Every balance change by hero logged

That was most likely in the PTR build or dev build

I wonder if the Mods could pin this in the front page so everyone can see it

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Pin please, would be the first useful pinned topic.

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Fyi, this post is included in the WyomingMyst’s pinned thread, so is sort of pinned in a way.

Chimed in to give my respect too. One of the best posts of these forums so far, you did a great work Kristal!

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Thank you so much Tonusu

Keep this post ALIVE

Next patch is very juicy with balance changes. I’m excited

This is great, and I appreciate the time you took to post this.
But if I may suggest that you put the dates on each of the patches, that would be even better for seeing the time between updates per character.

This should be pinned.

This should absolutely be pinned.

It has long been a gaping lack in Overwatch that actual hero skills/abilities and the hard numbers that govern them aren’t officially documented by Blizzard anywhere. Like if a new player comes into the game and wants to know how much damage Rein’s firestrike does, Blizzard expects them to Google it.

C’mon, Blizz.

If that ^ doesn’t say rework, then I don’t know what does. Blizzard clearly doesn’t know what to do with her. :joy:

How long its it gonna take to Pin this Mods?

This is the kind of thread that deserves to stay on front page


Patch 1.34 needs to be added I think (though that was a heavy patch)


This should be 65/130/195. It was a mistake in the patch notes.

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Man the sym one is a little sad she was just deleted

Oh crap i necrod

Is this not going to be updated anymore? I used to send this to returning players everytime they show up asking what changes, it’s pretty useful. Can something like this be found anywhere else?

I can continue it later if you’d like me to

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I might bring it back eventually dunno ;-; it’s a lot of work and my enjoyment of the game fluctuates

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Yeah I’m sure this is a lot of work. I’m not demanding you to continue or antyhing, I was just pointing this is all very useful information and have sure helped a lot of returning players, so thanks a lot for all you did so far. :smiley: