My PC i built in 2012.I bought the top stuff of the time and thats when most ssd hard drives were topped out at 120gigs.I have a CPU Type
AMD FX™-8120 Eight-Core Processor,My ram is the corsair vengeance(16gigs),motherboard im currently using since i thought i fried mine is a M5A78L-m by asus(i wouldnt recommend this board due to its small size and lack of fan connections),i run 64bit windows 10 from windows 7 home premium,my video card is the ASUS HD 7950 DirectCU II 3gig video
HUGE CARD HUGE takes up the bays in the back but if you water cool then prob whatever.Its been a great card and still ticking after all these years,and it was my first radeon ever at 499$ at the time.My case is the HAF 922 by cooler master with the x2 200mm fans in it…front one is dead now lol,cant plug up top one due to no fan connections on mobo nor power cable adapters(yet).Hard drives i have a 256gig ssd now and some other random ones.I run the game at ultra and epic and i can bump up all the AA and AF and other jive in this game to have agreat gaming experience.The price for all of that then was 1500$(just whatever was in the case,no dvd/cd drive,no mouse,keyboard,monitors(already had all that).I played BF3/4 on max settings with it,played doom on max settings with it,many games and this machine has continued to be a beast.Once i do get anotehr build ill make this one a streaming PC.
Which is illegal at least where I live. You can not sell something and force the buyer to agree to a different contract to use the product you just sold.
Saying everything on your screen is Blizzards IP is like saying everything you printed using Microsoft Word is Microsoft´s IP
Meanwhile I sit on the floor in the middle of my room leaning back on an old couch arm rest
My mouse put at a perfect height via the case my PC came in
Staring at a TV
Please tell me Op is trolling… I don’t want to even consider that they are serious.
If I took out my phone and took a video of my room including my monitor while playing Overwatch would you classify that as interaction with their IP?
My man what i was saying was this
There is barely any millisecond difference between 60 hz and 120 hz other than theres more frames and it’s more smoother, I was saying to OP that there was not really any difference about 144 hz monitors other than it’s smoother.
Software not the same as hardware.
Blizzard can’t dictate what hardware you can and can’t buy. They can’t tell you that you’re not allowed to have a fiber connection and play OW.
Stop nitpicking already.
so overwatch is 3rd wave pay 2 win
Actually for all intents and purposes yes software is the same as hardware. They can’t dictate the hardware you buy. They can however reduce many benefits of better hardware within software by:
i) framerate limit
Ii) res limit
iii) remove Dolby Atmos(?) support
iv) bandwidth/tick rate limit
v) need I go on?
no difference
Pick one?
30 fps
mute since deaf people exist
no color for the color blind equality
low tick rates and 300 ping for everyone.
Yup - giving Blizzard more of that “level playing field” they supposedly strive for.
well this is the only way to really do it on a software level
Indeed. Or balance for the majority. Gather stats about what hardware the majority of the Overwatch playerbase uses and go from there.
majority isnt everyone. “Every player” means every player, not the majority

majority isnt everyone. “Every player” means every player, not the majority
“Every player” is the impossible ideal. It’s understandable that Blizzard can’t truly have everyone equally equipped - but they can try or in their words “strive for” a level playing field. They simply don’t. Make sense?
its not impossible. just make the changes i suggested.

it’s not an application
My mouse driver is software and it lets me change my DPI at any time because it’s a gaming mouse and gaming mouse driver (Logitech.)

its not impossible. just make the changes i suggested.
There would still be things outside of their control like the mouse you use.
I wasn’t aware that the community manager is missinformed about these kind of things:
Correct, both of those applications are NOT permitted. Thank you.