"Every player equally equipped"

we are talking about software remember? dont change the topic

No. We’re talking about being able to limit the advantages of better hardware within software. The whole point of this thread is that “every player equally equipped” should apply to both hardware and software.

There may be ways of limiting the advantage a better mouse gives you - for instance, have the game read the specs of the mouse plugged in and add the desired amount of input delay to the user. I haven’t looked into that.

The standards you proposed such as 30FPS would still leave some of the players out. If one single player can only get 10FPS, then you’d have to limit to 10FPS for the entire playerbase. Where do you make the cutoff point?

This post is the perfect example as to why the devs don’t visit these forums to often.

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You are right. we must have 10 fps max

In a world where Blizzard “strives for a level playing field” - yes. Their claim therefore must be incorrect as we know that’d never happen. (Why stop at 10 though? One person may only get 1FPS, 360p).

Then no one would play the game.

Stop nitpicking already. Something just aren’t allowed.

What would you have blizzard do? Seriously

Correct - which is why a level playing field is actually undesirable for Blizzard. Which means their claim of wanting “every player equally equipped” and “we strive for a level playing field” is dishonest. Which proves I’m right.

There’s a reason behind everything. This is discussion forum and we’re free to discuss Blizzard’s reasoning here. Or do you accept every rule or law in your life as always being correct without questioning anything ever? We’d still be in the Dark Ages with that mentality.

Retract or change their statement and be honest with us. Stop the double standard. If one thing that gives you an advantage isn’t allowed why should other things that potentially give even greater advantages be allowed?

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I think this whole thing is pointless

True equality will never be attained anywhere, people can still strive for it, but that doesn’t mean they can achieve it

I don’t see how this is an issue really, I don’t see any bad things happening because they said what they said

It’s just pointless

and? I’m against the ban on pursuit and been giving the same example as you. If pursuit is banned why not logitech mouse software that allows you to have macros

Because having better hardware isn’t cheating obviously. It’s also quite clear that Blizzard cannot police it.
Beside that there are minimum requirements stated for the game and as long as you fullfill them you’re good to go.

What are you guys thinking? If having a better rig is a bannable offense then gaming hardware industry soon will be in the trash bin, because then it’d be bannable for every game, not only overwatch.

Just stop. It’s a stupid argument.

Cheating or not it’s a clear advantage. Something Blizzard claim to be against as they say players should be equally equipped.

Yes they can police it:
Frame lock
Res lock
Network lock

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You are free to get a better rig. It’s not cheating, so not bannable. Period.
You having a potato rig isn’t other player’s or Blizzard’s fault.

Thirdparty software however is an extension to the game itself.

Again: It’s a dumb argument and it’s also very clear that noone serious will fall for it.

Free or not, cheating or not, bannable or not - it’s an advantage potentially much greater than the software they chose to ban. Since Blizzard claims they want “every player equally equipped” and even call it the “foundation of good competition”, you’d expect them to be opposed to this advantage.

Not necessarily. You could in theory save a VOD and put it through Pursuit after the fact. It’d just analyse your recorded video the same way a human coach could do without hooking into any internal game process.

You have a special kind of resistance. Look: Your rig is bad? Buy a better one. Problem solved. They will not police something that you yourself can control. Again: Imagine the damage caused to the industry if suddenly every better PC is useless because game companies would lock FPS and so on. Go buy a better PC.

And yes, Thirdparty software is an extension in EVERY case, because an extension does not require to be interfering with gameplay; but drawing data (even pictures) from a live game because it’s somehow linked to the game is a violation of TOS.

Just deal with it my friend. It’s bannable now and you cannot use it anymore. Blizzard’s not going to police hardware, because it’s up to you how much money you want to spend on it.

And now I’m done with this ridiculous discussion. It’s already pathetic enough that I’m taking part in it. Get real dude. Bye

Your game analysis skills are lacking? Pursuit. Problem solved.

A person can also control the software on their computer such as the third party applications.

Of course it would damage the industry - but Blizzard has to accept that consequence, level playing field and all. If they don’t lock FPS and so on, then they’re not following up on their statement.

Reread: I said “after the fact”, ie. not a live game.

Blizzard’s not going to police third party software because it’s up to you if you decide to install it - oh wait, they do. See how the “up to you” argument doesn’t really work here?

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I guess smoother since the 144hz and 60hz aren’t exactly the same, but at the same time you can have 60hz and still be the same skill level as 144hz

Guy it’s right there, use of 3rd party applications that access software violate the TOS.

Also (because this irks me):

(In the video) The 60hz and 120hz were slowed down to 1/4 of the speed.

You’re literally watching the difference between 15fps and 30fps. Also worth noting he mentioned that he synced his high-speed camera to his 120hz monitor, don’t you think it might make a difference in screen tearing? It’s basically what v-sync does to remove tearing when you’re playing a game.

Just look it up.

The problem is you compare two things that aren’t the same at all. You might think so, because you shove them both into the “category” you want them to be seen in, just so you can raise an argument of inconsistency on behalf of Blizzard’s decision. So you come up with this idea, that one also has to say B when saying A - which is always the dull wisdom of people in denial - and then act like you got some real philosophical or morale insight when in reality it’s just a childish grudge you cannot get over with. Thirdparty software has almost always been a violation of TOS in any game while hardware advantages are just well known natural occurrences in this vicinity which had been tolerated since always, but you act like it’s something totally new and evil. Make no mistake, seeing through this doesn’t require any elaborate thinking process, it’s just common sense.