Experimental just hit live it looks like

:hamster: :hamster: IS GONE :hamster::hamster: REJOICE :hamster::hamster:


Ball is far from gone I am afraid


Disappointing. Once again ball gets nerfed because he’s the last viable tank. Mans isn’t even the most picked anymore.


Why did they nerf reaper’s damage even more now?



He’s still going to be popular you know that right?

Delete his mech. We win.



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Because it was too high.


dam was hoping for a new hero. yea i know its a silly thing but i was hoping for an early surprise

ah well i dont think we will get one tomorrow either, they may feature one but we will probably have to wait another month or something

It was too high on ExC

Right direction, wrong execution

I disagree with it also, that being said, I think he’ll be okay.

Reaper has been underpowered for a long while. I dont want him being bad for nothing again after the changes :confused:. Especially how some certain… heroes replaced his role of being the known anti-tank hero.

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I just tried headshotting orisa and it still works

I’m predicting he will be gone after this. He’s already been dropping a bit.
This is just such a massive nerf.

Yeah I think people don’t understand reaper actually needed a buff, this was SUPPOSED to buff him…

Only in fortify

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Yeh my friend was in fortify

why the heck did they nerf reaper’s damage to 5.5 per pellets?

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In a category locked game, anti-tank shouldn’t be a thing. The heroes that do such right now should be nerfed (and that’s mostly Echo and Hanzo I reckon).

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I wish people understood that. Ball actually became viable because he was the least nerfed tank. He only had a few changes since he was released but largely they have been chipping away at his kit slowly.

Tank role will soon be to the point I will get pulled into a game by just hovering over the role.

Honestly this isn’t doing well for the matchmaking either. By default if you play comp consistently even if you are a terrible tank player you can climb just by whoever has the better dps. It happened during sig/Orisa meta because if you merely chose one of the two your chances of winning significantly went up and pulled people into elos they had no idea how to play at but because those ranks were busted at the time they stayed there and then caused issues in match quality once they were nerfed.


I have to agree with this actually, it doesn’t make as much sense now. Reaper is really way overdue for a soft rework.