Can blizzard just revert shatter

If ur tanks aren’t terrible in any rank you’ve already won the lottery. That’s the norm dude

Shatter is -still- a really strong Ult with little counterplay, why do you want it buffed?

No. We cannot revert Shatter.

A) Roadhog is very likely about to be nerfed, whether through the experimental card changes being applied or some other form. Why buff Rein at all?

B) The game needs smaller windows of opportunity for stun durations and greater emphasis on the teamwork aspects to abilities like those. If we revert shatter - that just opens up the conversation to other stun increases - like Mei, Sombra or McCree. None of those those changes should be reverted and neither should Rein’s or Sigmas - as much as I enjoyed partially staggering teams with well-timed cross map shots at the spawn door.

C) If Rein gets a power level adjustment in the future - I hope it’s an adjustment to his armor or to his kill combos ; that way he can be better at brawling in the neutral fight and less dependent on the shield rather than an ult buff.

  1. It is an ULTIMATE. It has to be powerful
  2. It isnt powerful anymore. Atleast it dosnt feel that way anymore.
  3. Shatter is allready hard to get of, it can be stunned, blocked etc. And for this effort, it is just not satisfying at the moment, when you just made a swing and ppl allready get up to their feet.
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Yes, it is an ultimate!

2.5s isn’t weak CC. It’s the longest hard stun in the game that is easily capitalised on.

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The Earthshatter’s knockdown duration reduction effect was very severe.
People think it’s just 0.5sec, but unless you play Reinhardt you won’t understand how bad this change was.
It means Rein has a very hard time securing kills, especially if he has to move to reach his targets.

Unlike other control ultimates like Gravitic Flux or Graviton Surge, Earthshatter doesn’t give enough time to your team to notice and take action and it’s much harder to use, so usually it’s up to Rein himself to get value out of it.

People say it was a part of a cc-reduction patch, fine, but then what about all the rest of the abilities in the game that take full or partial control away from the player?
Where’s the rebalance to Gravitic Flux, Graviton Surge, EMP and hack duration and the myriad of knockbacks and boops with high frequency that were completely untouched?
Getting knocked around like a binata constantly is just as bad as chain stuns, so why was their power not reduced?

It feels like a very strange and random nerf, as this is an ultimate ability with a low frequency per match, meanwhile everything else was untouched.


Rein isn’t the default it’s just people see him as a character that’s better than what he actually is.

If u put time into Winston maybe duo with a Dive/hitscan dps or ana or just talk in voice coms you can do at the very least 10/20% more than what you can on rein, especially on maps like numbani first point.

If u play orisa and join coms and call halts it’s literally like having grav on a 8 second cooldown.

And if u count sigma as a sudo main tank he literally has everything you want an OW character to do and is superior to Reinhardt in almost every way even on maps like kings row where rein should be better

And if u look at the tank class as a whole rein is the most team dependant but is at the same time perceived to be the pinnacle of what a main tank should be. He’s definitely overrated and overused for how good he actually is.

Someone isn’t a terrible player just because they don’t like playing as Rein.

True, but if u said that rein was the best tank in low elos playing those other tanks would’ve been detrimental

So let’s aim to balance it so that’s not the case.

Reverting Shatter would not make him more viable lol. It wouldn’t do anything.


Nah the lower elos are supposed to have majority certain characters. They are simple characters that teach basics. I got pegged by junk and reaper. I hated it. But I got out alive and now I get to play my favorite character Winston. I love ow but being bad at the game shouldn’t give you the same reward as someone whose good

In solo q it would feel a lot better tho

I disagree, shatter was a fast game changer ultimate without any counter except another Rein. (Rein just need to count Orisa’s shield cd or broke Sigma one to use it).

So basically it created a Rein vs Rein situation, even though he wasn’t that good.

Rn, nerfed shatter isn’t a bad ultimate at all, it still can stun and stop skills/ults in a large area; also, if you play with voice you can call it and make your team finish the stunned players faster.

I think the problem is not Shatter which is balanced in my opinion, the real issue is that it is difficult to farm it with hog destroying him and his shield super fast; nerf hog and things will change fastly.

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Agree that it should be reverted. That nerf to the stun duration was bad.
I still can’t believe that people actually say that the only counter to rein is another rein. That take is so garbage and always has been :sweat_smile:.

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Do you know how I know you don’t know how to actually play Rein?

Rein’s shatter is a laughing joke right now.
Compare it to Gravitic Flux and Graviton Surge, that are easy to setup, visually communicated and comboed.

It’s so much harder to get a shatter off due to the plethora of counters(shields, bubbles, stuns, knocks, walls,etc.), bugs and time it takes for it to go off.
From the sound queue to the actual execution and ground hit, it is very easy to avoid or stop.

Even when you do get a good shatter, usually you don’t even have time to swing more than twice, let alone walk up to your targets to do so and it’s much harder for your team to follow up on.

At 3seconds at least a good Reinhardt could secure kills off 200hp targets, but not anymore.
The 0.5sec is enough to make the difference from a good ult to a poor ult.

Ask high level Reinhardts like Flats, AceofSpadesOW, Super or whatever and you will get the same answers.
Heck Rein is not even played anymore in favor of Winston.
Winston/Zarya or Winston/Dva is a much more preferable duo even in Rein favored maps.

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Even if they semi revert it it’d be good like to 2.75

Rein is not getting shatter reverted just like Orisa is not getting her shield buffed. There are two things that the game is actively trying to move away from: CC and Shields. Buffing either of those is VERY unlikely.


Rein’s nerf was like a slap wrist back then with all CC changes. 2.5 cc stun time is more than generous.
Now they need to add some counterplay in Zarya’s ult to balance her

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