"Every player equally equipped"

This is just such a pointless topic

Why is this important

  1. Your argument is fallacious. Just because something is or has been commonly accepted as being normal doesn’t mean it’s correct. For example, burning witches at the stake would once have been considered the norm. See: Appeal to tradition - Wikipedia
  2. Same goes for the common sense argument: Common sense - RationalWiki
  3. I don’t believe hardware advantages are evil. I believe people should be allowed to have hardware advantages. It’s their hard earned money after all - but let’s not be under any illusion as to every player being on a level playing field.
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Really? You want to argue that cheating in a game like Overwatch is ok and bring in an esoteric argument that detracts from the point you’re trying to make?

Bliz says “Don’t use 3rd party programs that access data from software. We want players to be equally equipped” and what you take away from that is:

Is any hardware a “3rd party application capable of accessing software data”? No? Then don’t worry about it.

What about mouse and keyboard on consoles?
OH. Right, thats actually reportable. Thanks Blizzard!

There are 60Hz monitors with zero tearing. Those two things are separate.

144Hz does give you an advantage over 60Hz but it’s related to input lag not tearing. If you enable vSync then tearing should go away. More than likely your GPU just can’t keep up and you need to lower the quality settings.

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Also check if people aren’t colorblind and force color scheme change on these accs. Also we all gotta cut off our fingers, because some Yakuza-wannbe is performing worse.

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Also worth noting that even same model console run at different speeds. Let’s go ahead and have the game throttle the resources down and run at lowest settings
 After of course after removing the option of choosing anything other than 800x600 at low/no detail.

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Also find all the people with above average reaction time and hit them with a shovel untill they reach average reactiontime since it’s unfair too : D

Requiring a computer is very unfair. Players should write down all the things they want to do on paper and mail them to Blizzard. They can then have humans interpret this data instead of silly servers and make sure everything is as fair as possible.

At some point you’ve got to view it as personal talent over being better equipped. Usain Bolt has long legs that help him run faster than most people - but we accept that in a competitive environment some people are simply more talented and better than others at the sport. That’s what we want to test. Having functioning colour perception and fingers intact arguably come under that personal talent umbrella. You were born with those things - they’re an inseparable part of you.

Contrast that to Formula 1 racing. The car drivers aren’t equally equipped because they all race with different cars. If we wished to test purely their driving talent, they’d all be given the same make and model car to drive. But Formula 1 isn’t just about the driver’s talent - it’s the team’s effort of engineering their car to go as fast as possible, because the entire sport as I understand revolves around manufacturers also proving their own talent in designing the best vehicle. In this case the inequality between equipment has a point to it: We want to know whether Ferrari is better, faster etc. than Porsche. I’m not the biggest fan of F1 but that’s my understanding. Or do any F1 fans wanna enlighten me here?

Framerate-wise Overwatch on console is already “over optimised” so even with variations within the console speed they’ll generally always reach the 60 FPS mark. The resolution differences do exist though. Xbox One X runs at up to 4K but PS4 Pro keeps the same 1080p as Slim. However yes, if we truly strived for equality Blizzard should limit res to be equal. I actually recall there being a bit of controversy around allowing PS4 Pro users to run Battlefield 1 closer to its 60FPS target due to the obvious advantage in a competitive shooter like that. There was an article about it on Eurogamer.

You say that humorously, but at school when I did the Maths GCSE here in the UK there was what you called a Calculator and Non-Calculator exam. If you were caught using a calculator in the Non-Calculator it was cause for immediate disqualification. That’s because the exam board specifically wanted to test mental mathematics skills for that paper. What would be the goal of forcing people to use snail mail? Equality to the previous generations?

You do realize we were being sarcastic, right? I actually logged on to add in another ‘we should make Overwatch a 2d shooter because some people still only have an onboard-VGA hookup and are too slow for OpenGl’.

Really guy
 There’s not only a difference between cheating and playing the game but you’re taking this whole “If We WaNt An EqUaL pLaYiNg FeIlD
” rant too far.

They specified 3rd party applications that access or modify game data. Why are you having such a hard time understanding this concept?

No, it doesn’t mean putting your computer on a “ply” wood table makes your computer an ap-ply-cation. No, it doesn’t mean that because you have logitech driver that it turns your mouse into an application. No, it doesn’t mean that “applying” your skills and building a computer makes your computer a “3rd party application” because it’s not a Blizzard brand computer. No, Just because you filled out an online application at some point does it ban you from playing Overwatch. No, Just because you’re a patron of an internet service that you use for online play does it mean that you’re prohibited from Playing the game.

^ Those are the types of things that you’re arguing about. At this point you’re just trolling, I’m surprised you’re not flagged yet.

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I do realise that yes. But by taking the extreme of the argument (800x400 res so all consoles can run it the same) you actually helped to illustrate my point as to why a level field is absurd to claim to strive for to start with.

Why? Because it could give you an advantage? Why have a double standard for software versus hardware?

That’s exactly what a cheat engine does. Going into a process and grabbing data and/or changing it is exactly what they don’t want. Difference between playing a game and cheating a game; are you really trying to form the basis that Overwatch should allow people to cheat?

If I used a mouse and keyboard in a tournament for controllers, it would be perfectly fair and I’d be at no advantage because my mouse and keyboard don’t modify the Overwatch.exe process? Wouldn’t you agree that both hardware and software can give you advantages regardless of whether they do or do not access the process?

LOL is OP actually crying because he isn’t allowed to cheat?

They have no control over someone having better physical equipment. Also having a better monitor, internet, and headphones isn’t software. It sucks if you lack the equipment, but that’s completely unrelated to Blizzard.

my GPU is fine. I have a GTX 970 and all my settings are on low. CPU is 4770k i7. I get tearing because im running on 240fps, I can’t start vsync cause input lag

Yes they do. Frame lock, res lock, netlock, 7.1 lock.