How to fix pharah

This is the biggest unfair thing about this situation. Pharah is held back unfairly since launch because Mercy exists. But pharmercy is prevalent because 75% of healing doesnt REACH pharah in the air so it’s necessary to play her normal


Let me fix the title. DELETE PHARAH TO FIX HER!

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Your looking at it from the wrong angle. It’s not due to mercy, you know her one (maybe two if you count ana) healers.

It’s because pharah is the ONLY one can fly in the first place, which is the issue.

Anyone can be pocketed by mercy and be a problem. It’s only because Pharah can fly that it’s even a bigger problem.

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That’s out of the question.

I don’t necessarily agree. I often have no difficulty at all killing a DPS that’s being pocketed by a Mercy. They’re easy to get to because they’re on the ground.

I agree that the aerial aspect opens up the problems. It’s already hard having to aim in the air while being shot at on the ground - add in a pocket to Pharah and it becomes even more challenging. Typically having to take out the healer first, then Pharah, all the while Pharah and her teammates shoot at you.

This is why I want her to have her own individual sustain but have it so Mercy can’t fly to the same target over and over again so that Pharah can be buffed.

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Then she’ll never be in a good spot. :joy:

I feel like this ^ is evident. Those, according to that post anyways are all the changes made to Pharah since launch. Blizzard clearly doesn’t know what to do with her because if they buff her wrong, she could easily become OP.

Which says to me, rework.

Don’t forget the recent big buff for her…literally 3.7 more damage on edge of splash ring. And it’s not even a buff, it’s a revert.

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I didn’t make the post, so it wouldn’t surprise me if they missed a few things.

They probably didn’t add those since the changes haven’t gone live yet and may still be changed.

A rework is not needed. The changes you pointed out really don’t constitute a rework either, they simply rebalanced the way she was played because at the time she was hot trash. A rework would mean changing out or deleting parts of her kit, not simply reassigning values and numbers. The most recent change was another rebalance, and one that made her even more of a target for her counters.

She can be when you realize that every buff made to hitscan has dramatically shifted the advantage against Pharah. With the inclusion of yet again another hitscan it brings her hard counter count to 9 it drags her chances of survival down. No other hero on the roster has as many hard counters as Pharah, nor countered to the advantageous extent that hitscan can.

She’s no longer a problem even with Mercy. With Ana being a must pick, and soon GOATS going away, hitscan is going to be even more relevant and useful than ever which means you will absolutely see a decrease in Pharah use, as burst fire hitscan already does her job for her.

She’s a risk/reward hero with overwhelmingly more risk than she’ll ever see reward.

Considering all this, a rework in your words would essentially pull a Sym on a worse extent completely scrapping her character design. At best she’d mimic junkrat if you simply reduced her air time and made her simply jump really high, so the rework on your guidelines would be pretty irrelevant

Without scrapping, editing and deleting most of what makes Pharah “Pharah”, a rework to ground her wouldn’t work. Her visual design would have to be altered beyond recognition, her primary attack and secondary ability would be useless and would have to be swapped to something new entirely. At this point I think you’re just arguing for her removal entirely, because a “rework” wouldn’t work.

She needs balance, not a rework.

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Can she just get the changes reverted ? It made her better in low rank and worse in high rank. Pharah used to be able to juggle people around to throw off hitscan’s aim, now all she can do is being a spam machine. Blizzard removed her best defensive tool and gave her more damage, which wasn’t needed.

Yes that’s what a rework means. Reworking the character entirely as she seems to need it. All the supposed reworks we’ve had in the past are just kit reworks, what I’m suggesting is a full retcon character rework.

I won’t lie, I don’t like Pharah. She can be really annoying, but I realize there are a lot of people that enjoy her as a character and I’m not a toxic person. You can believe whatever you want, but I’m not. :smile:

I’m not trying to get rid of, or downplay or even s***t on peoples favorite character or main. I’m just seeing it from my point of view. In my point of view and the main complaint of this forum post in the first place is lack of survive-ability, why is that because she can only be healed for the most part by ONE healer, maybe two if you have a decent ana.

Why is that? Because pharah can and is the only one who can fly.

A rework to ground her, just seems the logical correct step to help balance the character. I see people suggest all the time giving her some shield or armor, thats all find and dandy and would probably work for most of PC.

But what about for console?

She’s been nerfed to ground over there apparently and people still want her to be nerfed.

In my opinion a flight character like Pharah doesn’t really fit in this game anymore and we just keep getting more hitscans. Grounding her would fix both those problems, with testing of course.

(Yes I realize they’re balanced separately just using it as a point / example.)

Pharah just needs a little more in air mobility built into her Kit. She has no real way to out play her counters. I think removing the concussive for a move that gives her horizontal mobility would be a good step to make her more playable. I feel like the extra mobility would push her to be more of an air based flanker instead of a floating turret.

Give her quicker lateral mobility.

Again you’re missing the point.

It would be way less throublesome to remove her and replace her than it would be to simply rework her to a ground based hero.

Visual design, weapon design and everything that comes with it: skins, voicelines, highlight intros, emotes, sprays would be rendered null and void and completely irrelevant.

I know it’s your stance that it be ideal to simple rework or redesign her, but it would not work from a practicality standpoint. Again, it would be easier to just remove her than it would be to pull a Sym and redesign her.

Or, just hear me out, a little bit of armor. Because she’s wearing armor.


she can be seen as an issue on ps4 … not on xbox tho.

i dont know why, but it seems ps4 people are the worst with aiming.

Maybe, but a hero shouldn’t be unconsidered for buffs because of a lack of player skill.

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A hero also shouldn’t be held back from getting much needed buffs/reworks just because they synergize with a certain healer

She needs more mobility options in the air, if you ask me. Give her more tools in general. Give her an alt fire (this goes for every hero who doesn’t have an alt fire, I think alt fires should be a BARE minimum for heroes at this point).

Maybe give her a touch-down ability on crouch, where she quickly dives down to the ground, like a Dawnblade’s Phoenix dive from Destiny 2.

I don’t think straight up buffing her survivability is the answer, because it’ll just make her super oppressive in lower ranks / console, ESPECIALLY with a Mercy pocket. She really just needs more tools to maneuver in the air with, and an increase to her skill floor.

If anything, buffing Pharah would help bring DPS back into the picture.