Experimental is Gone

Ana was basically unchanged, 2 out of 7 heroes being fun isnt exactly the entire role being fun…

You say being a one trick isnt fun but then say its ok that 2 heroes were fun…which is why every game was Bap and Lucio…the irony lol


for supports the tournament featured moira and lucio. thats it lol. nobody watched it but there was a thread that posted the replay codes

Oh i get why they made it. To have different game play…

But you know what, and i know this idea is going to be crazy so please bear with me, they should just fix the game instead of devoting time to this. Or another crazy idea make new maps and heroes so that we can enjoy that.

I get that i am thinking outside the box here and i hope you can understand that sometimes crazy ideas work

You sound mad at the world dude. I hear this but what does this have to do with the streamers having “no idea”?

The task was to make a fun patch and they succeeded.

What don’t they have an idea about, sir?

Because there are fundamentals wrong with this game and taking the dev time away for something so stupid when we couldve actually had QoL patches and actual updates to heroes they decided to do this.

This was not needed. The game needs so much more than a idiotic exp card.

As for being mad… yeah kinda. I want a decent game. is that a hard ask?

But it wasn’t their idea to take dev time away…

I think you might need to sit down sir.

I enjoyed the patch. I play only periodically now but I kind of know the deal…

We wait till OW2 for big changes.

You might not like it but I suggest doing other things in the mean time rather than this core issue spinning out your anger towards things that are unrelated :relaxed:

Or just stay angry.

it didn’t matter that it was broken though because a lot of other things were broken and fun as well

I rather voice my opinion. Whether you like it or not.

As for playing other things. Yeah youre right i should… But oh wait… i do. I play OW rarely because when i do and see the flaws in the game at the moment i go “yeah thats enough until they fix it”

But did it? Yes because they would have to change the game for those patches. Whether it was 1 dev or 100. It took time away to do it. Regardless of how long. it took the time away.

I hope they do. I loved OW when they came out. Hence why i am angry at this stupid, idiotic idea. I rather a good game than a joke game.

On a side note. Let the players make the choice in the random games you play during the time you wait for a game. Then its not taking away dev time. Devs can see whats going and maybe get an idea for what they should or shouldnt do.


cough her other ability…

Some of the changes (Rein, Sombra) are definitely going live in PvP in OW2.

Probably some of the changes are going to the PvE side of OW2.

I pray to the gods that the Orisa, Brig, and Sigma changes go straight to the dumpster never to be heard from again.


I’m just saying so many people loved it - it was new, it was content.

I find it strange that streamers are asked to make crazy changes, they make crazy changes that people love and you are angry at them for ‘wasting dev time’

Aside from that, I’m all agreed that the game isn’t perfect (even though I still think it’s the best game I’ve ever played).

It was the poorest excuse of a content a game can have.
just pull some random switches and call it a day.


So what are you looking for that hasn’t been taken off the table with OW2 coming?

Just tanks? None of this is fun then?

  • Ashe completely undiveable
  • Cassidy rolling in the air
  • Doomfist with the guaranteed support kill ult to go with his braindead kit full of stuff to kill supports
    … Hanzo, Pharah, Soldier, Torb, Tracer - all got something fun/interesting to play with

Supports got…

  • Ana: nothing useful
  • Bap: His healing gutted for crap damage abilities and a really bad goomba stomp that just gets you shot in the face. It’s really fun running around shooting at your own feet to try and stay alive
  • Brig: Changes that only have a chance of working in GM, your average ranks are taking way too much spam/poke damage for this to be viable.
  • Lucio: Goomba Stomp (one of the only good changes supports got, felt like a gift to Redshell)
  • Mercy: Healing Gutted for dumb Valk mechanic. IDK why you want to promote Valk mercy going for kills but you’re just going to get killed most of the time
    Moira - Gained a large amount of power with cleanse mechanics and basically unlimited healing.
    Zen - basically got slight balance tweaks and his wallhacks removed

This is what happens when you allow Brig mains to make balance changes.

I don’t understand why they couldn’t just at least keep it over the Christmas period?

Actually helped with the queue times as well thanks to having over-the-top changes for the tank Heroes whereas the other roles didn’t get such crazy changes.

I’d have been fine with them leaving it up, a couple more mins wait isn’t a huge deal to me.

But it’s worth noting it wasn’t doing good things to queue times for the main game modes. Drawing the most in demand role away from QP/Comp with the allure of actual fun gameplay and all.

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It didn’t affect the q times because nobody was playing it. I had the exact same q times as always.

tank 2m
dps 6-11m
support 3m

Then that just exposes that those modes aren’t enjoyed by people

It might have shown that but did you actually try queuing up? I found my damage queue was always around 2 minutes or less.

I was playing comp most of the time. If it was better maybe it was just for the firs few days?

I think he’s referring to the ExpC. The queue’s for all roles were pretty fast.

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