to engage a fight, used like a time killer, scared of that being back now.

For McCree, Im scared of that stun duration increase, he will be able to land 2 headshots on a single Flashbang, he will be able to kill 250hp heroes, thats too much. Just remove that Flashbang buff, that Combat Roll buff is perfect.

For Roadhog, this is a very bad direction, you guys need to bring his damage to 6.XX, with 6 dmg/bullet, he doesnt even one shot a Sombra literaly stick to her on a headshot, go try for yourself on Training range people. If the enemy hooked gets healed up during the hook, then we have the same issue in the past, he doesnt oneshots…
He is still and still will be after that patch worst than before the Hog buff patches ago.


I’m not entirely sure the Bap change is going to do much, but everything else looks great to me.


He’ll just be building ult at around the same rate that he was before his Regen nerf (maybe even a little slower). I believe this change was to simply compensate for his now lowered healing output.

He can’t. He could only do that when he was McMachineGun


Good changes overall.

Making Hog hook’s combo more reliable against 200hp targets is what he needed and this change address that without making him stronger against tanks or shields.

Mccree combat roll in mid air looks weird, but other than that it’s a good change, increasing his overall survivability.
The 20% extra distance may be a bit too much, needs more testing.
Stun duration nerf revert is fine as long as his firerate does not increase again.

Orisa projectile speed is a massive buff, it makes her act like a bastion that has a 600hp shield and fortify. A good change but Is it too strong?
A little bit, but i think we need more testing on it.

Ashe has been dominating for too long and the dynamite’s damage reduction is a good step in the right direction.

Other changes that i think need to be looked at, are:
Either reduce her health down to 150hp or put grappling hook on 1-2sec cooldown when hit, or something else to make her more susceptible to dive and her counters.

With Mccree’s stun reverted i think it’s a good opportunity to revert Rein’s shatter as well.
Reinhardt’s earthshatter knockdown duration needs to be reverted from 2.5 back to 3.0. The 0.5sec reduction was more severe than people think and does not give a good Reinhardt enough time to finish off kills.
A very fair ultimate that does not feel rewarding at all anymore.


i love that having a direct link to patch notes up top is too much work for some people (dont pretend!!)

I mean, yay. But I don’t see this helping him that much.

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they also buffed his boots, he can charge jump faster now

it seems they forget to add that to the notes

Bapt buff is to offset the nerf he got in his regen burst.

Orisa, looks like they are committing to DPS Tanks


I don’t see this on the patch notes. Where did you get this?

bruh, they nerfed amp matrix before they nerfed his healing output, then they double nerfed it again far worse than when they sledgehammered him the first time. He ain’t gonna be putting out those numbers.

Edit: It ain’t even a full revert, so with the tons of nerfs he’d gotten since his charge rate was taken down he can’t even get close to the output he had.

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I feel like the Orisa changes and Hog changes aren’t enough imo

Orisa has plenty high fire speed imo. I’d much rather take damage, but I need to try these changes before I say my piece

I still wish they’d play around with the idea of Hog getting his old damage and reverting his hook reel speed buff and removing his damage reduction on E. He still has a total net nerf losing an ammo from his clip and a slower fire rate.

McCree and Ashe changes are interesting


If we’re buffing under performers. Then hero’s like Sym and Bastion should be next up for buffs.


And yet the ammo nerf and fire rate nerf of hog arent reverted. The buff you gave him in exchange is gone, so the nerfs should be as well.


One of my two friends I regularly play with is a mccree player and a good one. He specifically suggested the roll in the air thing. And he’ll be glad to see Ashe nerfed. Though we were pretty much in agreement that her non ads fire needed the nerf, and I personally think they should increase the delay getting out of ADS. I’m willing to heir on the side of caution with this.

Honestly, the happiest I’ve been with a patch in its entirety maybe ever.

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Keep Doom, Mei and Bastion in the gutter. Thanks.

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Another light slap on the wrist for Ashe i see. Also i assume that was it with the Widow nerfs, nothing will come ever out there.

-Hog needed help. im glad they adress it. But he will still need a bit more at least to become as viable prior his buffs.

-Orisa will be again a tank now

-Baptiste is a small adjustment, but not more then that. Current dive heavy meta wont favor him and he will remain with low pickrates. Moria overshines him.

-McCree is the biggest surprise here, and i need to try that out. The fb buff is huge, and he may be able to get 2 shots off !?

Good, good, but not great imo. Ashe had her time, dunno why they hesitate so much with more nerfs on her.

Great changes, can’t wait to try them out!

Where’s the S:76 buffs I.e. reloading while sprinting?

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LoL McCree can roll in the air now
