Ever since the symmetra rework nothings been the same

Seriously why do we only have 3 turrets? and if you want to give us only 3 turrets why not make them a bit durable then? Also why remove our shield? I cant tell you how many times I popped E and saved me and my friends from a dva ult or a widow maker sniping. Why did you remove the lock-on on symm? why not remove Moira/Winston lock-on and also make her left click a zarya laser beam too?


Personally I miss old sym and hate new sym. I loved her defensive playstyle and did really well. Playing against her is super annoying now also because you just get spammed with waves of turrets that never end. I liked she was a character that you set up your territory and dominate it. Almost bought her gold gun too but I’m glad I didn’t now


We have three because they can be deployed from afar and do more damage and slow more. Also, they have been made slightly more durable; they can’t be destroyed by trash damage anymore.

To make room for the teleporter?

They wanted to up her damage potential, and so removing the lock-on was necessary for obvious reasons.

Neither Moira or Winston have lock-on.


They can have it back

Unless I surpass my mortal coil and the accuracy of people in the OWL , I’m never going to get up to this new “Damage potential”

So yeah, I’d rather dump the Zarya beam and have my more reliable Symmetra beam


No, thanks. I prefer the teleporter far more. :slight_smile:

Use it against a shield or tank, then.
Besides, they can easily buff it to make the damage potential more accessible.


I would have never guessed that from your post

If I wanted to listen to fairy tales, I’d read some Rapunzel


Really? I thought I made it pretty obvious.

Nice counter-argument, there.


Hey, if I’m going to listen to things that are’t true, it might as well be a nice story


True. i miss symmetra 2.0 so much. She was amazing, Photon Barrier on E was amazing!

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The new teleporter is so shortlived, I’ve only had people use it a few times. So it is meant for personal use, I assume. But unlike the shield which could be used for others or for yourself, it can’t be used reactively because it is laggy and clunky.

The current iteration of teleporter could disappear forever from the game and I wouldn’t care. It’s only useful for flanking to get oddly placed turrets and almost all those positions are easily accessible via the new method of placing turrets.

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I didn’t even make a statement that could be considered true or false, though?
It was a suggestion, a tip if you will.

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You know good and well that wasn’t the real reason.

They’re still destroyed by trash damage considering what type of trash damage you’re referring too.

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They are more durable. Gives heroes with low damage per bullet a hard time killing them, not to mention they deal about 65% more damage than the old ones.

It’s still there technically but her on her ult. Does a better job at zoning out snipers and even better job and providing a shield for D.Va ult.

Technically neither of them are lock on, Moira’s beam is just a large cylinder with no visuals when not dealing damage and Winston’s gun is an AoE cone beam. Removing the lock on gave her more damage potential however she still needs buffs to her m1, and it’s taking Blizzard forever to give her a decent one.


Again not really the real reason.

Well, I personally have had teammates use my teleport all the time. Plus, teleporting turrets etc. and I’ve witnessed people teleporting D.va bombs and Bastions teleporting while in sentry mode etc. etc. etc.
Here’s a tip: Communicate with your team. It helps a lot, especially with flanking.

Aren’t you the guy that based your argument against this on Blizzard lying? If so, I don’t wish to argue this with you any further because there’s no point.

No, they can’t be destroyed by a single D.va bullet from across the map. :slight_smile:


That’s because you don’t want the real truth. This game is pvp right and if players don’t like a certain ability. It changes for the better or worst and Symmetra got the worst while Hanzo got the better.

So pretty much D.va is your prime target. Then I will agree on that.

Oh of course I’m just delusional. Yeah, as I said there’s no point trying to argue with you.


This was the stated reason. If you’ve any evidence to the contrary you might want to actually present it.


I wouldn’t say that because you have your own belief. I don’t stoop down to such juvenile insults just because we share different opinions. You just happen to take Blizzard side more on whatever they want to throw at you meanwhile it can be from the far truth. It’s a simple tactic to divert the crowd.

Think about it Prett and I am not sure if you was around 2015 beta - 2017 seeing your status and all. I think you probably missed all the complaints when players died to Symmetra auto lock beam during her good days. You forget the reason they gave her that was to technically protect herself. However hindsight side of Overwatch is gone which is why 3.0 went a different route.

What they don’t realize how much it hampered her strength at close range when she used to defend herself.

Yeah it’s called breadcrumbs. It’s there so you can read it to believe it. I know the post pretty well and have not forgotten it. That doesn’t mean I believe every word they say coming out of their mouth. It’s been awhile since we’ve gotten this rework and unfortunately…primary fire is still not making the cut. One revert does it all or they can try experimenting giving it the Mercy treatment.

But her orbs do the same DPS as the old beam from distances where you don’t die instantly. She’s better at dealing damage than she ever was even with her worthless primary.