Experimental is Gone

I wish, but the fun police will never allow it. They staunchly defend the integrity of our game, bless them.


Yup now back to regular qp

Forget the fun police, Let’s give roadhog a grappling hook :sunglasses:


He only ever uses it as a get out of jail free card when he’s in trouble HP wise, and if he can get damage with it great, but if not, oh well, it’s served it’s primary purpose of saving his life - everyone knows it, that’s how it plays out in game, it’s not an ult meant to ‘do damage’. Like how Sym’s stupid wall doesn’t do damage, and she’s a DPS too; he has so many instakill combo’s and cheap shots that if he had an actual damaging ult he’d be way OP.

That’s extremely subjective. Have you tried using Lucio’s stomp? It’s actually very difficult to do. Streamers make it look easy, but it’s really not.
I’d argue Mei’s is easier since she can ice wall and drop on someone’s head versus a Lucio that’s constantly having to move around and be inaccurate. Thus, your statement isn’t true, but the statement that she can do it multiple times more than Lucio is a fact.

No, let’s delete hog.

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I won’t lie, I wish he was more bearable to fight though. I can’t stand fighting him these days. ESPECIALLY when paired with ball. Hog and Ball torture literally gives me a headache lol

Yeah you know… i read that part. But instead of making a joke patch to try and get a laugh hows about trying to fix the broken game you have. All this exp patch was, was an attempt to take away that we have no content or any proper patches for ages

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Hog should never be a meta hero, he should just be some hero that dominates gold.

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Hey now, the fun police failed to stop D.Va crush going to Live. Maybe their long reign of terror has come to an end! Maybe we can have nice things!


Dude that d.va call mech change is hilarious, I can’t take it seriously.

I was playing mercy on kings row the other day with my duo, and this d.va was literally hiding beside this wall, comes out of no where and crushes me back to the spawn room. I legit screamed :rofl:, man it was funny though.

It’s the one death you can actually laugh at.

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Such a waste of an experiment, at least streamers had fun in their tournament that i’m sure nobody watched.


I am going to miss it, too! :heart:

Flats, Somjuu, and Violet did a fantastic job coming up with their creative changes. Personally, I am going to miss D.Va’s boosters lasting forever and being able to pistol whip people for 100hp. :woozy_face:


For some heroes. Others got a middle finger.


A blue poster that isn’t Andy quickly SHOWER THEM WITH LOVE!

Hi Jody nice to see you. Hopefully things are going well over there.



You better duck, I have a feeling rotten tomatoes are flying your way.

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This is not the main job for a content creator cup.

seriously stop teasing us Pharah players


Says the person who still doesn’t get why they made it.
[The whole point of it was for fun like an Arcade mode]

yea i liked it too. saved my life a lot heh. the moving while ulting was nice too she seemed more fluid. seriously tho can you imagine if it went live. the torches and pitchforks would be tremendous. kind of op :wink:

pharah was the answer to lucio for me in the experimental. since so many players went lucio i head hunted him with pharah. i was able to kill lucio as pharah more then ashe, mei, widow, and tracer for sure

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