ExC Patch Notes

I actually prefer a shorter distance on combat roll. Rolling too far threw off my aim a bit when trying to hard to focus something.

You can, but you really don’t need to. Overwatch balancing follows 2 factors; perception and high win conversion. Zarya has been nerfed several times now because she’s been trending as one of the best performing heroes in the game since the beam hit detection fix. Brig was trending as one of the best performing heroes in the game since her ‘rework’ all through a <1% - 7% pickrate.
The only time heroes are nerfed when they don’t have a high relative winrate is when the community is losing their minds. Funny that, eh? Not only is Overbuff statistically accurate to a useful degree, but at this point it’s been empirically proven time after time.

Heroes are picked based on preference and perception. To imply, as you often do, that every player at every rank instinctively understands how good a hero is at their respective rank and thus picks according to some unsubstantiated appraisal is a ludicrous notion.

I know you’re into game design and so you should know that ‘balancing’ for perception is a common practice. This is what this is.

Mehhhh there have been some situations when me after using coal think to myself “Damn I’m still out of healing”, this has its uses I guess.

Got it, so it’s another one of those “Winrate is only thing that matters, and I don’t understand or care to try to understand the math behind winrates” discussions.

The math behind the winrates? So you’re accepting them as valid now?

The game has SBMM, winrate/conversion should be the chief concern as it pertains to hero balance.

I said you can link your thing. Go on, enlighten me or are you too busy taking jabs at Blizzard for supposedly only balancing for OWL?

No, they are heavily skewed.

If you’re curious who I’m mentioning who has had multiple back and forth emails with the overbuff dev, it’s RobotWizard.

Since he was making a similar dashboard for OWL data.

If you’d like, I could also maybe dig up the part where devs say they do not use winrates that include matches where the hero is on both teams. Because of the heavy data skewing it causes.

i doubt you need me to tell you this…but i absolutely abhor the whole “win rate” argument we constantly see on here…its such a simplistic way of looking at the game and balance

It’s not even simplistic, because it mostly tells you if a hero is used primarily on Attack (typically lower playtime if you win) or Defence (typically higher playtime if you win).

That will make a difference, its not meant to make him bad

I mean this is how I already look at the win rates/conversions. So basically this just reaffirms everything I say, including the necessity for basic analysis and trend tracking. :joy:

  • You look at winrates in a specific rank relative to the median in that rank, the WR hits the true median right around the median distribution point of the playerbase (gold).

  • winrate is just a conversion of the time played : the result and if a heroes winrate is significantly effected by the practice of stalling etc. then their pickrate will also be low, meaning we simply have less confidence in it.

This is fine because we don’t advocate for a rigid or rigorous method of balancing by winrate/conversion, we use the trends to simply say ‘this hero is fine or under/over performing’, or to address misperceptions as to a heroes pick potential and how it doesn’t necessarily correlate with impact/WR. Sometimes it does, obviously.

  • most heroes don’t have a lot of mirroring relative to the number of games being played. To have a real and significant effect the frequency at which this occurs would need to be multiple times what it likely is.
    All mirroring does is slightly affect the rate at which a hero is trending towards their true winrate, what might be +0.09% per win becomes 0.082% per win etc. and because we’re taking the stat from an incredibly large volume of samples (certainly in McCree’s case) heroes quickly catch upto this true winrate and trend ever so slightly behind it. No hero that has ever been mirrored will ever be able to reach their true winrate, they will always trend slightly behind… or slightly above if the winrate is below 50%.

Mirroring is basically a meaningless concern outside of the most extreme of cases.

  • ‘Outlier’ behaviour is mostly insignificant given the large sample size, or reflects the way the game is actually played and thus relevant to the avg winrate/conversion over 10000s of games.

I mean this basically says ‘Overbuff stats are very useful and quite accurate but have some sense about how you use them’. So basically what I’ve been saying. Thanks.

I’m glad they didn’t compensate buff him but I also am still annoyed at the double standard and hypocrisy. Heroes have gotten sledgehammered for doing a fraction of what he’s doing.

I don’t want him sledgehammered but also just really wanted the absurdity of how large his flashbang radius to be toned down.

i don’t hate her but she’s absolutely ridiculous right now. i’d prefer the range on her primary get hit than her damage.

I’ll gladly swap out Zarya’s beam for Sym’s and absolutely MURDER everyone with constantly high charge Zarya. Let’s make this happen. :heart_eyes:

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You do realize that certain dps heroes are niche only right. That they will never be the popular picks. Heroes like Sym, Torb, Junk, Bastion are not meant to be picked on every map, 24/7.
People wishing for this fantasy scenario where every hero is as equally popular are delusional.
There will always be heroes more popular than other regardless of powerlevels. There will never be a revolving door of different heroes every match played where things are always different. This will never happen.

You misunderstand me. I understand that the holistic ‘game balance’ is more than just winrate… but generally I’m using the winrate in an attempt to show how the playerbase’s issues they perceive as a problem a hero balance patch can fix is actually a design issue we have.

Why do certain heroes have several times the pickrate of other heroes at every rank in the game regardless of performance/winrate? More players simply like their designs more than other hero designs. This shouldn’t be engineered with unnecessary hero balance changes.

Why is McCree considered OP when his impact on the outcome of the games he’s in since his release is below average at every skill rank? The game is structured/designed in such a way that it suits his kit/design less than most other heroes, this is why his health pool buff has been the most effective of the dozen+ he’s received over the last few years. The things he does well are less impactful than most players think they are.

I’m just trying to highlight the underlying issues, because biases aside we all care about this game.

I just want hitscan to be knocked down the projectile tier peg.

I love how so many people are interpreting this in a way not supported by the context.

“McCree’s recent success” = he wasn’t viable before, “attributed to his increased health” means this is making him viable. They’ve made A LOT of changes to McCree and only one ever worked.

McSniper (no falloff)
McFan (70/bullet FTH damage)
McMachineGun (fast fire rate)
McThicc (225 health)

Why would they revert the one change that moved him from one of the all-time lowest win-rates ever seen in the game to a middle-of-the-pack win-rate? They aren’t nerfing his health.


Why not, bring projectiles up to speed rather than nerf hitscans even more than they already have been in the past months.

Exactly. from 44% to 49% win rate.
They actually made him balanced and viable even if he is still below 50%.
But even this is too much for people to bear.

Also its not even the middle of the pack winrate. Its 10th worst of the 32 heroes.

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Because hitscan is already power crept. We don’t need more of it. Tanks and heals have all been getting nerfs, it’s the top tier dps heros turns.

Because winrates mean nothing

His pickrats were at the top