The last people I expected to bring it up…but the OWL announcers were just talking about how broken the hero stacking is in mystery heroes…talking about how double brig or 2x bastion orisa is usually just game over (because usually IT IS)
It’s time…please fix (or at the very least put up an alternate version without the hero stacking)
I’d make a long drawn out argument…but I already have before:
Don’t want to take my word for it…fine
It’s not about fun…it’s about what works…the stacking does NOT work
So why make it worse by adding in a mechanic that doesn’t even work in a game mode where you can counter it (removed from qp and Jeff himself has said he hates it)
RNG exists with or without the stacking
How is a mechanic that flatly decides objectives and matches (even worse) still in this game mode? That’s kinda the players job…
I think you’re missing my point. Certain heroes can absolutely run amuck in any mode if they aren’t countered.
The problem isn’t that there is 2 Bastions or 2 Pharahs, it’s that you can’t select a counter to check them. You’d still likely lose if it’s just 1 Bastion, but the problem is exacerbated so multiples is scapegoated.
Honestly, the worst issue with mystery heroes is more how ults are reset after death. Many teams can overcome a situation when they get ults, but reseting ults while the other team starts to regroup after deaths can snowball and just alternate ultimates uncontested to keep your team dead. Depends upon the team, but that is what frequently happens.
That’s almost necessary…imagine losing ult as widow and coming back as a genji with dragon blade…plus it makes staying alive that much more important because of how impactful it is to get your ult
But to tie what you’re saying into what I’m saying…guess what a nigh unkillable hero stack does for a teams ult charge? You guessed it…one team getting ult charge while the other struggles to find something to deal with said issue…
It’s actually a contributing factor to that as well
This game shouldn’t be “what Jeff likes” otherwise no one would play it.
Blizzard has been making this mistake for years with SC2, HotS and now OW. The developers get their ego so large and make the game “for them” while actively ignoring the community. SC2 - past its prime after a period of steep decline. HotS - dead. OW - on a path of unsustainability.
At some point, development has to be a collaborative process where community concerns are addressed in an active conversation between developers and the community to find a solution that works and makes the game enjoyable for as many players as possible. As it stands, the minorities: pros, whiners (sometimes both) are dictating balance and design decisions and the overall state of the game should be one of great concern to all.
Stacking was already removed from “serious” modes because it was deemed to be impossible to balance and went against the spirit of the game. Arcade modes are meant to be mess around, “whatever” modes where the rules don’t apply or you can get a different experience from normal gameplay. Taking stacking away from MH may as well make it randomized QP, which is the opposite of what we should be trying to achieve.
I would rather “give me a random character except one of these 5” (what you’re suggesting) over “you no longer have a say in who’s going to win” any day of the week
Random hero is one thing…random game over is a different thing…